19 While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage. 2 Peter 2:19 KJV

19 While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage. 2 Peter 2:19 KJV
Man is without excuse and in ignorance when you die and you breathe your last breath your body goes into the grave but you do not cease to exist and don't be ignorant because there's no other name but the biblical on Earth Jesus Christ of Nazareth or again we can call him Yeshua or Emmanuel God With Us. People need to get it through their thick head this man was Jewish and he was from Israel. He never spoken English in his life he spoke Hebrew and most likely Aramaic language. He is the savior of the world just as written in Isaiah 53 it is about him. Without him you will most likely end up in hell and there's only two destinations there's no purgatory. God is not pagan. The Hebrew risen in glory Jesus Christ that died for the sins of the world knows about all the deception in the world and he is relationship 100%. Yes he is community as I heard David Lynn preaching about that recently that's fine but as long as I would say you keep it into context because people have different callings. The brethren should love each other as he commanded. We're living in a time of deception that's through the roof and people are evil Hellbound and refuse correction following what's false listening to people bowing before images relics idols and praying. People are ignorant because they have no connection they don't study the Bible lots of these people they don't read the Bible and they've been easily manipulated in their lives. So the information below is important for those who care about their soul. When you enter judgment if you're not saved truly saved and born again and you leave this life you cannot come back and argue with these entities we can call them cults that deceive people and make a mockery out of them money hungry wolves turn them into merchandise these people and ignorantly not looking after their soul but looking after their own pockets of manipulation, deception and power. Time to know the real God the God of the Bible. This God is love but this God is angry at the wicked every single day. This God is Holy and he is the perfect father. He's merciful but don't trample the mercy. Today, tomorrow and after tomorrow people are going to die on Earth and find out that hell exists because very few people make it to eternal life most make it to eternal damnation. Think of the sacrifice of Christ that's a great sacrifice and that is pure love to save you from a life in hell. This is real and this is not a joke. People are busy reaping the world with fame, power and money but very few people live the life in Christ or even know what that life is. Christ came to set you free from all deception. I remember speaking to a good looking young woman outside of a pub about the gospel last year and I remember something that she said okay well once I do that what then. That's pretty ignorant. What then? He is the life and the way and the truth. Then you live the life in Christ the proper way that life is meant to be lived not an ignorance. Then you study the Bible but you be a doer of the word of God instead of pubs, alcohol & cigarettes and drugs. People who support sin like some famous singer women but I will mention their name when crowds of people go see these people are these people attending these concerts doing the right thing? Sometimes the music is laced with worldly messages. It's all about I me and myself and what I want now but what does God advise. The life in Christ is also about singing and worshiping. Worshiping extends outside of buildings. Didn't he say when you have a party invite the lame, the broken, the poor and when you're done it to the least of them you've done it unto him? I'm sure there's a few people that do these things although we're not saved by our own good works but love means a lot. And what do you talk about when you get together with your crowd friends or your worldly friends that swear drink alcohol smoke cigarettes and live in sin? Gossip gossip gossip gossip fruits of evil. You must be born again John 3:3. People want heaven in all the wrong ways. Everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody cares why there was a fall and a war in heaven. They don't realize why God created physical life on Earth. People are so ignorant that are religious they don't even know what a real Christian is they think its them. Boy has to wool being pulled over their eyes. God is not religion. God is relationship. The God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob is not religion. God gave you free will to make a choice he never even forced the devil Lucifer who became known as Satan to repent. He doesn't force you to repent you have to make that choice. You have to make the choice to want to read the Bible like the bereans night and day looking into those holy scriptures to see what is the truth. You have to care about your own soul. Sinning leads to hell and most people are on that broad road so I'm appealing with you look below this page and think. Put on the mind of Christ for a change and care about your eternal destination.
This fella called out to Christ and asked if you're real reveal yourself and then he felt a touch and heard a voice saying I forgive you and he was shocked. People have different testimonies. See he cried out he called out he cared and that's what you have to do if you don't know Jesus Christ. To know Christ I recommend you read the King James Bible. Read a physical copy. Learn about him and read the living word of God as I say. He was overwhelmed and touched.
Im not sure at this time of the sincerity of this or anything associated with it but I thought it's interesting and so it's here
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Extensive interview
Acts 3:19 - Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord;
Luke 13:3 - I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.
Acts 17:30 - And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent:
It doesn't say that God commands just a few men to repent but all men everywhere to repent. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and the wicked are like shaft here today gone tomorrow. The problem is they're not just gone from here but most likely gone to hell where the worm dies not and the fire is never extinguished. Idolatry bowing before statues and praying to them will send you to hell. Having another mediator than Christ alone will also send you to hell. God is a jealous God calling any other man on Earth by a name that is reserved for God who created you is sinful and can lead a soul to hell. Taking God's name in vain like religious people do I've heard this for years from them can lead you to hell. The wages of sin is death and that means if you die the second death you're in Hell forever. And how the people there wish they could warn people on earth now that are in the same position they once were that are stubborn mules and being deceived in this life. They say salvation is a free gift some say it's even conditional. You can't earn it but you can please God but not by your own good works. What was the Great Commission go turn people from Satan unto God. Not turn sinners from Satan back to Satan in deception.
The worm does not die and the flames are never extinguished. It waits patiently for the adversary that doubt its existence.
He said hell is not in the Bible because the Devil is a master manipulator and he fools/deceives the whole world. He'll convince you hell is not in the Bible and he'll convince you that the earth is flat not round even that Christ was a pagan. He'll give you a new religious loving Christ and counterfeit everything he can because he's real and he has a kingdom and he was cast down to the Earth along with his angels. Unfortunately hell is in the Bible and in many places and it's real but the gospel is good news.
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First of all the Bible is true and the reason we have the King James Bible is because God is real and religion hates it of course because it is very accurate. Open the King James Bible what does it say what mediator is there between God and Men? Who is God and who is Jesus Christ and who was he on Earth and who is Simon the sorcerer and what became of him? The Jewish rabbis today do not become pagan priests? Does the Church replace Israel or the Jewish people? What is doctrines of devils? What does God have to do with religion? Christ scrutinized the religious practices of the Pharisees maybe Sadducees and some of the scribes you know the Sanhedrin outfit of that day in his time. He talked about making the word of God to none affect by their own traditions. Now somehow something went seriously wrong with these groups Pharisees, etc and Christ called them devils and all these things they denied the real Messiah Isaiah 53. How did this occur but this was prophesied many many years before. He said they love the chief seats you know at the feasts or wherever they would be. Remind you of anybody. What were the attributes of the devil? Wasn't it pride, iniquity and murder after all he was a murderer from the beginning and he abode not in the truth. What were the attributes of Judas when he appeared to become a devil? What happened to him? What did Apostle Paul preach? That no man can build on the foundation that God has layed/built. When did God build this foundation? Ephesians 1:4 explains a little. There's an interesting article here
Who will not inherit the Kingdom according to the word of God and religious people do these abominable things thinking it's acceptable? How did pagan religion become Judaism? Not same DNA? Have you examined the Bible versions compared to the King James Bible do they all make sense or are there missing verses or chapters?
[9] Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, [10] Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
Put on my heart prior just as street preachers in america preach religion will send you to Hell which is very true God's relationship. It's very easy to get to hell and not so easy to avoid it unless you're truly born again and saved then there's no condemnation but that doesn't give us the right to trample the blood of Christ. He really did shed his blood for the sins of the world John 3:16. God is relationship and look what God warns on top of this.
15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
"16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world ."
17 And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.
1 John 2:15 to 17 KJV
Now once you're a true born again Bible believing Christian you're still learning and even though we're not under the law and we're to love the brethren we're still not to love the world neither the things that are in the world. The things men highly esteem are an abomination to God and God tells us all have become unprofitable and gone astray. We have this 2 cents notion that our entertainment of the world is acceptable to God but it's not. God doesn't think like men and God is Holy. Man loves darkness and to know God you have to seek because the fool has said in their heart there's no God. There is a God. You don't want to find out the hard way by ending up in hell. The Bible says let a man become a fool that he might become wise and the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
People are ignorant. Brothers and sisters in Christ look at this link below pray about it