Many will say to me........ I just never knew you worker of iniquities. You Lawless Unholy Wicked animal who is easily deceived. In other words in vain did you worship me. I don't recognize you you don't seem to be one of my sheep.
Many will say to me........ I just never knew you worker of iniquities. You Lawless Unholy Wicked animal who is easily deceived. In other words in vain did you worship me. I don't recognize you you don't seem to be one of my sheep.
I found this interesting (link below page).
I know somebody on oxygen reached over 90s and be on oxygen while this person has a friend that's 99 years old. They're not on oxygen and they're nearing a hundred and it's not a man. Meanwhile some people die and in their 60, 70, 80s. Oxygen in the blood your body has oxygen in the blood and if you'reĀ blood can't get oxygen that's serious and yes so many problems a human can have vitamin deficiency, breathing problems meanwhile humans do not obey the Bible but claim to be Christians. A lot of counterfeit Christians they don't obey what scripture tells us to. They'll put high levels of toxin in their body like cigarettes or even toxin oils in their food. Other people are doing drugs all the time and now they have these people on the streets. People shooting up. What they're doing is playing russian roulette with their body/health. Imagine going to get an oil change in your car and you put the dirtiest oil in there that has no clean rich compounds that is going to protect the pistons and cool the engine it doesn't work it just destroys maybe the cylinders you know, etc. People that smoke secondhand smoke fill the air with toxins and older people and children beath these in. Now of course they've made laws where people can't smoke in malls in certain places and that's good the people have a tendency to gather outside the entrance to malls and smoke. So called birds of a feather and I sometimes approached them with the gospel and try to reason with them. Even in my job sometimes doing temp work going way back we'd stop by the mall and on break I'd see a bunch of people by the door smoking and I would go up to them and try to tell them about Jesus and the Bible and I'm talking about the real Christ. People that were deceived I remember a woman smoking and just getting offended over what scripture says. Some people get prideful and puff more to be rebellious. That is the stubborn human mule. Christ said these people honor me with their lips but their hearts are far from me. I never knew your worker of iniquity. What is love? Is love putting toxins in the air and destroying your lungs and other people's while you're at it? Then we can get into alcohol now you can get it in corner stores in Canada. Fantastic they have drunk drivers causing accidents sometimes wiping out whole families is what a tow truck driver once told me I used to work along with them. The accidents they see. One guy used to be a tow truck driver I worked with once an older fella but he was religious and he told me how they didn't wear the seatbelt whole family get into an accident and they would be thrust forward like a rock out the window even children. The stubborn human mule I never knew you. What does it mean to you to abide in Christ? When was the last time you read the Bible and learned something from it? I remember outside a mallĀ a woman maybe a year or two ago smoking and she made a derogatory comment and that's why I approached her about her smoking. I asked her why she's killing herself with her smoking and I asked her if she ever walked through the cancer ward of a hospital and never thought of how these people got that disease? I said what's a woman with beauty like yourself doing killing yourself and she said she worked in the hospital but she just couldn't bring herself to quit. The Bible says the wages of sin is death. Christ is not just the truth he's the way and the only way available to mankind right now. It's one thing to read the Bible and it shows God you care. But it's another thing to disobey and live a sinful life. Anyways in any event I came across this podcast and they would like it to be spreading people can benefit from it. There are people allergic to peanuts or certain foods. Too much sugar is no good or too much salt. Some cookies that are filled with chocolate destroy the enamel on the teeth is what I was reading yet who listens? So I will conclude like this it's one thing to destroy your health but it's another thing to lose your soul. Trying to go to heaven with the wrong vehicle is fool's play. The God of the Bible today not tomorrow.