So many are deceived in this world and under false pretenses that religion is going to save their soul only the blood of Christ can do that and he is relationship not religion. Scripture tells us the devil deceives the entire world and very few people love the truth so many people actually despise it and will fight tooth and nail for deception.
"Iniquity in Hebrew is “Avon” and means “to bend, twist, distort” so iniquities are bending, twisting, or distorting of the law of God's Word to different degrees worthy of punishment. Iniquity is a violation of the right or duty that mankind is under obligation to do."
"In the Bible, iniquity is a term that means a violation of a duty or right, or a wicked act or immoral practice. It can also refer to something that is harmful or offensive to society, and especially to God. In the Bible, the terms "sin" and "iniquity" are often used interchangeably."
"The Bible's vocabulary about the human condition can sound odd to modern people, but it offers a profound diagnosis of human nature. The Bible's perspective on the human condition is often ignored or treated as ancient and backwards."
What is the difference between sin and iniquities?
"Sin, it turns out, is violating God's law. So, to bring this all together, sin is what happens when you violate God's law; transgression is the actual act of violating the law, and iniquity is the dirtiness that lives in you when you've engaged in sin by transgressing God's law."
What is Iniquity according to the Bible?
"Its basic meaning is to change the mind. Once a person hears the gospel and is convicted that his way of life is wrong, he must alter his present behavior and " bear fruits worthy of repentance " (Matthew 3:8). The fruits of repentance are visible actions—often called "works"—that show that a person has indeed changed."
God's Ways for Laying Up Treasures in Heaven
They're probably is many more but this is just to tingle your mind.
Believe He is a rewarder.
Be self-controlled and content in all things.
Seek out the treasures of God's word.
Become a vessel of His good works.
Invest your “talents” wisely (Matthew 25:20-21, above).
Receive persecution as a blessing.
Sell what you have and give to the poor.
Watch out for religions that pervert the gospel. We're not saved by our own good works although they do matter. ONE MUST be born again putting their faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ/the savior. The gospel is the good news not the bad news because we're all headed to hell and we deserve eternal punishment but God gave His only begotten son so we could avoid being sent to hell and spend eternity with God. But so many people aren't interested in the truth and I'll bet everyday people die and find out that hell exists very few people make it to eternal life according to what's put on my heart. So I seen a woman Christian with a podcast teaching on why most Christians end up in hell and she brought two things to light levitousness and good works. You know trying to be good and then you'll go to heaven that's false teaching. We have to seek his righteousness its what he did for us. John 3:16 When we do something that's a work and we feel it's something to do with righteousness God knows the true intend of the heart. You see it can't be forced you have to clean first the inside of the platter which most people don't do they decorate the outside with all kinds of things. They lack the understanding what it means you must be born again. Scripture does say if a man knows to do something that is proper and he doesn't do it to him it is sin.
Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin. James 4:17 KJV
Afterthoughts and after notes: You know scripture makes it clear that many people are destroyed for lack of understanding and it also instructs believers that their to be studied and showed themselfves approved but we have counterfeit Christians that don't do this they also do many abominable things and they think they're going to heaven but they got the wrong vehicle, wrong gospel and they're just deceived people. Most of them will perish and end up in that lake of fire unfortunately. They live in sin, flesh and the devil most of these people and they think nothing of it they think in actual fact it's normal. But above I touched on things to do with I never knew you that is true biblical Christianity is the way. What does the King James Bible and I recommend highly that Bible what does it say and when was the last time you read it? Do you despise your soul and are you deceived and how do you know that you aren't deceived? The Bible tells us that we are to examine ourselves to see if we're in the faith well if you're a counterfeit believer you really won't be doing this. But true Christians do do this. When was the last time you read the Bible and you prayed not repetitious prayer because Christ said those prayers will not be heard. He was a Jewish Rabbi on earth not anyone else and he is risen in glory and he is the only way to eternal life without him wow you're in big trouble.