Clint Eastwood turned 94 today reported last May 2024. He said he doesn't believe in God.
Clint Eastwood turned 94 today reported last May 2024. He said he doesn't believe in God.
We live in the world that is truely fallen. At times celebrities, people who have what you call made it in life whom achieved a little bit of succes, a little bit of celebrity status where they are known people and can have great influences yet they are mostly lost and have no understanding when it comes to God. I remember a long time ago Bono from U2 was involved in some sort of fight/feed the poor poverty in Africa and other causes such as AIDS. Sometimes celebrities give great amounts to charities, to different causes and as long as it's a reputable charity that's probably not an evil thing. It could have its negative effects because you need to be saved and to know who God is. You need to know whom the person of Jesus Christ really is because he's real and he is risen. So I heard about Clint Eastwood and I don't know if this is true but some people on a motorcycle approached him as he is 94 years old and decided to play a little dirty game on him even following him to some restaurant where not so good things unraveled but calm Clint Eastwood called the mayor of the city on his cell and he was once himself the mayor and the police showed up and those people were eventually arrested. They say he's an atheist whom doesn't believe in God. So I came across that. God is real as the fool has said in their heart there is no God. You can have absolute success in this life die the first physical death and find yourself in eternal damnation. God is love and God is Holy. God does exist but you don't find him the way you find a job. You don't find him the way you would go to Hollywood and audition for a part. You find GOD by reading the holy scriptures the Bible, perhaps listening to street preachers and I would recommend the King James 1611 Bible and praying. There's great news because you can have salvation John 3:16 for God so loved the world. It's that people don't seek. As I see and know about the religious wars and all the religious evil things that are occurring in these evil radical ideologies that draws them even further away from ever believing in God. That doesn't mean God doesn't exist. God is not religion and the world is deceived but it is without excuse according to the holy scriptures. Romans 1:20 KJV
Recently in another writing in Christian News section I reported how Rebel News reported that people are doing the nazi salute. There is a lot of anti-semitism in the world and that's not a good thing. And I came across a little video regarding people who died in court or people who were given possibly 70 consecutive life sentences. Some of this I've seen and some of this was about white supremacy and people who have did some of the most heinous crimes you could ever imagine and even in court they became ruthless with no remorse tormenting the victims in the courtroom. You know you had one girl who one fella traumatized and she responded to him he will rot in hell. Is that something Christ would have said? There's consequences for your choices in life. And further reports, it was reported some fella drove through a crowd and injured a whole bunch of people maybe murdering some recently. How will God judge that? He will judge that. You might not believe it? You might even think Jesus said forgive them for they not know what they do. Remember who he said it too and why he said it they didn't know what they were doing wanting Barnabas to be released and Christ to be crucified. He was dying for the sins of the world and when he said it is finished it was finished. His mission was successful.
When was the last time you opened the Bible to read it. You see the problem is the heart is abundantly wicked. When Christ was called good master his response was who are you calling good there's only one good and that is God. We're not saved by our own good works they are as filthy rags. Ephesians 2:8-9 KJV You could pretend to go about establishing your own righteousness but it's just foolishness you have to seek the righteousness of Christ. Today we have the accusation of lordship salvation. I think we have people that do put Christ as their lord and savior above anything else and then we have the ones that are in between and then we have lazy Christians. You can't act it God knows all your thoughts and your motives. You think of why the war in heaven happened in the first place and that is another topic even another study. God evicted Satan who was known as Lucifer who guarded God's throne being a cherubim Angel along with his entourage of fallen angels down to the Earth and warns human beings about this. Revelation 12:9 KJV Scripture tells us the devil deceives the world and how is this done? Be careful for the wiles of the devil. He even had the audacity to tempt the son of the living God. The Bible calls him a serpent. The Great Deceiver. The adversary the devil is a roaring lion.
The Human condition is a fallen condition. Scripture tells us in John 3:3 you must be born again. What does that mean to you? You know if you claim to believe in Jesus which one is he? What does being born again mean to you? Who do you say that Jesus Christ is? Who do you say that God is? You see recently I posted a song that I did in 2018 entitled bread and water alone . Scripture tells us man will not live on bread and water alone but by every idle word that proceeds forth out of the mouth of God. Matthew 4:4 KJV We are made in God's image and we are instructed to keep our temple holy. That means no drugs, no alcohol, no smoking, no sex before marriage and no vial stupid toxic language. No swearing like comedians like to do. F this and F that in between every other word in their stand-up act. If you die in your sins without believing in Christ you still will go through judgment. You will give an account for every idle word you ever spoke. I asked an atheist why he took Christ name in vain he said he's not a believer but taking Christ's name in vain he surely believes in something.
Growing up I loved music, art and people being funny sometimes. Sometimes my surroundings were the wrong people that were indulged in sexual innuendos and wicked things. Their talk was very dirty but I had no understanding. I did not know God. I was deceived and narrow-minded. You see you have to labor for the things that are eternal not for the things that perish. Scripture tells us you have to love the true God with all your heart, mind and soul but how are you going to do that if you don't know who he is and you follow the crowd that may be following religion instead of relationship. The lost crowd going about establishing their own righteousness full of religion but full of wickedness in their hearts. There's no change in them they just go around playing religion like the harlot actor in a play. The truth is when Hollywood puts out films that are based on very dark themes people put that in their mind/thoughts and sometimes it influences people in the wrong way. On the other hand if you were a true born again believer you would know that you're to have no part in that whatsoever but rebuke, reproof and expose the unfruitful works of darkness. You need to care about your own salvation/soul and what it truly is. You need to read the Bible and pray and seek for Jesus Christ of Nazareth. You need to have a relationship with him and understanding that you can't get that from no one else. It's about doing but how do you know what you're doing if it's not what God would have you doing. If you don't know Jesus or you don't know God especially if you are deceived you will be lost?
Some of these perpetrators that do evil they go out in the public and unsuspecting people lose their lives or are severely injured including the police. I've seen some of the coverage on this recently. The hatred these people have in their hearts and they go out purposely looking to unleash on the public. There was a lady in a relationship that was murdered and she went to the police but she was dating a very wicked man who eventually shot her to death and I believed he was caught and persecuted. You need to know who God is before you ruin your life and other people's lives. God is real again when was the last time you read the Bible? When was the last time you truly prayed or knew who God truly is? You see people have time for everything else. They have time to keep buying expensive cell phones. They have time to go to weddings and buy expensive gifts/cloths/houses/cars. They have time to go to night clubs there drinking alcohol getting drunk and becoming stupid driving drunk and putting other people at risk. You have time for wanting, wanting, wanting physical things but never a desire to read the Bible and ask what is life really all about and why does this exist rather than nothing? How can a world exist that travels through outer space at a high rates of speed when you don't feel a thing and there's a huge planet like the sun that is so heavy/big and gives us light How is that possible just sheer chance? How is all the vegetation on Earth possible, all the different thousands of plants, animals and trees that give us all sorts of different fruits? How is consciousness possible? God is real. God is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Although the Jewish people got some of them the real God some despised and rejected their true Messiah those the ones in the time going back who persecuted him. Isaiah 53, John 3:16 The Pharisees were his people. The Sadducees were probably his people. Some of the scribes were probably some of his people yet they rejected him and persecuted him. He taught some of the greatest teachings about the Sabbath day. Not trying to be so holy acting it but if your ass falls into a ditch go get it out. He taught the teaching about the good samaritan how the priest passed by who thought he was righteous just like the Pharisees. You see the heart is abundantly wicked. It's not always about two or three university degrees or the most richest man on earth. God says I put life and death before you choose life. When you choose sin you are choosing death. If you choose to fornicate then you are choosing death. Flee fornication. 1 Corinthians 6:18 KJV
Clint Eastwood turned 94 today reported last May 2024. He said he doesn't believe in God.
Clint Eastwood turned 94 today reported last May 2024. He said he doesn't believe in God.
We live in the world that is truely fallen. At times celebrities, people who have what you call made it in life whom achieved a little bit of succes, a little bit of celebrity status where they are known people and can have great influences yet they are mostly lost and have no understanding when it comes to God. I remember a long time ago Bono from U2 was involved in some sort of fight/feed the poor poverty in Africa and other causes such as AIDS. Sometimes celebrities give great amounts to charities, to different causes and as long as it's a reputable charity that's probably not an evil thing. It could have its negative effects because you need to be saved and to know who God is. You need to know whom the person of Jesus Christ really is because he's real and he is risen. So I heard about Clint Eastwood and I don't know if this is true but some people on a motorcycle approached him as he is 94 years old and decided to play a little dirty game on him even following him to some restaurant where not so good things unraveled but calm Clint Eastwood called the mayor of the city on his cell and he was once himself the mayor and the police showed up and those people were eventually arrested. They say he's an atheist whom doesn't believe in God. So I came across that. God is real as the fool has said in their heart there is no God. You can have absolute success in this life die the first physical death and find yourself in eternal damnation. God is love and God is Holy. God does exist but you don't find him the way you find a job. You don't find him the way you would go to Hollywood and audition for a part. You find GOD by reading the holy scriptures the Bible, perhaps listening to street preachers and I would recommend the King James 1611 Bible and praying. There's great news because you can have salvation John 3:16 for God so loved the world. It's that people don't seek. As I see and know about the religious wars and all the religious evil things that are occurring in these evil radical ideologies that draws them even further away from ever believing in God. That doesn't mean God doesn't exist. God is not religion and the world is deceived but it is without excuse according to the holy scriptures. Romans 1:20 KJV
Recently in another writing in Christian News section I reported how Rebel News reported that people are doing the nazi salute. There is a lot of anti-semitism in the world and that's not a good thing. And I came across a little video regarding people who died in court or people who were given possibly 70 consecutive life sentences. Some of this I've seen and some of this was about white supremacy and people who have did some of the most heinous crimes you could ever imagine and even in court they became ruthless with no remorse tormenting the victims in the courtroom. You know you had one girl who one fella traumatized and she responded to him he will rot in hell. Is that something Christ would have said? There's consequences for your choices in life. And further reports, it was reported some fella drove through a crowd and injured a whole bunch of people maybe murdering some recently. How will God judge that? He will judge that. You might not believe it? You might even think Jesus said forgive them for they not know what they do. Remember who he said it too and why he said it they didn't know what they were doing wanting Barnabas to be released and Christ to be crucified. He was dying for the sins of the world and when he said it is finished it was finished. His mission was successful.
When was the last time you opened the Bible to read it. You see the problem is the heart is abundantly wicked. When Christ was called good master his response was who are you calling good there's only one good and that is God. We're not saved by our own good works they are as filthy rags. Ephesians 2:8-9 KJV You could pretend to go about establishing your own righteousness but it's just foolishness you have to seek the righteousness of Christ. Today we have the accusation of lordship salvation. I think we have people that do put Christ as their lord and savior above anything else and then we have the ones that are in between and then we have lazy Christians. You can't act it God knows all your thoughts and your motives. You think of why the war in heaven happened in the first place and that is another topic even another study. God evicted Satan who was known as Lucifer who guarded God's throne being a cherubim Angel along with his entourage of fallen angels down to the Earth and warns human beings about this. Revelation 12:9 KJV Scripture tells us the devil deceives the world and how is this done? Be careful for the wiles of the devil. He even had the audacity to tempt the son of the living God. The Bible calls him a serpent. The Great Deceiver. The adversary the devil is a roaring lion.
The Human condition is a fallen condition. Scripture tells us in John 3:3 you must be born again. What does that mean to you? You know if you claim to believe in Jesus which one is he? What does being born again mean to you? Who do you say that Jesus Christ is? Who do you say that God is? You see recently I posted a song that I did in 2018 entitled bread and water alone . Scripture tells us man will not live on bread and water alone but by every idle word that proceeds forth out of the mouth of God. Matthew 4:4 KJV We are made in God's image and we are instructed to keep our temple holy. That means no drugs, no alcohol, no smoking, no sex before marriage and no vial stupid toxic language. No swearing like comedians like to do. F this and F that in between every other word in their stand-up act. If you die in your sins without believing in Christ you still will go through judgment. You will give an account for every idle word you ever spoke. I asked an atheist why he took Christ name in vain he said he's not a believer but taking Christ's name in vain he surely believes in something.
Growing up I loved music, art and people being funny sometimes. Sometimes my surroundings were the wrong people that were indulged in sexual innuendos and wicked things. Their talk was very dirty but I had no understanding. I did not know God. I was deceived and narrow-minded. You see you have to labor for the things that are eternal not for the things that perish. Scripture tells us you have to love the true God with all your heart, mind and soul but how are you going to do that if you don't know who he is and you follow the crowd that may be following religion instead of relationship. The lost crowd going about establishing their own righteousness full of religion but full of wickedness in their hearts. There's no change in them they just go around playing religion like the harlot actor in a play. The truth is when Hollywood puts out films that are based on very dark themes people put that in their mind/thoughts and sometimes it influences people in the wrong way. On the other hand if you were a true born again believer you would know that you're to have no part in that whatsoever but rebuke, reproof and expose the unfruitful works of darkness. You need to care about your own salvation/soul and what it truly is. You need to read the Bible and pray and seek for Jesus Christ of Nazareth. You need to have a relationship with him and understanding that you can't get that from no one else. It's about doing but how do you know what you're doing if it's not what God would have you doing. If you don't know Jesus or you don't know God especially if you are deceived you will be lost?
Some of these perpetrators that do evil they go out in the public and unsuspecting people lose their lives or are severely injured including the police. I've seen some of the coverage on this recently. The hatred these people have in their hearts and they go out purposely looking to unleash on the public. There was a lady in a relationship that was murdered and she went to the police but she was dating a very wicked man who eventually shot her to death and I believed he was caught and persecuted. You need to know who God is before you ruin your life and other people's lives. God is real again when was the last time you read the Bible? When was the last time you truly prayed or knew who God truly is? You see people have time for everything else. They have time to keep buying expensive cell phones. They have time to go to weddings and buy expensive gifts/cloths/houses/cars. They have time to go to night clubs there drinking alcohol getting drunk and becoming stupid driving drunk and putting other people at risk. You have time for wanting, wanting, wanting physical things but never a desire to read the Bible and ask what is life really all about and why does this exist rather than nothing? How can a world exist that travels through outer space at a high rates of speed when you don't feel a thing and there's a huge planet like the sun that is so heavy/big and gives us light How is that possible just sheer chance? How is all the vegetation on Earth possible, all the different thousands of plants, animals and trees that give us all sorts of different fruits? How is consciousness possible? God is real. God is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Although the Jewish people got some of them the real God some despised and rejected their true Messiah those the ones in the time going back who persecuted him. Isaiah 53, John 3:16 The Pharisees were his people. The Sadducees were probably his people. Some of the scribes were probably some of his people yet they rejected him and persecuted him. He taught some of the greatest teachings about the Sabbath day. Not trying to be so holy acting it but if your ass falls into a ditch go get it out. He taught the teaching about the good samaritan how the priest passed by who thought he was righteous just like the Pharisees. You see the heart is abundantly wicked. It's not always about two or three university degrees or the most richest man on earth. God says I put life and death before you choose life. When you choose sin you are choosing death. If you choose to fornicate then you are choosing death. Flee fornication. 1 Corinthians 6:18 KJV