6 All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.
Isaiah 53:6 KJV
I know somebody in my family that they told me they're starting a Healing Ministry. This is a serious controversial subject .
Justin Peters exposes all the false Healers and all the false prophets and there's so many of them. Some say those gifts are no longer with us because the Canon of scripture is closed. Yes the apostles some of them had this gift. God still heals people at his own will probably by prayer and there are healings that have been reported when a person for example had a heart that was completely gone or lungs completely shot or even a liver completely shot even kidneys that have gone bad and somehow the person made a complete 100% recovery. A lot of times what I've noticed a bunch of Christians prayed for that person. But sometimes it was noted that person did not display any faith at least sometimes maybe not all times so why I say this I believe God still heals people. God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him but we should do our part. In other words do we just expect handouts without loving God or without knowing God let alone obeying him. Not everybody has the same gifts according to scripture. 1 Corinthians 12 KJV
So the reason I brought this up there is a interview and the fella being interviewed talked about becoming a Christian and how he was going to die because he had some tainted kidneys and a bunch of Christians prayed for him and he made 100% recovery defied the death sentence. Now of course this is Candice Owings interviewing him. What she admitted in this is that she was naive. The god of this world blinds people . As far as what this fellow found out it's probably only a tad of the complete truth but nonetheless scripture tells us every liar will have their part in the Lake of Fire . Revelation 21:8 KJV A white lie is still a lie unfortunately. Didn't the devil use sort of a white lie on Eve. She was encouraged to disobey God and eat from the Tree of knowledge of Good and Evil. Very bad idea. What will it profit you to gain the world and forfeit your own soul. What is your life but a vapor here today and gone tomorrow and make sure Christ does not tell you he never knew you because you are a worker of iniquity. Are you working sin unsaved not born again?
Now the matter being discussed in the interview is a very serious matter and in the interview he admits he was a drug addict and he was so far from what he had applied for yet he got in being honest forthcoming. He was honest but what did he learn that the world is extremly evil . That's exactly what Christ testified to the world being evil. The deeds of the world are evil . Whatever job you have you should do it to the best of your honest ability. Christians who are true born again Christians do it for Christ they are Christ followers. They cannot do all the things that people do because then they would not be Christ followers they would be hypocrites so they have to make judgments based on Godly wisdom. Did/do you see some people in religion wearing a cross completely misunderstanding the meaning of taking up your cross which is most likely your death. Contending for the faith once delivered onto the Saints may ruffle a few feathers. Christ said if they persecuted him they will persecute you also when you truly do this and the street preachers know about this they've experienced this.
After thoughts and after notes put on my heart when we're talking about healing we have to be extremely careful. Very very careful. It takes prayer and godly wisdom and having an understanding of the Bible. Truly we wrestle not against flesh and blood and demonics does exist so again exercising caution when discussing these matters or looking into these matters is vital. Not everybody is given the same gifts. There are a lot of false Healers and there are investigative reportings from the past that proved this. The man in the interview with Candice Owings says he became a Christian but what type I don't know. You have to be extremely careful when somebody says they became a Christian. At least I don't think I heard him swearing at all in this interview. I didn't really hear him quote Bible verses as true Christians know the Bible God's word.
6 All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.
Isaiah 53:6 KJV
I know somebody in my family that they told me they're starting a Healing Ministry. This is a serious controversial subject .
Justin Peters exposes all the false Healers and all the false prophets and there's so many of them. Some say those gifts are no longer with us because the Canon of scripture is closed. Yes the apostles some of them had this gift. God still heals people at his own will probably by prayer and there are healings that have been reported when a person for example had a heart that was completely gone or lungs completely shot or even a liver completely shot even kidneys that have gone bad and somehow the person made a complete 100% recovery. A lot of times what I've noticed a bunch of Christians prayed for that person. But sometimes it was noted that person did not display any faith at least sometimes maybe not all times so why I say this I believe God still heals people. God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him but we should do our part. In other words do we just expect handouts without loving God or without knowing God let alone obeying him. Not everybody has the same gifts according to scripture. 1 Corinthians 12 KJV
So the reason I brought this up there is a interview and the fella being interviewed talked about becoming a Christian and how he was going to die because he had some tainted kidneys and a bunch of Christians prayed for him and he made 100% recovery defied the death sentence. Now of course this is Candice Owings interviewing him. What she admitted in this is that she was naive. The god of this world blinds people . As far as what this fellow found out it's probably only a tad of the complete truth but nonetheless scripture tells us every liar will have their part in the Lake of Fire . Revelation 21:8 KJV A white lie is still a lie unfortunately. Didn't the devil use sort of a white lie on Eve. She was encouraged to disobey God and eat from the Tree of knowledge of Good and Evil. Very bad idea. What will it profit you to gain the world and forfeit your own soul. What is your life but a vapor here today and gone tomorrow and make sure Christ does not tell you he never knew you because you are a worker of iniquity. Are you working sin unsaved not born again?
Now the matter being discussed in the interview is a very serious matter and in the interview he admits he was a drug addict and he was so far from what he had applied for yet he got in being honest forthcoming. He was honest but what did he learn that the world is extremly evil . That's exactly what Christ testified to the world being evil. The deeds of the world are evil . Whatever job you have you should do it to the best of your honest ability. Christians who are true born again Christians do it for Christ they are Christ followers. They cannot do all the things that people do because then they would not be Christ followers they would be hypocrites so they have to make judgments based on Godly wisdom. Did/do you see some people in religion wearing a cross completely misunderstanding the meaning of taking up your cross which is most likely your death. Contending for the faith once delivered onto the Saints may ruffle a few feathers. Christ said if they persecuted him they will persecute you also when you truly do this and the street preachers know about this they've experienced this.
After thoughts and after notes put on my heart when we're talking about healing we have to be extremely careful. Very very careful. It takes prayer and godly wisdom and having an understanding of the Bible. Truly we wrestle not against flesh and blood and demonics does exist so again exercising caution when discussing these matters or looking into these matters is vital. Not everybody is given the same gifts. There are a lot of false Healers and there are investigative reportings from the past that proved this. The man in the interview with Candice Owings says he became a Christian but what type I don't know. You have to be extremely careful when somebody says they became a Christian. At least I don't think I heard him swearing at all in this interview. I didn't really hear him quote Bible verses as true Christians know the Bible God's word.