Entitled: referencing Justin Trudeau reportedly says Trump's talk of making Canada a US state is a real thing.
Scripture tells us have nothing to do with the unfruitful works of darkness and that's exactly what they are doing. For example current prime minister Justin Trudeau in Canada is saying what appears to be the truth and that aligns with prophecy.
I seen the former prime minister Stephen Harper being interviewed and talking about the west and how they want to tear it down. He went into the deficit and some very intricate things which he is very experienced. Sometimes the same people that yell fire are the same people that had a hand in bringing forth what is being brought forth. When you are deceived in this life you do things unknowingly thinking you're doing good that is detrimental and can lead to such things. You know I've noticed they sue independent news media companies and some people sue independent ones because they expose what some of the ones that are controlled don't. Suing brothers and sisters in Christ is evil and I can understand that Christians that sue people to save their ministry for example somebody trampling over their rights where their to preach. There are a lot of nations in the world and other nations are experiencing traumatic things as well such as Germany was in the news a few times. Israel is in the news quite a bit with what's happening over there. Ukraine has been in the news and so has Russia. Syria was even in the news a while back now. Australia has even been in the news and especially the United Kingdom with what is occurring over there with people like Tommy Robinson being jailed exposing things such as the grooming gangs. I recommend to you that you must guard your soul because you don't believe it but you can easily lose it. You have to know who God is . A lot of people don't know God or don't believe in God. A great majority of the world is engrossed in a great majority of false religions don't know God but are involved in very evil things. In this world we have people involved in orgies and child pornography. We have people involved in drugs and crime. We have people involved in incest and houses where they will read your palms and channel spirits. We have people involved in degrees of freemasonry. We have such a thing as witchcraft. We have people that put sports before the God that gave them their soul and all sorts of entertainment. Matthew 22:37-40 We have celebrities that don't know God that embrace the sinful World open arms and have become filthy rich but are losing their soul. We have preachers out on the streets who know God and have a relationship with the real God and they're trying to bring people to their senses especially criminals bringing them to Christ and out of that life of evil. You reap what you sow. If you sow to the flesh you will reap that . If you bar hop and you're just looking for chicks to wine then get them in bed then you're going to get risk somebody getting pregnant and the abortion rate is through the roof around the world. Murder at the abortion mill every single day. We also have such a thing as transgender people now and transgender children. We have religious people that consider themselves men of God marrying gay people committing abominable acts against the God that they do not know but they claim to know. God is real and the fool has said in their heart there is no God . Israel is real and God is the God of Israel. Religious deception is real and as some Christian preachers have preached that these religious entities are sending millions of people to hell is probably the truth. There's still a chance of salvation but it is slim. Ephesians 2:8-9 John 3:16 Romans 10:9 KJV Atheism is real and it is foolishness and false. When a person dies the first physical death if they die the spiritual death the second death it's toast for them they're going to spend eternity in hell and there's no coming back. God is merciful only to a certain limit. Many people who know God trample the blood every once in awhile and they abuse grace. Today they have the unlimited grace that can't be abused because they're more concerned about making followers than offending the ones they currently have than losing people then it becomes hard to pay for their establishment corporations. Only the truth can set you free and Christ gave you the greatest warning about Judgment Day I never knew you yet people live everyday in ignorance and denial. They can't even accept when they are deceived that they are deceived. If they're involved in any type of paganism they attribute that to the god of their own making and their own involvement. It doesn't say in vain in scripture the devil deceives the world. Revelation 12:9 KJV God has given two important warnings besides I never knew you. When you die as a pagan bowing before statues and idols deliver your own soul since you were so wise in your own eyes. Isaiah 57:13 KJV Judges 10:14 KJV What shall a man give in exchange for his soul . 8:36-38 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. And enter in at the straight gate. Few find it in their lifetime.
I once heard Paul McCartney say when he was a young man in the Beatles he can't make sense of believing in GOD. (CHRIST) It all goes funny. They were considered atheist at one time. But he can make sense of fame and fortune. I'm not specifically singling out Paul McCartney but I want to use this to explain to you the blindness and deafness of lost people. Christ used blind people to show the Pharisees they see better than they do. Even when the eyesight was restored they blamed the blind man not being blind but acting it. They thought they were righteous in their own eyes but since they lacked repentance or they were deceived they remained blind their sin also remained. John 9. Paul McCartney and others like him being in old age need to worry because one day they're going to pass on as they're going to find themselves in the lake of fire. If you can make a song like imagine there's no heaven/hell when you're living in abominable sin you're headed for the fire that is eternal. If you can make a song like My Sweet Lord which appears to be a Christian song but it is talking about another religion with the words in it " Hare Krishna" and it even has the word "hallelujah" in it what does it tell/reveal to true Christians that such people do not know God. That's a person whom did not know God but had some sort of inclination that God exists and they were searching. The world is deceived the devil deceives the world. Are you reaping the world or reaping things that are eternal? It's time to know the real God of the Bible. It's time to know Jesus Christ the risen in glory rejected, suffering Messiah who is the savior of the entire world. John 3:16 what a gift?
After thoughts and after notes: Luke 7:22 because of such people are saved and don't lose their soul most likely but others are headed for the fire of hell outer darkness. When you reap blindly ignorantly to the flesh you might bring children into this world and put them in religions that are false and now they are also headed for Hellfire. Ignorance is Blitz!!!
On the 15th of February 2025 adding on to the afterthoughts and after notes. In the Beatles young men making music following the world usually will draw far away from God thinking God would be religion. I heard Paul McCartney in an interview once say from "good" that word they took away one "o" and they got the word god so man created him. Paul McCartney God is good. God is Holy. Have you ever thought that maybe out of the word "god". Perhaps Paul doesn't know they added an extra "o" and they got the word good. Remember Christ told a man that only God is good. God is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the fool has said in their heart there is no God. Mind you Christ was born as a Hebrew on Earth and he went to a synagogue and even taught in the courtyard of that synagogue and it was first century Judaism.
What would the word God mean in Hebrew?
"The Hebrew word for God is Elohim . The word Elohim is plural, but it is often used with a singular meaning. When used with a singular meaning in the Hebrew Bible, Elohim usually refers to the monotheistic Creator God, or to the God of Israel, Yahweh ."
Entitled: referencing Justin Trudeau reportedly says Trump's talk of making Canada a US state is a real thing.
Scripture tells us have nothing to do with the unfruitful works of darkness and that's exactly what they are doing. For example current prime minister Justin Trudeau in Canada is saying what appears to be the truth and that aligns with prophecy.
I seen the former prime minister Stephen Harper being interviewed and talking about the west and how they want to tear it down. He went into the deficit and some very intricate things which he is very experienced. Sometimes the same people that yell fire are the same people that had a hand in bringing forth what is being brought forth. When you are deceived in this life you do things unknowingly thinking you're doing good that is detrimental and can lead to such things. You know I've noticed they sue independent news media companies and some people sue independent ones because they expose what some of the ones that are controlled don't. Suing brothers and sisters in Christ is evil and I can understand that Christians that sue people to save their ministry for example somebody trampling over their rights where their to preach. There are a lot of nations in the world and other nations are experiencing traumatic things as well such as Germany was in the news a few times. Israel is in the news quite a bit with what's happening over there. Ukraine has been in the news and so has Russia. Syria was even in the news a while back now. Australia has even been in the news and especially the United Kingdom with what is occurring over there with people like Tommy Robinson being jailed exposing things such as the grooming gangs. I recommend to you that you must guard your soul because you don't believe it but you can easily lose it. You have to know who God is . A lot of people don't know God or don't believe in God. A great majority of the world is engrossed in a great majority of false religions don't know God but are involved in very evil things. In this world we have people involved in orgies and child pornography. We have people involved in drugs and crime. We have people involved in incest and houses where they will read your palms and channel spirits. We have people involved in degrees of freemasonry. We have such a thing as witchcraft. We have people that put sports before the God that gave them their soul and all sorts of entertainment. Matthew 22:37-40 We have celebrities that don't know God that embrace the sinful World open arms and have become filthy rich but are losing their soul. We have preachers out on the streets who know God and have a relationship with the real God and they're trying to bring people to their senses especially criminals bringing them to Christ and out of that life of evil. You reap what you sow. If you sow to the flesh you will reap that . If you bar hop and you're just looking for chicks to wine then get them in bed then you're going to get risk somebody getting pregnant and the abortion rate is through the roof around the world. Murder at the abortion mill every single day. We also have such a thing as transgender people now and transgender children. We have religious people that consider themselves men of God marrying gay people committing abominable acts against the God that they do not know but they claim to know. God is real and the fool has said in their heart there is no God . Israel is real and God is the God of Israel. Religious deception is real and as some Christian preachers have preached that these religious entities are sending millions of people to hell is probably the truth. There's still a chance of salvation but it is slim. Ephesians 2:8-9 John 3:16 Romans 10:9 KJV Atheism is real and it is foolishness and false. When a person dies the first physical death if they die the spiritual death the second death it's toast for them they're going to spend eternity in hell and there's no coming back. God is merciful only to a certain limit. Many people who know God trample the blood every once in awhile and they abuse grace. Today they have the unlimited grace that can't be abused because they're more concerned about making followers than offending the ones they currently have than losing people then it becomes hard to pay for their establishment corporations. Only the truth can set you free and Christ gave you the greatest warning about Judgment Day I never knew you yet people live everyday in ignorance and denial. They can't even accept when they are deceived that they are deceived. If they're involved in any type of paganism they attribute that to the god of their own making and their own involvement. It doesn't say in vain in scripture the devil deceives the world. Revelation 12:9 KJV God has given two important warnings besides I never knew you. When you die as a pagan bowing before statues and idols deliver your own soul since you were so wise in your own eyes. Isaiah 57:13 KJV Judges 10:14 KJV What shall a man give in exchange for his soul . 8:36-38 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. And enter in at the straight gate. Few find it in their lifetime.
I once heard Paul McCartney say when he was a young man in the Beatles he can't make sense of believing in GOD. (CHRIST) It all goes funny. They were considered atheist at one time. But he can make sense of fame and fortune. I'm not specifically singling out Paul McCartney but I want to use this to explain to you the blindness and deafness of lost people. Christ used blind people to show the Pharisees they see better than they do. Even when the eyesight was restored they blamed the blind man not being blind but acting it. They thought they were righteous in their own eyes but since they lacked repentance or they were deceived they remained blind their sin also remained. John 9. Paul McCartney and others like him being in old age need to worry because one day they're going to pass on as they're going to find themselves in the lake of fire. If you can make a song like imagine there's no heaven/hell when you're living in abominable sin you're headed for the fire that is eternal. If you can make a song like My Sweet Lord which appears to be a Christian song but it is talking about another religion with the words in it " Hare Krishna" and it even has the word "hallelujah" in it what does it tell/reveal to true Christians that such people do not know God. That's a person whom did not know God but had some sort of inclination that God exists and they were searching. The world is deceived the devil deceives the world. Are you reaping the world or reaping things that are eternal? It's time to know the real God of the Bible. It's time to know Jesus Christ the risen in glory rejected, suffering Messiah who is the savior of the entire world. John 3:16 what a gift?
After thoughts and after notes: Luke 7:22 because of such people are saved and don't lose their soul most likely but others are headed for the fire of hell outer darkness. When you reap blindly ignorantly to the flesh you might bring children into this world and put them in religions that are false and now they are also headed for Hellfire. Ignorance is Blitz!!!
On the 15th of February 2025 adding on to the afterthoughts and after notes. In the Beatles young men making music following the world usually will draw far away from God thinking God would be religion. I heard Paul McCartney in an interview once say from "good" that word they took away one "o" and they got the word god so man created him. Paul McCartney God is good. God is Holy. Have you ever thought that maybe out of the word "god". Perhaps Paul doesn't know they added an extra "o" and they got the word good. Remember Christ told a man that only God is good. God is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the fool has said in their heart there is no God. Mind you Christ was born as a Hebrew on Earth and he went to a synagogue and even taught in the courtyard of that synagogue and it was first century Judaism.
What would the word God mean in Hebrew?
"The Hebrew word for God is Elohim . The word Elohim is plural, but it is often used with a singular meaning. When used with a singular meaning in the Hebrew Bible, Elohim usually refers to the monotheistic Creator God, or to the God of Israel, Yahweh ."