The conditions on the earth prior to Christ return the world would be engulfed in violence, evil not to mention religious deception just like the days of Noah.
The conditions on the earth prior to Christ return the world would be engulfed in violence, evil not to mention religious deception just like the days of Noah.
The scriptures tell us that Abraham believed God and it was counted unto him as righteousness. Did you know/note the word "counted" do you get that what will it profit you to gain the world and lose your soul? As they say the word blessing does that mean it came from God the one and only true God of Israel the true Christ not pagan deity. You know I was looking at the beard issue with Christ is it in the Bible and it does talk about beards in the Bible. But they say it's not in the Bible when they plucked out the beard of Christ but it's tradition.
See above KJV scriptures
Watch out that it should be in the Bible if God meant it to be known. But the issue here is gambling is sin and you can gamble your soul away and think it's a blessing from God. Have you ever done research on people that won the lottery and some become the wreck from the pit of Hell. You know you can say it's luck but is there really such a thing called luck or is there such a thing called demonics. Be careful who you worship. In my house we serve the Lord what about yours. I serve the God of the Bible not religion relationship. Then they'll say good fortune and the Bible does talk about good fortune pressed down you know shaken and all that. The more you have the less you will have for sure if you're not truly born again and on the way to heaven instead of hell. Now you see these things and people buying lottery tickets going to a racetrack which is sin to God because the things that men highly esteem are nothing but abomination to the true God. People do everything but serve the real God. The man that is very wealthy he's/she's going to have more challenges. Like Mr. Former President Donald Trump who thinks you go to heaven by your own righteousness by being good there's not even one you have to seek the righteousness of Christ. He has to be your Messiah. He has to be your teacher. You must be born again and this is what he was explaining to Nicodemus the Pharisee and he was astonished that this Pharisee did not understand these things and he was a leader in all of Israel in those days. Remember also about the money the blood money that Judas threw back at the Sanhedrin Pharisees religious elites that hated Christ without a cause with an unjust cause and blindness not only deafness. That's right blood money Judith an apostle went and hung himself. He knew he had done wrong but he could have went to Christ and beg for mercy why didn't he do that? What about you what would you do if you won as they say won big you could win and lose your soul such money. Would you waste your life away like Michael Jackson who lived in sin, went and bought all this material junk but he loved milk but it was toxic milk and the doctors might have been scrutinized by the law just like Elvis Presley full of drugs. You know sin flesh and the devil drugs rock and roll. A life of sin. The wages of sin is death but John 3:16 is wonderful because God offers eternal life but some say it doesn't end there. You see the true Messiah told us that the way is extremely straight and narrow but most people are so full of themselves they're on the massive huge road to destruction despising the truth and living a sinful wasted Unholy deceived lifestyle.
No mention of any true God from this advertisement. Would he Mr. Win big give money to a charity maybe a corrupt charity? Would he worship God or is he an atheist? Is his life a waste with that money or would he help some of those children in the Ukraine or in Israel that are suffering? Would he live a righteous life or a deceived Unholy life becoming a hoarder of everything that is evil instead of righteous and just?