As Angela said in her preaching when they're thrust into hell they're going to be screaming why didn't anybody warn/tell me because you're a stubborn mule deceived reprobate with a seared conscience.
This only would I learn of you, Received ye the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? Are ye so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh?
I know there's men that prefer men preachers not women and the reason I bring this up is because true biblical women of God preach the truth and they're saved women of course some of them have been to numerous countries preaching around the world as Angela Cummings . She said there's no purgatory in the Bible. Babble nonsense! and nowhere do we find prayer beads. In fact we find the godhead in the Bible.
1 Timothy 3:16,Colossians 2:9 They worship another Jesus and another gospel. She even referenced the Muslim religion having similarities to this religion RCC. The true Christ the Jewish Messiah said that few find the door in their lifetime compared to the multitude who most likely lose their soul. Matthew 7:13-14
God is not religion God is relationship. I recalled it was a street preacher woman from Canada a while back a few years ago and I seen her preaching dropping marbles into water a ton of them and saying every hour when people die around the world this is all the people entering eternal damnation and every once in awhile she dropped one marble into the water and she said that one just entered heaven. That's the truth because the world is deceived and when you make a choice to let yourself be deceived and you die in your sins there's no exit out of hell remember that. So she's preaching in Italy and the police hear her and question her. Salvation is a Grace Gospel it's not by works you can't earn your salvation. You have to seek the righteousness of Christ. John 3:16 it's a gift and Gifts cannot be earned and what he tells people on the day of judgment that he never knew people cuz their workers of iniquity that means they work sin. They're not born again Christians but we're talking about deceived people who think that they're Christians. In fact the holy scriptures tell us Idol worshipers as these people are have no inheritance in God's Kingdom. Nowhere in Scripture does it tell us to call any man on Earth father that's reserved for the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob. These people recursify Christ every service in a process called Transubstantiation .
And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: so Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many ; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation. Hebrews 9:28 KJV
After thoughts and after notes important: God is not religion at all . God is not romanism nor is GOD paganism. There will be many counterfeit Christians in hell I never knew you worker of iniquity they're not born again and they are corrupt minds/deceived people with a seared conscience who don't love the truth but swim in the works of darkness. They seek their own righteousness meanwhile they swim in sin serving another Jesus and another gospel. They don't follow biblical Christianity they follow counterfeit Christianity and they don't even know what true authentic Christianity truly is because they've been made blind to the glory of the true Grace Gospel by the god of this world. The devil deceives the entire world. So many are of their father the devil their true father.
Relationship not religion
As Angela said in her preaching when they're thrust into hell they're going to be screaming why didn't anybody warn/tell me because you're a stubborn mule deceived reprobate with a seared conscience.
This only would I learn of you, Received ye the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? Are ye so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh?
I know there's men that prefer men preachers not women and the reason I bring this up is because true biblical women of God preach the truth and they're saved women of course some of them have been to numerous countries preaching around the world as Angela Cummings . She said there's no purgatory in the Bible. Babble nonsense! and nowhere do we find prayer beads. In fact we find the godhead in the Bible.
1 Timothy 3:16,Colossians 2:9 They worship another Jesus and another gospel. She even referenced the Muslim religion having similarities to this religion RCC. The true Christ the Jewish Messiah said that few find the door in their lifetime compared to the multitude who most likely lose their soul. Matthew 7:13-14
Mark 7:7-13
God is not religion God is relationship. I recalled it was a street preacher woman from Canada a while back a few years ago and I seen her preaching dropping marbles into water a ton of them and saying every hour when people die around the world this is all the people entering eternal damnation and every once in awhile she dropped one marble into the water and she said that one just entered heaven. That's the truth because the world is deceived and when you make a choice to let yourself be deceived and you die in your sins there's no exit out of hell remember that. So she's preaching in Italy and the police hear her and question her. Salvation is a Grace Gospel it's not by works you can't earn your salvation. You have to seek the righteousness of Christ. John 3:16 it's a gift and Gifts cannot be earned and what he tells people on the day of judgment that he never knew people cuz their workers of iniquity that means they work sin. They're not born again Christians but we're talking about deceived people who think that they're Christians. In fact the holy scriptures tell us Idol worshipers as these people are have no inheritance in God's Kingdom. Nowhere in Scripture does it tell us to call any man on Earth father that's reserved for the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob. These people recursify Christ every service in a process called Transubstantiation .
And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: so Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many ; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation. Hebrews 9:28 KJV
After thoughts and after notes important: God is not religion at all . God is not romanism nor is GOD paganism. There will be many counterfeit Christians in hell I never knew you worker of iniquity they're not born again and they are corrupt minds/deceived people with a seared conscience who don't love the truth but swim in the works of darkness. They seek their own righteousness meanwhile they swim in sin serving another Jesus and another gospel. They don't follow biblical Christianity they follow counterfeit Christianity and they don't even know what true authentic Christianity truly is because they've been made blind to the glory of the true Grace Gospel by the god of this world. The devil deceives the entire world. So many are of their father the devil their true father.