5 I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. John 15:5 KJV

5 I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. John 15:5 KJV
Crash and Burn then find Jesus with a personal relationship.
Yes this is Christian news for sure. You know at the time I came across this testimony it wasn't initially put on my heart and you know when something is but I decided to have a look and listen to this testimony anyways and it was deep and thorough and this fellow went through quite a life and I can relate to when he was young the construction, the lots of money, the cars the clubs, the women I had it all too just like him once or I thought I had it all. Vanity Vanity all is vanity said the preacher. God took the vanity away and showed me what's really in the heart of men the wickedness of mankind. The evil desires and destruction of the soul.
He grew up Catholic made a lot of money as a youth worked in construction had cars imagine but he didn't know Jesus. He had no personal relationship until his life fell apart and he felt a presence that he couldn't understand. All I will tell you is I can completely relate . So I will link to the testimony in case you want to hear it.
He became a preacher never having experience and he became a youth pastor. He went from a construction worker to a police officer eventually to a corrupt cop but he was living a life of sin cheating on women and everything you could imagine. But in the end he was restored but went through hell first but how many people aren't restored? How many people are destroyed? How many young people are in the daily news turning up dead living a life of sin and who knows will they go to heaven probably not. Nobody's promised another day and you need a personal relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ of Nazareth the biblical Lord Jesus Christ the risen in glory Jewish Messiah .
Just wanted to say we wrestle not against flesh and blood you have an enemy of your soul and you can't overcome/fight this enemy without the real Biblical Hebrew on Earth risen in glory Jesus Christ of Nazareth. What are you waiting for is your Bible collecting dust?
Let me make it perfectly clear to you there's a way that seems right in the end it's not right and God is absolutely not religion. Religion is not God. God is relationship. Religion has propagated so much evil on this world just like atheism. Having a relationship with Christ has turned people from Satan unto God but religion has turned people from religion back to deceptive Satan circling in their own vomit. So I come across some preaching by young Christian preachers that are telling the truth and they get it while we have others being manipulated into that vomit system of religion instead of relationship. Time to know the God of the Bible and time for you to straighten up your life. When we sin it completely separates us from God. I know people that take God's name in vain like running tap water and the problem is they are religious and they've been manipulated seduced deceived in their lives and you can probably relate or know people that are in the same scenario dead end. You might have a chance if you care enough to have your own soul saved because you live once and then the judgment. So I'm pleading with you to develop an interest in reading the Bible King James Bible recommended to you. I'm pleading with you to develop a habit of praying. And again I would ask you to watch this preaching outing and really observing listen to what is being said because they know Christ. But do you know Christ and are you saved or are you religious assuming you're going to heaven but you're just got the wrong path/vehicle. If so you're ignorantly being deceived because we wrestle not against flesh and blood. The Bible tells us do not lean on our own understanding. The truth is God provided the truth and everything that is hidden that is not known will eventually be known. The other truth is there is nothing on Earth that God doesn't know. Evil people can hide their crimes even if it's for 10 years 20 years 30 years but it's exposed to God all your thoughts are exposed naked did you know that. You see you have free will and man was given dominion on earth but since Christ has come man is without a cloak.