19 While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage. 2 Peter 2:19 KJV

19 While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage. 2 Peter 2:19 KJV
Religion the vomit system of deception. Abominable sin is welcomed here.
As some Christians have preached not too long ago should you choose the lesser of two evils when voting? So the question came up should Christians true born again believers vote. Some believe it's not viable because you're really choosing the lesser of two evils. That's probably true but then God appoints queens and kings and all that other stuff and he also destroys and makes alive again. If you're a citizen you say that you stand for your nation and you don't vote it's a little odd. It will be up to the Christian in their walk with Christ to know what they should do. But today I'm out and I see a church building that I wrote about a little while back selling merchandise in the parking lot on what would be the Jewish Sabbath and I reminded a few people about the time Christ took that whip and chased the money changers out. No different today religion is propagated itself as follower of Christ representing him or some counterfeit. I see a few things today being thanksgiving in Canada. I see former president Obama giving an interview speech and a lecture on why they should pick a woman and then I see the son of Hamas talk about his childhood and the evil propagated on October 7th and all these things at the UN speech . Then I see Rebel news cover Chicago and show what it has become. Shameful very shameful and even the police officer agreed that they're short hundreds of police officer. You know when Sodom and Gomorrah fell that was one thing but when God flooded the whole world everybody was busy like today eating drinking marrying probably partying and the continual thing on people's mind was evil does it remind you of today. When nations fall it's because of people. But there's only one way to win and that's the biblical Lord Hebrew on Earth risen in glory Jesus Christ of Nazareth remember that get a King James Bible strongly recommended to you make sure you get saved ASAP.