Jesus gave specific instructions/warnings to believers regarding the unfolding of the last days and also said, "the gospel must first be preached to all the nations." He spoke of persecution and martyrdom, saying, "And you will be hated by everyone because of My name...
Christian News
The truth is hell is real and eternal and the Grace Gospel can save your soul. You live once AND then judgment and most people are headed to hell not to heaven.
I wonder if you heard about this in the news above. They say she had racial hatred but that's not what appears to be happening in this story. She was walking I take it with a stroller with her child and she became alarmed when she thought she was being followed by some truck or vehicle so she went up the driveway making it like she lived there knocking on the door asking for help but the fella in the truck or the vehicle whatever it was lived there but she didn't know that and his wife I believe opened the door. So this was reported on various news networks and I seen the different footages on it. Her apology although people don't accept it, a lot of these people she describes doesn't seem to be people who are sincere. But all of what followed after that apology appears to be people that are committing abominable acts of violence and evil against her her kids and her family and their business not showing signs of forgiveness and involving themselves in somebody else's affairs in the manner that they're carrying on. It appears to be the last generation which is the most wicked vile according to Christ and prophecy. So I asked my brothers and sisters in Christ out there to please pray over this situation.
After thoughts and after notes I don't think I seen a video where she and the people that are involved that lived in this home are together in a heartfelt discussion forgiving each other or trying to come to grips to what really happened and being adults and showing some heart rising above the situation. You know Jesus said if you don't forgive others neither will God forgive you and it will also hinder your prayers.
The truth about the end times put so well below!
I don't know what denomination this man is from below in the YouTube short if any or what type of established Christian he is but he appears to be right on the money. 2 Timothy 3:1-5 KJV People don't fear hell/GOD and they think a majority of the world being deceived they're going to heaven either without Christ or with a counterfeit religious be it hippie 60s Egyptian pagan non-jewish on earth religious counterfeit Christ and false worked based gospel. Relationship not religion . And this is evidence of the last wicked evil & vile generation sanctified/manipulated in lies that is before us now and there's much evidence in the world it's just like Noah's day people are as wicked as hell. You can see the prosperity preachers living like rock stars rich beyond comprehension some of them the same with religious entities while the apostles suffered persecution in their day. The congregation, the church, the Christian preachers most of them are lukewarm not even preaching repentance anymore just Jesus loves you but which one is he? Matthew 24:5-8 2 Corinthians 11:3-4 People not knowing the real God will be hard of hearing in the end times and they will not be lovers of God but how could they be lovers of God when there's over 4,000 false religions in the world serving false gods. God is relationship not religion so how could they love God when they're not of God? Those who have come to know the true God they are blessed and they see and hear but countless others neither see nor hear but have a sheared conscience as with a hot iron. 1 Timothy 4:2
And I would like to add on to this you know I've written before and preached that when people die the first physical death and judgment comes if they are not saved they can't come back and destroy the things that will tempt/influence others to lose their soul. I mean you can point a finger at things that appeal to the flesh such as rock music or even art people buying art worth millions even collector automobiles. There are a lot of things that appeal to the flesh and even you get some people that are hard workers even working white collar in an office are still prone to many things that appeal to the flesh even sports when it becomes an idol. Unfortunately the celebrities prove that they don't know God in their vanity of vanities. I heard about Jessica Simpson losing all that weight and she looks good again without the weight but she's living separate from her husband which she has kids with and there's an image around on social media and some video or images on her Instagram as they say in the writings of these media articles written from the journalist that wrote these news reporting talking about her current situation. That breaks my heart when I hear about these things because there's children involved. You know sometimes they will say there's inreconcilable differences but as long as it's not violent what happened? They are saying in articles written regaring her case there's mistrust and insecurity. So this is not a good thing flaunting your body like that it is evil in the sight of a holy God. People make money off of this the imagery even in fleshly reactionary music it sells but as it is written what is your life a vapor here today and gone tomorrow. Wouldn't you want to live life now to know what real love is let alone the true God. It is not taking drugs, smoking cigarettes, swearing, sexual exploited explicit imagery, taking God's name in vain, living like a devil as the world does James 4:4. It's not living like Adam and Eve eating from the Tree of knowledge of and Good and Evil. You know Solomon was it King Solomon that concluded the following
13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. Ecclesiastic 12 KJV
I'm not advocating to go back under the law because we are to seek his righteousness but we are not given a license to sin nor should we think to abuse grace.