The conditions on the earth prior to Christ return the world would be engulfed in violence, evil not to mention religious deception just like the days of Noah.
The conditions on the earth prior to Christ return the world would be engulfed in violence, evil not to mention religious deception just like the days of Noah.
"Discussing the time near His return to earth, Jesus declared, “As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man: They ate, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all” (Luke 17:26-27).
It appears people thought they were living normal lives during the time Noah lived, just before the Flood. They were oblivious to the impending disaster. So what was Jesus talking about?
Jesus referred to the days of Noah when He was describing what conditions would be like just prior to His return. His point was that people would be unaware of His return to judge mankind. Sadly, the vast majority of the earth’s inhabitants will be living ungodly lives in a world filled with violence when this monumental event occurs."
My afterthoughts and after notes to you: We might not love the truth especially lost people or deceived people but the truth remains the truth for eternity because God is real and man is without excuse. What are the conditions out there today? At some point the beast is going to rise because that scriptural is that happening? The beast is not going to cease to exist until God takes care of that so you have two choices heaven or hell biblical Christianity unless you want to lose your soul! God is not a religion