I think she struck some points but she might be a little naive on others. Even Christ doesn't know when he's coming nor the angels in heaven only the father but he gave us signs to look for. Matthew 24:35-37 Some true Christians even say we're there we're in those times but others say they thought that in the 60s, 50s, 40s, etc and so on but what we're seeing is indication that something is extremely serious and we know World War III is just around the corner armageddon. What is going on with Israel and also what is going on with Syria let alone the extreme weather patterns, earthquakes and all these things are all indications but there's more. There's abominable sin growth of the LGBTQ community, gay marriage, trans people, evil ideologies, loss/reduced effected freedom in society, political discourse, violent protests and lack of morals in society, people living on narcotics, drag queens in libraries and the increasing crime let alone school atrocities and one was just reported. If you were a true biblical Christian that studies scripture and understand spiritual things you would know that this world is very wicked it's deeds are evil and many people are part of the problem and not part of the solution because they're deceived. It's nice that she had some emotions, some sorrow or is touched in her heart what she said. Even the real Jesus Christ cried or was perhaps anguished when Lazarus died or somebody close to him was affected in some drastic way. In his time he had a lot on his shoulders. Isaiah 53 They were always looking to accuse kill him and get rid of him. Luke 23 People don't live in the truth they live in lies and a lot of people are deceived so their whole life is just unfortunately a deceived misguided waste. I was part of the problem when I was younger. It is true you reap what you sow. The Jewish Messiah who died for the sins of the world loved us even before we loved him but do we love God with all our heart mind and soul and do we even know him. Do we even know what deception is? Some say there's two events the rapture and then when he actually comes back. It's not going to be all heaven on Earth because he's going to have massive resistance/opposition but being the Lord and great king he will overcome his evil enemies opponents. With all the counterfeit Christ that are now and it will be in the future don't be deceived: For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
Titus 2:13-14 King James Version (KJV) looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.
Some people are detached from the true God they serve many false gods. Look at the atheists some of them in the world where vast numbers of people are killed as they are responsible for destroying life people such as like Pol Pot, Stalin, Hitler or others even in today's world this is a grim reality. Religion alone is responsible for atrocities that are off the richter scale but God is relationship and the world is deceived which is the truth. Revelation 2:9 KJV People don't know because they don't believe and they don't read and study scripture/Bible so they don't know that they're deceived. Watch that you're not in some sort of cult that strays far from true traditional Christianity. Christ is the word and so when you read the Holy scriptures he knows you're taking an interest. I recommend the 1611 King James Bible. Even counterfeit religion is using incorrectly certain biblical phrases that they understand not like being born again. John 3:3 True Christians are sanctified in the truth counterfeit Christians are deceived and living a lie and they are already under the umbrella of deception being prone and swimming in sin flesh and the devil as they call it. Interesting clip. I remember one time I rebuked some people in a mall coffee shop because they were taking the name of God/Christ in vain they actually walk by insulting people and laughing about it as they walk by and you're to rebuke with longsuffering and I left that mall later to see two security guards approached me. I told them why I did it didn't cause a big scene but somebody called the security guards. One guard later just walked away but the other one took pride in saying he was an atheist. I told him he was wicked and he thought he was smart but he's headed to hell of course the fool has said in their heart there is no God . Deceived people are in every walk of life you could imagine. But you have to seek. Many people are spiritually dead and they don't even know what it means to be spiritually alive or understands spiritual things. The wages of sin is death the gift of God is eternal life. John 3:16 Time to know the true God of the Bible . Relationship you must have personal relationship with the true Jewish risen Messiah on earth risen in glory Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Because of identity theft you know who stole the Messiah we have to sometimes say his Jewish name Yeshua why don't people know that name such as counterfeit Christians? What about the name Emmanuel God with us? What about the name Yahweh or the name Jehovah. Christ asked them his Apostles or disciples: whom do people say that I am ? Which Jesus Christ do you have and are you a believer or not? We wrestle not against flesh and blood. I remember showing up at a coffee shop once and about three or four good looking women in front of me in line started taking God's name in vain in droves that is not coincidence. 2 Corinthians 2:11, Ephesians 6:11 Of course I straighten them out and told them they are wicked and they need to repent. Expressed disapproval of their behavior. What does the Bible say hell is real and don't put thy God the test. People are proud of their sin as pride comes before a fall and the attributes of the devil were vanity, pride, temptation, violence, deception and he is the father of lies and was a murderer according to Christ from the beginning. Being cast down to the Earth where God warns the Earthlings he takes pride in things that be of men not the things that be of God and he knows his time is short of course. Idolatry is a serious sin and it comes in many fashions. Labor for the things that are eternal.
You can have eternal life but you got to call on Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Cry out to him. You got to take an interest because you live once and then the judgment. God is not religion and a work-based false gospel is not going to save your soul all our works are as filthy rags. Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. Acts 4:12 kjv. Do you give him lip service or do you really know him?
Some Born Again Hebrews might call him Yeshua or even Jesus. Biblical Christians know him as both but usually in English speaking referred to him as Jesus but they know which Jesus he is or should know.
6 Then they cried unto the Lord in their trouble, and he delivered them out of their distresses.
7 And he led them forth by the right way, that they might go to a city of habitation.
8 Oh that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!
9 For he satisfieth the longing soul, and filleth the hungry soul with goodness .
And continuation I've come across some YouTube shorts and I haven't seen the whole sermons that these shorts may have come from but the subject matter is the truth the reality of the current times where people play the victim. To have all sorts of words like wokeism, misogynistic, islamia phobia, hater, homophobia, you name it. I wonder how it was in Noah's day? And so I thought these clips are relevant and you might want to take a look. This first clip is here.
I remember hearing the testimony of one pagan priest who experienced such a thing but some people didn't believe him. He didn't know what deception was but he sure found out.True Christians that are on meat not milk should understand these things that demons do exist and so does demonics. Some people are affected by such a thing because they take part in things they understand not. Christ gave so many warnings about the tongue having the power of life and death and he's talking about heaven or hell not just living another nice day in luxury. Proverbs 18:21 KJV There's such a thing as counterfeit Christianity and many counterfeit Christians have no idea what true authentic Christianity really is. We have true Christians casting out demons every once in awhile meanwhile the counterfeit Christians don't even know that this world really exists in such a capacity. How could you when the god of this world has blinded you and you follow some religion that strays far from the holy scripture because your parents might have raised you in it doesn't mean it's true. He said many will come in his name remember that and whom do people say that he really is?
I think she struck some points but she might be a little naive on others. Even Christ doesn't know when he's coming nor the angels in heaven only the father but he gave us signs to look for. Matthew 24:35-37 Some true Christians even say we're there we're in those times but others say they thought that in the 60s, 50s, 40s, etc and so on but what we're seeing is indication that something is extremely serious and we know World War III is just around the corner armageddon. What is going on with Israel and also what is going on with Syria let alone the extreme weather patterns, earthquakes and all these things are all indications but there's more. There's abominable sin growth of the LGBTQ community, gay marriage, trans people, evil ideologies, loss/reduced effected freedom in society, political discourse, violent protests and lack of morals in society, people living on narcotics, drag queens in libraries and the increasing crime let alone school atrocities and one was just reported. If you were a true biblical Christian that studies scripture and understand spiritual things you would know that this world is very wicked it's deeds are evil and many people are part of the problem and not part of the solution because they're deceived. It's nice that she had some emotions, some sorrow or is touched in her heart what she said. Even the real Jesus Christ cried or was perhaps anguished when Lazarus died or somebody close to him was affected in some drastic way. In his time he had a lot on his shoulders. Isaiah 53 They were always looking to accuse kill him and get rid of him. Luke 23 People don't live in the truth they live in lies and a lot of people are deceived so their whole life is just unfortunately a deceived misguided waste. I was part of the problem when I was younger. It is true you reap what you sow. The Jewish Messiah who died for the sins of the world loved us even before we loved him but do we love God with all our heart mind and soul and do we even know him. Do we even know what deception is? Some say there's two events the rapture and then when he actually comes back. It's not going to be all heaven on Earth because he's going to have massive resistance/opposition but being the Lord and great king he will overcome his evil enemies opponents. With all the counterfeit Christ that are now and it will be in the future don't be deceived: For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
Some people are detached from the true God they serve many false gods. Look at the atheists some of them in the world where vast numbers of people are killed as they are responsible for destroying life people such as like Pol Pot, Stalin, Hitler or others even in today's world this is a grim reality. Religion alone is responsible for atrocities that are off the richter scale but God is relationship and the world is deceived which is the truth. Revelation 2:9 KJV People don't know because they don't believe and they don't read and study scripture/Bible so they don't know that they're deceived. Watch that you're not in some sort of cult that strays far from true traditional Christianity. Christ is the word and so when you read the Holy scriptures he knows you're taking an interest. I recommend the 1611 King James Bible. Even counterfeit religion is using incorrectly certain biblical phrases that they understand not like being born again. John 3:3 True Christians are sanctified in the truth counterfeit Christians are deceived and living a lie and they are already under the umbrella of deception being prone and swimming in sin flesh and the devil as they call it. Interesting clip. I remember one time I rebuked some people in a mall coffee shop because they were taking the name of God/Christ in vain they actually walk by insulting people and laughing about it as they walk by and you're to rebuke with longsuffering and I left that mall later to see two security guards approached me. I told them why I did it didn't cause a big scene but somebody called the security guards. One guard later just walked away but the other one took pride in saying he was an atheist. I told him he was wicked and he thought he was smart but he's headed to hell of course the fool has said in their heart there is no God . Deceived people are in every walk of life you could imagine. But you have to seek. Many people are spiritually dead and they don't even know what it means to be spiritually alive or understands spiritual things. The wages of sin is death the gift of God is eternal life. John 3:16 Time to know the true God of the Bible . Relationship you must have personal relationship with the true Jewish risen Messiah on earth risen in glory Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Because of identity theft you know who stole the Messiah we have to sometimes say his Jewish name Yeshua why don't people know that name such as counterfeit Christians? What about the name Emmanuel God with us? What about the name Yahweh or the name Jehovah. Christ asked them his Apostles or disciples: whom do people say that I am ? Which Jesus Christ do you have and are you a believer or not? We wrestle not against flesh and blood. I remember showing up at a coffee shop once and about three or four good looking women in front of me in line started taking God's name in vain in droves that is not coincidence. 2 Corinthians 2:11, Ephesians 6:11 Of course I straighten them out and told them they are wicked and they need to repent. Expressed disapproval of their behavior. What does the Bible say hell is real and don't put thy God the test. People are proud of their sin as pride comes before a fall and the attributes of the devil were vanity, pride, temptation, violence, deception and he is the father of lies and was a murderer according to Christ from the beginning. Being cast down to the Earth where God warns the Earthlings he takes pride in things that be of men not the things that be of God and he knows his time is short of course. Idolatry is a serious sin and it comes in many fashions. Labor for the things that are eternal.
You can have eternal life but you got to call on Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Cry out to him. You got to take an interest because you live once and then the judgment. God is not religion and a work-based false gospel is not going to save your soul all our works are as filthy rags. Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. Acts 4:12 kjv. Do you give him lip service or do you really know him?
Some Born Again Hebrews might call him Yeshua or even Jesus. Biblical Christians know him as both but usually in English speaking referred to him as Jesus but they know which Jesus he is or should know.
6 Then they cried unto the Lord in their trouble, and he delivered them out of their distresses.
7 And he led them forth by the right way, that they might go to a city of habitation.
8 Oh that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!
9 For he satisfieth the longing soul, and filleth the hungry soul with goodness .
Psalm 107:6 through 9 KJV
And continuation I've come across some YouTube shorts and I haven't seen the whole sermons that these shorts may have come from but the subject matter is the truth the reality of the current times where people play the victim. To have all sorts of words like wokeism, misogynistic, islamia phobia, hater, homophobia, you name it. I wonder how it was in Noah's day? And so I thought these clips are relevant and you might want to take a look.
This first clip is here.
I remember hearing the testimony of one pagan priest who experienced such a thing but some people didn't believe him. He didn't know what deception was but he sure found out.True Christians that are on meat not milk should understand these things that demons do exist and so does demonics. Some people are affected by such a thing because they take part in things they understand not. Christ gave so many warnings about the tongue having the power of life and death and he's talking about heaven or hell not just living another nice day in luxury. Proverbs 18:21 KJV There's such a thing as counterfeit Christianity and many counterfeit Christians have no idea what true authentic Christianity really is. We have true Christians casting out demons every once in awhile meanwhile the counterfeit Christians don't even know that this world really exists in such a capacity. How could you when the god of this world has blinded you and you follow some religion that strays far from the holy scripture because your parents might have raised you in it doesn't mean it's true. He said many will come in his name remember that and whom do people say that he really is?