I know you not whence ye are; depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity.
Let's start out by saying the world is deceived and the devil is the one who sows the seeds of deception. Revelation 12:9 KJV Putting aside atheism, Judaism, Hinduism, paganism, Mormonism, Catholicism or one of the 4,000 300 + religions that exist in the world there's only one where you put your faith in Jesus Christ's the Hebrew risen Messiah ((Emmanuel)) death burial and resurrection believe the gospel that Paul the Apostle preached and it's faith through grace and not of your selves. No works. No works required at all. The Book of Revelation 12.9 tells us the devil deceives the whole world. Did you know a good portion of the world worships him the devil unaware? How could you believe in somebody despite that you might hear a street preacher preaching about the Lord Jesus Christ and think he's only out to get your money which is not true without reading an exceptional translation of the Bible King James 1611 recommended and praying to follow it up. Even fellowshipping perhaps worshiping with other true born again Bible believing Christians is recommended. Salvation is one thing once you obtain it but obeying him and living the right way because he is the life is yet another. Matthew 15:8 KJV If you open yourself up to demonic forces you put yourself in grave danger. The evil in the world is off the richter scale and people wonder why God allows evil. I'm not going to get into all of that intricacy but what I will say I seen a bunch of advertising images you know on YouTube as they have the colorful advertisements today and one of them was so gruesome it's unbelievable that it's there and some guy did some evil act and it's mind-boggling you couldn't phantom believe he called the police emphasizing the eyelids were still blinking whom he dismembered the woman. I won't fill in the blanks as it's horrible. There was another colorful advertisement murderous evil children which exists how do they get that way?. What makes them so? There was yet another gruesome crimes committed by very good looking people and you look at those images such good looks why would this be the case? Or some guy being influenced by the flesh married being the second husband but did very evil to her children, unspeakable evil and it's full of this in this world. This aside from the wars in the world and the stress trauma that some of these soldiers later are affected by evil damages people . Sure we have war veterans that are old and can tell you stories about the war that they were involved in and yet they made it same with the Holocaust there are people that were in it that escaped it and can tell you stories of how horrible it was. If God exists and he absolutely does why does this exist? Why would somebody like Stalin, Nero, Hitler be allowed to do evil to numerous millions of people? Doesn't the bible say that nations that forget God are turned into hell? Psalm 917 KJV So all of this exists but despite that all that this exists Christ the Jewish Messiah not pagan deity tells us Jesus Christ of Nazareth that many people will come from east/west and enter his kingdom but there are many be thrust out not being able to enter. Luke 13:24 KJV I'm willing to bet a great number of these people are religious people that don't know him. Perhaps they just think in their mind, their narrow reprobate deprived corrupt minds that if they just believe on somebody called Jesus Christ their saved/safe. They are most likely not Christ followers. They're not Christ like but more world-like. James 4:4 I wanted to get this out of the way before I get to the main topic that entangles all of this in the human fallen condition.
In Canada prime minister Justin Trudeau announced recently that he's going to be stepping down as prime minister and leader of the liberal party. The Liberals had a bill C63 which is quite controversial and even though some of the independent news media networks have been talking about this in the past there is one fella who went into it deep named Douglas Murray. Douglas Murray: featured guest. " What Is About To Happen Will DESTROY The UK And Europe Forever ."
In that segment being interviewed 7:58 video time they were discussing Justin Trudeau's bringing in this bill C63 trying to eradicate hate which is the human condition according to Douglas Murrays emphasis. John 2:16 John 10:10 again Douglas emphasized implementing some of these types of laws where you think you can eradicate hate is ludicrous. It's the human condition. So in other words C63 bill is so controversial that by hurting somebody's feeling a person can land themselves life imprisonment perhaps even without parole while somebody who does a more serious crime might get less time. This would eradicate free speech too by trying to eradicate hurting people's feelings. God's word warns that you die one time it's appointed for man to die once and then the judgment. It gives us a list of what is not acceptable and who will not enter the kingdom of GOD and it's very serious. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 It is real God cannot lie. It depends what hate is because some things are an abomination and they are rebellion to God. It is true the jewish messah Jesus Christ of Nazareth paid for the sins of the world but this is not done in vain. Hebrews 10:29 KJV God made it possible to become children of God and to have salvation. John 3:16 Now Jesus took some of the worst people in society and turned them into Godly men and women including the prostitute he told her go sin no more. Christ changed people and the commission the Great Commission was go preach the gospel into the world, into all the world turning people from Satan on to God in essence even baptizing them. It's happened. He changed me and he changed other brothers and sisters in Christ over the centuries because he is real. He is the way that you eradicate hate/evil. But you got to define love to define hate. Scripture makes it clear we are to love the things God loves and hate that things God hates. Proverbs 6:16-19 God gave you one body and one set of lungs putting drugs in that body or smoking cigarettes and damaging your lungs is rebellion and hatred for God. Using your tongue a little rudder in your mouth to insult people, lie, swearing at them or taking God's name in vain even talking dirty as hell is hatred and rebellion to/for God because man will not live on bread and water alone but by every Idle word that proceeds forth from the mouth of God. Matthew 4:4 KJV James 3:8-10 KJV You're made in his image. Your tongue has the power of life and death it can actually send you to eternal damnation very easily. People want heaven but they refuse to come out of hell. In fact they kindle the fire and it grows larger and larger all the time. They support abominable sinners instead of rebuking them or preaching/praying to/for them. Scripture tells us have nothing to do with the unfruitful works of darkness. The world is deceived and yet couldn't give a care in the world just like in Noah's day they were laughing at him until that flood came about just as predicted/prophesied and took them all away. Christ came into his own creation and it received him not, despised him and rejected him. Isaiah 53 Who does this world not reject and what were the condition of their lives on Earth? Very famous people lived a very corrupt life full of drugs, alcohol, partying, and all sorts of sinful desires yet people still worship them today. Not that they're not talented beyond measure but the things you and I highly esteem are abomination unto God can we digest that? The true living God can take that heart of stone and give you a new heart of flesh if you just follow/believe in Jesus Christ and get born again. John 3:3 Ezekiel 36:26 A lot of people who are religious think you're born again when you're baptized as a baby but a baby cannot understand sin/repentance. Where is this in the Bible? Incredible that Nicodemus from the Sanhedrin Pharisees outfit back in the day who believed in Christ and knew no man could do the miracles he was doing unless God was with him asked Christ can he go back into his mother's womb and be born again but that's not what it means. But this is a true process and Jesus the Jewish Messiah being whom he is and who he said he was knew he being a teacher of the law should understand these things so if he tells him spiritual things how could he understand them but this is what he said. Despite that Nicodemus was confused how these things can be here is what Jesus Christ told him:
Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born?
5 Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God .
6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
7 Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.
8 The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit.
I will say that throughout time there have been people that died in Christ that were truly born again. Spiritual rebirth or regeneration of the human spirit. There are people today men and women that are truly born again and this does not come from religion this is a spiritual process by God himself. This is a gift. This is incredible and this is how you eradicate hate. How do you eradicate rebellion and abomination on to God? How could you know what abominations coupled with rebellion are if you don't read the Bible let alone truly know and have a relationship with the living God Jesus Christ of Nazareth. You can hold up a Bible but not know God. I don't think prime minister Justin Trudeau knows God. I can say pray for him his wife left him. That is not a nice pleasant thought to hear about. I wonder if he reads the Bible? I wonder if he's a Bible believing Christian or is he simply religious and lost like a lot of people. Only the true living God can give you a better understanding about the human condition. According to the scriptures it started with Adam and Eve and Satan tempting them. Pride & iniquity were found in Satan yet he was one of the most beautiful cherubim Angels ever created. On the other hand Satan is very real and he's on the Earth according to the living God who warns human beings they've been cast down to the Earth Satan along with his entourage of fallen angels/demon's but why? God gave you your god that you aspire to as so many are of their fathers the devil anyways might as well have your/their master. Since you don't want the real true living GOD Jesus Christ of Nazareth the risen/real messiah you might as well have a counterfeit!!! The prophecies in the Holy scriptures are accurate/precise. One day God's going to have his day it's called a great day of the lord. That horrible TERRIBLE day but until then you must be born again. Joel 2:3 KJV John 3:3
I know you not whence ye are; depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity.
Let's start out by saying the world is deceived and the devil is the one who sows the seeds of deception. Revelation 12:9 KJV Putting aside atheism, Judaism, Hinduism, paganism, Mormonism, Catholicism or one of the 4,000 300 + religions that exist in the world there's only one where you put your faith in Jesus Christ's the Hebrew risen Messiah ((Emmanuel)) death burial and resurrection believe the gospel that Paul the Apostle preached and it's faith through grace and not of your selves. No works. No works required at all. The Book of Revelation 12.9 tells us the devil deceives the whole world. Did you know a good portion of the world worships him the devil unaware? How could you believe in somebody despite that you might hear a street preacher preaching about the Lord Jesus Christ and think he's only out to get your money which is not true without reading an exceptional translation of the Bible King James 1611 recommended and praying to follow it up. Even fellowshipping perhaps worshiping with other true born again Bible believing Christians is recommended. Salvation is one thing once you obtain it but obeying him and living the right way because he is the life is yet another. Matthew 15:8 KJV If you open yourself up to demonic forces you put yourself in grave danger. The evil in the world is off the richter scale and people wonder why God allows evil. I'm not going to get into all of that intricacy but what I will say I seen a bunch of advertising images you know on YouTube as they have the colorful advertisements today and one of them was so gruesome it's unbelievable that it's there and some guy did some evil act and it's mind-boggling you couldn't phantom believe he called the police emphasizing the eyelids were still blinking whom he dismembered the woman. I won't fill in the blanks as it's horrible. There was another colorful advertisement murderous evil children which exists how do they get that way?. What makes them so? There was yet another gruesome crimes committed by very good looking people and you look at those images such good looks why would this be the case? Or some guy being influenced by the flesh married being the second husband but did very evil to her children, unspeakable evil and it's full of this in this world. This aside from the wars in the world and the stress trauma that some of these soldiers later are affected by evil damages people . Sure we have war veterans that are old and can tell you stories about the war that they were involved in and yet they made it same with the Holocaust there are people that were in it that escaped it and can tell you stories of how horrible it was. If God exists and he absolutely does why does this exist? Why would somebody like Stalin, Nero, Hitler be allowed to do evil to numerous millions of people? Doesn't the bible say that nations that forget God are turned into hell? Psalm 917 KJV So all of this exists but despite that all that this exists Christ the Jewish Messiah not pagan deity tells us Jesus Christ of Nazareth that many people will come from east/west and enter his kingdom but there are many be thrust out not being able to enter. Luke 13:24 KJV I'm willing to bet a great number of these people are religious people that don't know him. Perhaps they just think in their mind, their narrow reprobate deprived corrupt minds that if they just believe on somebody called Jesus Christ their saved/safe. They are most likely not Christ followers. They're not Christ like but more world-like. James 4:4 I wanted to get this out of the way before I get to the main topic that entangles all of this in the human fallen condition.
In Canada prime minister Justin Trudeau announced recently that he's going to be stepping down as prime minister and leader of the liberal party. The Liberals had a bill C63 which is quite controversial and even though some of the independent news media networks have been talking about this in the past there is one fella who went into it deep named Douglas Murray. Douglas Murray: featured guest. " What Is About To Happen Will DESTROY The UK And Europe Forever ."
In that segment being interviewed 7:58 video time they were discussing Justin Trudeau's bringing in this bill C63 trying to eradicate hate which is the human condition according to Douglas Murrays emphasis. John 2:16 John 10:10 again Douglas emphasized implementing some of these types of laws where you think you can eradicate hate is ludicrous. It's the human condition. So in other words C63 bill is so controversial that by hurting somebody's feeling a person can land themselves life imprisonment perhaps even without parole while somebody who does a more serious crime might get less time. This would eradicate free speech too by trying to eradicate hurting people's feelings. God's word warns that you die one time it's appointed for man to die once and then the judgment. It gives us a list of what is not acceptable and who will not enter the kingdom of GOD and it's very serious. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 It is real God cannot lie. It depends what hate is because some things are an abomination and they are rebellion to God. It is true the jewish messah Jesus Christ of Nazareth paid for the sins of the world but this is not done in vain. Hebrews 10:29 KJV God made it possible to become children of God and to have salvation. John 3:16 Now Jesus took some of the worst people in society and turned them into Godly men and women including the prostitute he told her go sin no more. Christ changed people and the commission the Great Commission was go preach the gospel into the world, into all the world turning people from Satan on to God in essence even baptizing them. It's happened. He changed me and he changed other brothers and sisters in Christ over the centuries because he is real. He is the way that you eradicate hate/evil. But you got to define love to define hate. Scripture makes it clear we are to love the things God loves and hate that things God hates. Proverbs 6:16-19 God gave you one body and one set of lungs putting drugs in that body or smoking cigarettes and damaging your lungs is rebellion and hatred for God. Using your tongue a little rudder in your mouth to insult people, lie, swearing at them or taking God's name in vain even talking dirty as hell is hatred and rebellion to/for God because man will not live on bread and water alone but by every Idle word that proceeds forth from the mouth of God. Matthew 4:4 KJV James 3:8-10 KJV You're made in his image. Your tongue has the power of life and death it can actually send you to eternal damnation very easily. People want heaven but they refuse to come out of hell. In fact they kindle the fire and it grows larger and larger all the time. They support abominable sinners instead of rebuking them or preaching/praying to/for them. Scripture tells us have nothing to do with the unfruitful works of darkness. The world is deceived and yet couldn't give a care in the world just like in Noah's day they were laughing at him until that flood came about just as predicted/prophesied and took them all away. Christ came into his own creation and it received him not, despised him and rejected him. Isaiah 53 Who does this world not reject and what were the condition of their lives on Earth? Very famous people lived a very corrupt life full of drugs, alcohol, partying, and all sorts of sinful desires yet people still worship them today. Not that they're not talented beyond measure but the things you and I highly esteem are abomination unto God can we digest that? The true living God can take that heart of stone and give you a new heart of flesh if you just follow/believe in Jesus Christ and get born again. John 3:3 Ezekiel 36:26 A lot of people who are religious think you're born again when you're baptized as a baby but a baby cannot understand sin/repentance. Where is this in the Bible? Incredible that Nicodemus from the Sanhedrin Pharisees outfit back in the day who believed in Christ and knew no man could do the miracles he was doing unless God was with him asked Christ can he go back into his mother's womb and be born again but that's not what it means. But this is a true process and Jesus the Jewish Messiah being whom he is and who he said he was knew he being a teacher of the law should understand these things so if he tells him spiritual things how could he understand them but this is what he said. Despite that Nicodemus was confused how these things can be here is what Jesus Christ told him:
Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born?
5 Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God .
6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
7 Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.
8 The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit.
I will say that throughout time there have been people that died in Christ that were truly born again. Spiritual rebirth or regeneration of the human spirit. There are people today men and women that are truly born again and this does not come from religion this is a spiritual process by God himself. This is a gift. This is incredible and this is how you eradicate hate. How do you eradicate rebellion and abomination on to God? How could you know what abominations coupled with rebellion are if you don't read the Bible let alone truly know and have a relationship with the living God Jesus Christ of Nazareth. You can hold up a Bible but not know God. I don't think prime minister Justin Trudeau knows God. I can say pray for him his wife left him. That is not a nice pleasant thought to hear about. I wonder if he reads the Bible? I wonder if he's a Bible believing Christian or is he simply religious and lost like a lot of people. Only the true living God can give you a better understanding about the human condition. According to the scriptures it started with Adam and Eve and Satan tempting them. Pride & iniquity were found in Satan yet he was one of the most beautiful cherubim Angels ever created. On the other hand Satan is very real and he's on the Earth according to the living God who warns human beings they've been cast down to the Earth Satan along with his entourage of fallen angels/demon's but why? God gave you your god that you aspire to as so many are of their fathers the devil anyways might as well have your/their master. Since you don't want the real true living GOD Jesus Christ of Nazareth the risen/real messiah you might as well have a counterfeit!!! The prophecies in the Holy scriptures are accurate/precise. One day God's going to have his day it's called a great day of the lord. That horrible TERRIBLE day but until then you must be born again. Joel 2:3 KJV John 3:3