All of the deception was foretold in prophecy or by Christ, or by Apostle Paul and others. The scriptures are precise in their prophecy. How does pagan religion become the God of Israel? The true Christ said whom do people say that I am?
Christian News
Worldviews (Roman Catholicism, Judaism, Islam, Atheism, Hinduism) Under Scrutiny | 3.0 Ep 16
Interesting discussion and some profound things that have been said about evidence, their priesthood and time before the first century or the facts.
Worldviews (Roman Catholicism, Judaism, Islam, Atheism, Hinduism) Under Scrutiny | 3.0 Ep 19 January 23, 2025
So certain religions claim to have given us the Bible but they came in the third near into the fourth century. The Old Testament was well into existence way before the first century Christ's time. They say the New Testament somewhere in the first century maybe the beginning of the second was already completed just wasn't in print worldwide circulation. Then they found the Dead Sea Scrolls later. Truly the God of Israel is real and the fool has said in their heart there is no God. Psalm 14
"The New Testament was written over a period of approximately 200 years, with the core books completed before 120 AD . The earliest books were likely written in the mid-to-late first century, with the latest books written in the early to mid-second century."
They say the original manuscripts if they ever existed didn't survive so we have copies of copies. See: ( (Cold Case Christianity )) However they did discover the Dead Sea Scrolls which are very interesting as I've already mentioned. See Wikipedia
But the body of Christ when did it begin? Perhaps see practical beginning. Didn't Isaiah the prophet in Isaiah 53 tell us about Jesus and Moses wrote about him. When did the church begin? And who were members?. Was not Jesus a preacher and a prophet and also the son of God Emmanuel? Regarding the Church I've heard it said that it was hidden and then revealed. But the day of Pentecost according to the scripture is rather important. ACTS 2 So this is way before the 3rd or 4th century and look what Apostle Paul said. 11 For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ . 1 Corinthians 3:11 KJV
And remember John 3:16 it is written God so loved the world he gave his only begotten son. Nobody that came in the third or fourth Century gave us the only begotten son nor the Bible. However it was written that wolves would come in and not spare the sheep and I am in the understanding that has occurred in history. Acts 20:29-31 On top of that there's a whole host of evidence outside of the Bible including archeology which I did study many years ago how it proves the Bible . Some of those references were discussed. It seems to me they invented their own Jesus some of these religions discussed or/and completely denied him in their deeds and aspirations. He was a Jewish Rabbi on Earth went to a synagogue. Never spoken English in his life but maybe a dialect of Aramaic but did understand many things because of whom he really was. God is the God of Israel not the God of any pagan religion. He might have been rejected Jesus but nowhere in scripture does it give approval to change the religion of Christ on Earth although some of it might be into question now because he was rejected. It's very complex when you look at Judaism waiting for another Messiah when he's already come. Nowhere in scripture does it tell us to worship Mary unless you take it completely out of context nor pray to dead Saints. Jeremiah 10:2-4 God is relationship and man-made religion is false. Either love the truth or you risk perishing into the pit of hell for all of eternity. God tells us people perish because they have not a love of thy truth that they might have been saved. On the contrary salvation is not work based. Ephesians 2:8-9 KJV You can't earn your salvation. You have to seek the righteousness of the real biblical Christ. It's what he done for us.
The myth of apostolic succession in Roman Catholic doctrine:
"This video will critically examine the doctrine of apostolic succession, a key tenet in many "so unfounded claims". Christian traditions that claims an unbroken line of authority from the apostles to current church "father" leaders. We'll explore its historical development, scriptural basis, and whether it holds up under biblical scrutiny. By the end, you'll have a deeper understanding of both the strengths and challenges of this doctrine."
False teaching of RCC apostatic succession