John. 10 . [1] Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber. [2] But he that entereth in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep .
The enemy of the cross
Do you carry your cross? Do you love God the true God of Israel the God of the Bible more than mother, brother, sister, mother-in-law even your children yes or no?
5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof : from such turn away.
You know our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ the Messiah the Hebrew on Earth risen in glory Yeshua in Hebrew Emmanuel yes we're talking about the Jewish Hebrew Messiah that is risen the God of the Bible said a man must be born again or he can't see his kingdom and he told the Sanhedrin Pharisee Nicodemus that believed in him and paid for his burial a man must be born again or he can't see his kingdom but of course Nicodemus was confused even being a teacher of the law didn't understand these things. John 3:3 I know there are those that may say all sorts of things against these types of preachers because of suspicions of corruption within the Church system but the late Billy Graham in this old preaching that seems to be televised preached in some huge stadium was so on the money about the human wickedness and Evil of the heart , the human fallen condition. And although I can do a blog or preaching of my own which is important not just to preach Christ crucified but explain this because people must believe that God knows his creation and what needs to be done to correct this corrupt nature condition of human. You know in scripture God tells us that all have gone astray and no one understands and no one does any good. God has high standards and he knows what he's doing of course. So I want you to listen to this including the second preaching but remember to read your Bible King James recommended and pray. I would encourage you to get born again if you're not. This is very well said.
What does it mean to be born again? It's called the spiritual rebirth. People describe it in different ways but here are a few things written about it.
What is the real meaning of being born again?
Associated perhaps initially with Jesus People and the Christian counterculture, born again came to refer to a conversion experience, accepting Jesus Christ as lord and savior in order to be saved from hell and given eternal life with God in heaven , and was increasingly used as a term to identify devout believers.
What does the Bible mean when it says you must be born again?
In fact, the phrase “born again” more literally means “ born from above .” Just as your mother gave physical birth to you, if you want to have eternal life, you need the Holy Spirit to give you a spiritual birth. This is the moment of conversion when you go from being spiritually dead to spiritually alive through Christ. Oct 28, 2018 1 John 2:27 KJV
So I found a preaching wasn't initially exactly put on my heart but it is interesting and I talked about this extensively just as others have. You know true Christians preach there's a particular religion that's sending millions of people to hell.. in fact the scripture tells us that they have the souls of men and the martyrs of Jesus Christ their blood on their hands. You can't serve two masters and you will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit . Matthew 7:16-20 KJV
So the narrator explains but doesn't clearly say it's counterfeit Christianity as opposed to true Christianity because the world is deceived. Yeah the key to believing in him. To believe in Christ of the Bible. To believe in Yeshua the Hebrew Messiah not the pagan deity of any pagan religion. If you're believing in a counterfeit Jesus that is very different than what's described in the King James Bible how will he know you. If after 400 years after Elvis Presley died I believe in Elvis in Africa and he sounds like him but he's even worse in his worldliness or his corrupt nature am I really believing in Elvis. Now I know this is sort of a strange comparison but if you were a musician that wanted to learn off the best you go to the best. There's no better than the God of Israel who created everything. If he doesn't know you but you claim to be a Christian that is going to be detrimental to you on the day of judgment if you haven't come to know him let alone not being born again and have no relationship even trying to climb in some other way into the Sheepfold.
The Corrupt Diseased Heart - Wayne Sanelli |
A Cure for Heart Trouble
By: the late Billy Graham Classic Sermon
Of the synagogue of Satan
John. 10 . [1] Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber. [2] But he that entereth in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep .
The enemy of the cross
Do you carry your cross? Do you love God the true God of Israel the God of the Bible more than mother, brother, sister, mother-in-law even your children yes or no?
5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof : from such turn away.
You know our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ the Messiah the Hebrew on Earth risen in glory Yeshua in Hebrew Emmanuel yes we're talking about the Jewish Hebrew Messiah that is risen the God of the Bible said a man must be born again or he can't see his kingdom and he told the Sanhedrin Pharisee Nicodemus that believed in him and paid for his burial a man must be born again or he can't see his kingdom but of course Nicodemus was confused even being a teacher of the law didn't understand these things. John 3:3 I know there are those that may say all sorts of things against these types of preachers because of suspicions of corruption within the Church system but the late Billy Graham in this old preaching that seems to be televised preached in some huge stadium was so on the money about the human wickedness and Evil of the heart , the human fallen condition. And although I can do a blog or preaching of my own which is important not just to preach Christ crucified but explain this because people must believe that God knows his creation and what needs to be done to correct this corrupt nature condition of human. You know in scripture God tells us that all have gone astray and no one understands and no one does any good. God has high standards and he knows what he's doing of course. So I want you to listen to this including the second preaching but remember to read your Bible King James recommended and pray. I would encourage you to get born again if you're not. This is very well said.
What does it mean to be born again? It's called the spiritual rebirth. People describe it in different ways but here are a few things written about it.
What is the real meaning of being born again?
Associated perhaps initially with Jesus People and the Christian counterculture, born again came to refer to a conversion experience, accepting Jesus Christ as lord and savior in order to be saved from hell and given eternal life with God in heaven , and was increasingly used as a term to identify devout believers.
What does the Bible mean when it says you must be born again?
In fact, the phrase “born again” more literally means “ born from above .” Just as your mother gave physical birth to you, if you want to have eternal life, you need the Holy Spirit to give you a spiritual birth. This is the moment of conversion when you go from being spiritually dead to spiritually alive through Christ. Oct 28, 2018 1 John 2:27 KJV
So I found a preaching wasn't initially exactly put on my heart but it is interesting and I talked about this extensively just as others have. You know true Christians preach there's a particular religion that's sending millions of people to hell.. in fact the scripture tells us that they have the souls of men and the martyrs of Jesus Christ their blood on their hands. You can't serve two masters and you will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit . Matthew 7:16-20 KJV
So the narrator explains but doesn't clearly say it's counterfeit Christianity as opposed to true Christianity because the world is deceived. Yeah the key to believing in him. To believe in Christ of the Bible. To believe in Yeshua the Hebrew Messiah not the pagan deity of any pagan religion. If you're believing in a counterfeit Jesus that is very different than what's described in the King James Bible how will he know you. If after 400 years after Elvis Presley died I believe in Elvis in Africa and he sounds like him but he's even worse in his worldliness or his corrupt nature am I really believing in Elvis. Now I know this is sort of a strange comparison but if you were a musician that wanted to learn off the best you go to the best. There's no better than the God of Israel who created everything. If he doesn't know you but you claim to be a Christian that is going to be detrimental to you on the day of judgment if you haven't come to know him let alone not being born again and have no relationship even trying to climb in some other way into the Sheepfold.