Pure undefiled relationship make sure you know Jesus/God of Bible hell is eternal. JESUS CHRIST can give you understanding go directly to him make sure you know him.
10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved . 2 Thessalonians 2:10
You know you have a lot of near death experiences that could be again un scriptured and you have to be very careful understand these things. And I've seen these testimonies before. Some of them are questionable but I had it on my heart to find one that was realistic and this is what I was shown. This woman was involved in religion she grew up as a Catholic but she was given some sort of warning and she knew something was wrong then she became an Evangelical Christian and really lived for Christ. God is not religion. God is relationship and those religious cults that deceive people are wicked and scripture foretells them it's just people that are reprobates and have a sheared conscience that have been manipulated that follow them and think they're going to get to heaven but by their own good works. She thought you had to keep doing works Church things but she realize something was missing/wrong and she was missing the point. You know they say there's people that only believe on his name they follow another Jesus another, another gospel and even another spirit but sometimes trying to reach such people is next to impossible because the god of this world has manipulated them so bad they never believe the truth. It's astonishing that you have some children that understand more than adults and yet they think they see but they don't see nor do they hear. They're on the broad path to destruction. Although salvation is not works based does that give us the right to trample the blood of Christ and disobey him? What does it mean to be born again? John 3:3 You can see the fruits and false Christians. I've known them all my life full of religion but drunken religious people. They don't live for Christ they live for the world. That's the truth. I remember a fella that came out of religion became an angelical Christian but his wife I think she had a daughter and she didn't want the marriage anymore and he called her a world sucking hypocrite. James 4:4. Now I heard a well known preacher yesterday talking about not following the world. What it really means is don't be entangled in it and don't be an accessory to the fact. Don't be a willing participant in wickedness. Have nothing to do with the unfruitful works of darkness. Put your mind on the things that be of God not on the things that be of men. These cults manipulate people so bad trying to sometimes wake these people up they are their own worst enemies and they keep each other stupid. God is not religion make sure you know the true God. It's true Christ is God but make sure you know who he is because he's not pagan Jesus. He's not religious Jesus. He's not Hindu Jesus. He's not voodoo Jesus. He is relationship and on Earth he was a Jewish Messiah. Not a clown in a gown. He was a Jew and he himself said salvation is of the Jew and that he had another fold to bring. If you don't read God's word because some cult tells you you can't interpret it they've already got you manipulated. I've heard that. Get yourself a 1611 King James Bible open it and start reading it.
She says she saw people in hell with screams/heat/fire that are unbearable. You know she was given a warning. There was another woman Claudia from Australia that was also a Catholic that died in a car accident NDE they revived her she said the same thing along the same lines of what this woman said. Who's going to get it through to the thick skull that God is not religion and those people are not saving souls with a false works based gospel. Just because the gospel is not work based doesn't give us the right to trample the blood and abuse grace. I heard a guy's message yesterday that people shouldn't tell people to repent because that's not the gospel just have to believe in faith. 8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Ephesians 2:8 to 9 KJV It's true Abraham believed that it was counted to him as righteousness. Isn't that incredible just by believing. Salvation is a gift John 3:16 but is it a conditional gift? Once you are born again you have a new nature it is true. How many people are going to die today, tomorrow and after tomorrow never having known the true God never having known or experienced what it means to be born again. The God of the Bible is not the God of religion. We call him Jehovah and some refer to him as Yahweh. He is Jesus but not pagan Jesus.
9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
11 And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.
1 Corinthians 6:9-11
After thoughts after notes: Salvation is one thing but remember Christ said when you have done it to the least of them you've done it on to him and your works will be tried in the fire anyhow what type they are. Salvation is one thing but then living for Christ being in Christ is yet another especially if you're seeking his righteousness. If the vine is Holy so should the branches be it's just common sense. The relationship is personal so you don't have to prove you're Holiness to anyone nor do you have to keep the traditions of men if it's put on your heart that that is inappropriate. It is true you go right to Christ you have no other mediator. There is no other mediator according to the Bible unless your communicating with people that are dead that can't hear you. We have a lot of drunk and religious people that are so far gone and manipulated they might get the surprise of their life like this woman was given a warning God is no fool and he's not the author of confusion. I understand that we have to evaluate these things by scripture but nonetheless you need to know the God of the Bible and go directly to Christ. Remember John 10:10 he came to give you an abundance of life and he is the way and the life. He is also the truth. No other man ever laid down his life for you and there's no other name given on to man in which man will find Salvation but that of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. What is your life but a vapor here today and gone tomorrow.
10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved . 2 Thessalonians 2:10
You know you have a lot of near death experiences that could be again un scriptured and you have to be very careful understand these things. And I've seen these testimonies before. Some of them are questionable but I had it on my heart to find one that was realistic and this is what I was shown. This woman was involved in religion she grew up as a Catholic but she was given some sort of warning and she knew something was wrong then she became an Evangelical Christian and really lived for Christ. God is not religion. God is relationship and those religious cults that deceive people are wicked and scripture foretells them it's just people that are reprobates and have a sheared conscience that have been manipulated that follow them and think they're going to get to heaven but by their own good works. She thought you had to keep doing works Church things but she realize something was missing/wrong and she was missing the point. You know they say there's people that only believe on his name they follow another Jesus another, another gospel and even another spirit but sometimes trying to reach such people is next to impossible because the god of this world has manipulated them so bad they never believe the truth. It's astonishing that you have some children that understand more than adults and yet they think they see but they don't see nor do they hear. They're on the broad path to destruction. Although salvation is not works based does that give us the right to trample the blood of Christ and disobey him? What does it mean to be born again? John 3:3 You can see the fruits and false Christians. I've known them all my life full of religion but drunken religious people. They don't live for Christ they live for the world. That's the truth. I remember a fella that came out of religion became an angelical Christian but his wife I think she had a daughter and she didn't want the marriage anymore and he called her a world sucking hypocrite. James 4:4. Now I heard a well known preacher yesterday talking about not following the world. What it really means is don't be entangled in it and don't be an accessory to the fact. Don't be a willing participant in wickedness. Have nothing to do with the unfruitful works of darkness. Put your mind on the things that be of God not on the things that be of men. These cults manipulate people so bad trying to sometimes wake these people up they are their own worst enemies and they keep each other stupid. God is not religion make sure you know the true God. It's true Christ is God but make sure you know who he is because he's not pagan Jesus. He's not religious Jesus. He's not Hindu Jesus. He's not voodoo Jesus. He is relationship and on Earth he was a Jewish Messiah. Not a clown in a gown. He was a Jew and he himself said salvation is of the Jew and that he had another fold to bring. If you don't read God's word because some cult tells you you can't interpret it they've already got you manipulated. I've heard that. Get yourself a 1611 King James Bible open it and start reading it.
She says she saw people in hell with screams/heat/fire that are unbearable. You know she was given a warning. There was another woman Claudia from Australia that was also a Catholic that died in a car accident NDE they revived her she said the same thing along the same lines of what this woman said. Who's going to get it through to the thick skull that God is not religion and those people are not saving souls with a false works based gospel. Just because the gospel is not work based doesn't give us the right to trample the blood and abuse grace. I heard a guy's message yesterday that people shouldn't tell people to repent because that's not the gospel just have to believe in faith. 8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Ephesians 2:8 to 9 KJV It's true Abraham believed that it was counted to him as righteousness. Isn't that incredible just by believing. Salvation is a gift John 3:16 but is it a conditional gift? Once you are born again you have a new nature it is true. How many people are going to die today, tomorrow and after tomorrow never having known the true God never having known or experienced what it means to be born again. The God of the Bible is not the God of religion. We call him Jehovah and some refer to him as Yahweh. He is Jesus but not pagan Jesus.
9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
11 And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.
1 Corinthians 6:9-11
After thoughts after notes: Salvation is one thing but remember Christ said when you have done it to the least of them you've done it on to him and your works will be tried in the fire anyhow what type they are. Salvation is one thing but then living for Christ being in Christ is yet another especially if you're seeking his righteousness. If the vine is Holy so should the branches be it's just common sense. The relationship is personal so you don't have to prove you're Holiness to anyone nor do you have to keep the traditions of men if it's put on your heart that that is inappropriate. It is true you go right to Christ you have no other mediator. There is no other mediator according to the Bible unless your communicating with people that are dead that can't hear you. We have a lot of drunk and religious people that are so far gone and manipulated they might get the surprise of their life like this woman was given a warning God is no fool and he's not the author of confusion. I understand that we have to evaluate these things by scripture but nonetheless you need to know the God of the Bible and go directly to Christ. Remember John 10:10 he came to give you an abundance of life and he is the way and the life. He is also the truth. No other man ever laid down his life for you and there's no other name given on to man in which man will find Salvation but that of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. What is your life but a vapor here today and gone tomorrow.