Christ is real. He did not go to another religion that is pure deception. The nerve of the people in counterfeit Christianity/religion to think such would be of God is futile. Love the truth or perish.
This man who understands Hebrew the interviewer and the Jewish people I believe he was born one of them if I'm not mistaken and he interviewed an Israel special forces c ommander somebody in charge of a high position in Israel and also a Jewish woman you know and he asked a lot of questions and the answers in interaction is phenomenal. I know there are Christians out there who criticize everything and don't look at the positive aspects of certain things or certain ways of preaching. He's very down to earth. He's very humble. He's not prideful at all and he lets the other person converse and respond. The man was particularly interesting and the things he relayed according to what he thought was being good heart it is the way to heaven . The interviewer did explain a little about what Christ said about good. He also explained how he took the punishment we deserved and brought up Isaiah 53. But the woman particularly was very interesting because she thought along the same lines she has to be a good person but she thinks she has to go to shabbat and make sure she prays and it is similar to church things that people have in their subconscious especially in counterfeit Christianity. Our good is no good it's a bag of dirt according to scripture. That's why God sent a savior his only begotten son. But particularly with the Jewish woman at 5:14 in the video she had mixed reactions or understanding of what she thought about Christ but she thought he went to another religion and you should understand what that is because that is not him. 2 Corinthians 11:4 KJV Revelation 12:9 KJV Revelation 18:4 KJV
And Revelation 17 and 18 complete!
Condemnation Of Darkness - Wayne Sanelli |
This man who understands Hebrew the interviewer and the Jewish people I believe he was born one of them if I'm not mistaken and he interviewed an Israel special forces c ommander somebody in charge of a high position in Israel and also a Jewish woman you know and he asked a lot of questions and the answers in interaction is phenomenal. I know there are Christians out there who criticize everything and don't look at the positive aspects of certain things or certain ways of preaching. He's very down to earth. He's very humble. He's not prideful at all and he lets the other person converse and respond. The man was particularly interesting and the things he relayed according to what he thought was being good heart it is the way to heaven . The interviewer did explain a little about what Christ said about good. He also explained how he took the punishment we deserved and brought up Isaiah 53. But the woman particularly was very interesting because she thought along the same lines she has to be a good person but she thinks she has to go to shabbat and make sure she prays and it is similar to church things that people have in their subconscious especially in counterfeit Christianity. Our good is no good it's a bag of dirt according to scripture. That's why God sent a savior his only begotten son. But particularly with the Jewish woman at 5:14 in the video she had mixed reactions or understanding of what she thought about Christ but she thought he went to another religion and you should understand what that is because that is not him. 2 Corinthians 11:4 KJV Revelation 12:9 KJV Revelation 18:4 KJV
And Revelation 17 and 18 complete!