Man is without excuse including deception. God is all knowing. If you die without Christ in your sins you have reason to fear for your soul because hell is real. Many people are living deceived using their tongue which is an unruly evil committing sin after sin swimming in a sea of sin daily. Many religious people are exactly like this. God is relationship.
Can your tongue if you're not a believer in Christ send you to hell and man is without excuse anyways according to the scriptures. Romans 1:20 KJV Any religion that's considered even proved by those who do such a cult is only so because God is real and man is without excuse . You're not saved by doing good works. Although I mean what person without some heart wouldn't help somebody that genuinely needs the help if they are able to. When you do it the real God of Israel knows your intent why you do it and it's going to be tried in the fire anyways. 1 Corinthians 3:13-15 kjv He knows your motives even your thoughts and he also tests prunes the branches remember that. He's the high priest Jesus Christ the Jewish Messiah that is risen in glory and sits at the right hand of the father not the Pagan Messiah, not the Hindu Messiah, not the Egyptian Messiah, not the Roman Messiah, but the rejected Jewish Hebrew on Earth one that lived a life of sorrow/rejection as written about in Isaiah 53 . Do you know him or were you just raised in some religion thinking you know him? Do you have a relationship with the real Jesus and do you understand what that is or are you going to die in your religious deception and find yourself being cast down to the pit of Hell?
After notes and after thoughts: There's a lot of bickering back and forth between Christians true Bible believing Christians about salvation no works at all intended which is absolutely the truth. Yesterday I seen Adam from Team Jesus Street Preachers with a discussion topic people having trouble with a Biblical verse especially people once saved always saved although I believe Adam does believe once you are sealed you are sealed and it appears rather a little bit complex. Ephesians 1:13 KJV It wasn't immediately an anointing for me put on my heart what Adam was talking about but I did listen to some of it. James from the UK is quite often preaching about no works and he goes through the scriptures that apply and he's right. But then Adam was talking about "iniquity" which I did discuss these people appear to be people that professed to believe in Jesus and were they actually casting out demons whether they actually did it is one thing. It appears they most likely did good works a lot of people do good works even people that are deceived but your good works do not save you. You need to put your faith and trust in the biblical Jesus Christ of Nazareth finished work at the cross at Calvary. He said it is finished. You can't earn your salvation it is a free gift John 3:16 and many people are in religions that are contrary to the word of God and they're going about establishing their own righteousness. Matthew 6:33 KJV At the same time the problem underlies because do Christians just unhinge everything and now if you don't want to stumble you just do whatever you want because you're not saved by good works. No law! We could reason that going back under the law is improper. So do you want to unhinge everything and go back to the world. So is James 4.4 obsolete now? You're either in Christ or you're in the world you can't be in both at the same time it's just not proper/realistic. Matthew 6:24 KJV They're at war with each other just like the old man is at war with the spirit. Hebrews 10:29-31 is serious. Shall grace abound God forbid. Scripture tells us the unrighteous will not inherit the Kingdom. So I thought this Henry Matthew commentary was good to review. When you truly are born again you know in your spirit that is improper to go down the same path you used to go down before you were not born again. John 3:33 KJV Matthew 7:13 KJV Matthew 7:23 KJV Ephesians 2:8-9 KJV So you must ask yourself of the people that claimed to believe In Christ whom may be suffering in hell day and night without rest why werent they forgiven? Doesn't it tell us that man is without excuse in scripture. Aren't we Christlike? Are we truly Christ followers? Do we pick up our cross and love him hewbrew on earth Jesus more than daughter, sister, mother, mother-in-law, etc. Do we really pick up our cross daily?
Enter ye in at the strait gate