They have no idea that their rebellion and abominations have consequences and they can be eternal unrepentant nor saved properly.
They have no idea that their rebellion and abominations have consequences and they can be eternal unrepentant nor saved properly.
The devil is in the details
There's so many things that have to be taken care of for any human being and sometimes we don't even have the time anymore to look at the things for example in the video podcast being talked about but nonetheless they are important. This Christian man takes a look at the Olympics and the demonic implications concerning the ending ceremony. To a counterfeit believer they may just not understand but to a true believer they understand or they should under stand. For example the opening ceremony the last supper you know Jesus reached out to the prostitute so in essence it's like Jesus loves us just the way we are. I see different types of Christians preach to such people some with the message of Hell compounded by urgency to repent and others the love of Christ. I heard one Christian preacher recently preached Christ loves the person "I love the person too" is what he said but God doesn't like what they're doing but you see God sends the person to hell not what they're doing. You know there are consequences just like the people that opposed Moses God gave some wipe out consequences. If you don't think God cares about sin read this in the book of numbers . Time to repent and know the true God of the Bible.
In my afterthoughts and after notes it's one thing that the world is deceived and people are destroyed for lack of understanding. It's another thing John 3:16 and Christ did die for the sins of Christians but he also died for the sins of the entire world. Just because we're under grace and we're not saved by our own works does not mean that we can unhinge from the Vine and do whatever we like it just not appropriate. One of the greatest sins that people misconstrue is swearing and using a foul mouth such as taking God's name in vain I hear it almost every day everywhere people don't fear for their soul but when they breathe their last breath that's when their problems truly begin.