Take Up Your Cross and Follow Jesus 24 Then Jesus told his disciples, “ If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me .

Take Up Your Cross and Follow Jesus 24 Then Jesus told his disciples, “ If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me .
So I saw the updates and originally he Derek was according to them too close and in violation of his bail conditions. Now he's been convicted found guilty and fined. They manhandled him and he's a preacher and he has a duty in Christ the real Christ to stand up for the things that be of the real God all true Christians do and to call out evil/preach. When they persecute a true preacher unfortunately it shows the evil rebellious abominable sinners that there's no consequences meanwhile children are being sexually assaulted and murdered in some cases. You know they have child P... too now. The Bible tells us nations that forget God eventually are turned into hell. You know if Derek was like everybody else before he became a true believer he would be siding with all the sinners but if you do that and you end up breathing your last breath then step into eternity and get thrown into hell God says you're not his he doesn't recognize you. You didn't stand up for anything no righteousness, you know forgiveness is one thing but the world hates the light is what we're told and that's what's written and that's the exact truth. What could Derek have did gone to close got a measuring stick and measured 100 or so many yards/feet that he had to be away or could he maybe have looked on the internet and calculated the distance. As a true believer in Christ the fool has said in their heart there's no God. There is a God and he's the God of Israel and to know him you must read the Bible call out to save a wretch like yourselves, cry out actually and read the scriptures King James Bible recommend and pray. Ask a lot of questions seek knock and you will find. Ask for forgiveness. Once you become a true believer and you realize the sacrifice of Jesus Christ of Nazareth that he died for you and he bled for you to love him you will obey him not the flesh. Any woman that takes their children to such a thing is no woman for a true born again believer this is a woman you run for your life from. True Christian women are Bible believing Christian women and they preach against all the same things in conjunction with the men of the assembly the brethren. Some of them will stand up against everything you could imagine. God says they're like a jewel and their to be praised. But counterfeit believer women run for your life don't touch them men you have kids with them and they'll take those kids and turn them into devils. Pray and don't touch any woman that God does not give you. Pray about everything. What you can do Derek besides appeal that is talk to the street preachers in Canada and America find out even what is a good way to preach and reach people before they lose their soul. We can't save everyone. We can do a darn good job though. The Bible tells us God's holy word greater is he that is in you than in the world. Knowing that you have the capabilities to do your duty in Christ in faith. Be encouraged and discuss it among the brethren. In the meanwhile brothers and sisters in Christ please pray for Derek and all new coming Christians to the faith of biblical Christianity.
You see people are under the impression as counterfeit Christianity is going to save their soul. Many of these people are religious probably at these events I've known them growing up and they do everything abominable but consider themselves Christians they're not Christians they're deceived devils. I know there would be an increase in knowledge in the end times but a lot of people are being seduced into counterfeit Christianity bowing before relics and Idols but considering themselves Christians. All true Christians know God is merciful but God is also angry at the wicked every single day. I'm willing to bet there are new arrivals every single day in hell. That doesn't scare people but when they step into eternity and breathe their last breath it will most likely if at all possible they will be pleading for their soul. The wages of sin is death the gift of God is eternal life. What's better to be a child of the devil sinning every day and night building a rap sheet for when you die that's going to be used against you or to be a follower of Jesus Christ of Nazareth and be saved instead of going to hell to be going to heaven. You see you have a choice. The devil had a choice but he deceived Eve and Adam followed. You have a choice too you have free will. You could choose Heaven or Hell. You could know you're on the way to hell just by your verbal language swearing taking God's name in vain like I hear religious people doing every single day but they consider themselves Christians. Scratches his head I don't know. What are you doing here on Earth in these bodies? Why didn't your mother abort you? What if your mother took you to a drag show to watch men dressed as women dancing sexually in front of little children? Henceforth why did God create a place called hell which is real it's impossible for God to lie? Who is God? How do you know him if you don't read the Bible but you would trust religious people to preach to you another Jesus and another gospel? Do you despise your own soul? You know what Christ told the Jewish Sanhedrin the people that rejected him was it Israel?
39 For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord . Matthew 23:39 KJV
After notes: "Jesus pronounces God's judgment on the scribes and Pharisees in a series of seven "woe to you" statements. He repeatedly calls them "blind" and "hypocrites." " remind you of anybody how about counterfeit Christians?