As true biblical believing Christians we study many things including the scriptures and we preach the gospel and the love of Christ because he made it possible to know the truth, to be set free by the truth and to have eternal life instead of eternal damnation. When we say the wages of sin is death that is very true but people don't comprehend what that really means. For example an atheist dies and thinks nothing exists and finds him/her self in eternal damnation with a heat that is beyond anything they could have phantomed on Earth and they can't die and can't understand how they can exist without the earthly mortal body. If God exists and God does exist why would God do this because the wages of sin is death and man is without excuse. So the reason I say this is I've been monitoring what's going on in the world with Germany even Australia recently as its has been talked about what's going on over there with freedoms of speech being minimized but the UK United Kingdom Beatle country is far gone and it's worrisome. But what's going on in Germany can be a big topic. Adolf Hitler reminds me what happened to that nation. I could understand that there are those in Germany and in its government structure that don't want to return to that mind frame and Arnold Schwarzenegger tried to touch upon this when he was being interviewed how his father might have been a Nazi. He said it needs to be talked about. You think about the Holocaust and what was going on in that time why didn't the world catch on that millions of people had to die going to war. He Adolf Hitler and his party were spreading this evil radical ideology and its evil hatred deep rooted hatred wanting to wipe off earth certain people off the map just as we have them today this is not fantasy this is real. The heart is abundantly wicked. SICK!!! God told us you must be born again John 3:3. I wrote a song a couple of them actually that talk about reaping the world and losing your soul. Even today you've always had people involved in extreme evil and they have evil corporations/crime and yet these people have no idea that they're going to pay for all of eternity if they die in their sins. Their reaping now evil fruits but a good man brings forth good fruits not evil fruits he can't.
The world is deceived according to the Book of Revelation and people that don't have understanding and follow religious manipulating cults are completely lost and have no understanding when it comes to deception. Proverbs 26:11 The Holy scriptures are true and the devil is the god of this world. Many people are part of his kingdom deceived unbeknowns to themselves having no understanding and so their destroyed in the end.
The world is far from being good it is abundantly evil and it's deeds are evil. We have a lot of nations that are run on radical ideologies or totalitarian regimes their not all democracies. And then if there are democracies in the world their varying types. But the instructions in the great Commission was to preach the gospel throughout all nations. In fact making disciples. 15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
We have to go back to have a little bit of understanding before the great fall to understand it. We know the story of Adam and Eve or we should know. How Eve was tempted by the serpent. Eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil you'll become like God. We have a lot of this today too. Later when Christ was on Earth before his crucification and Apostle Peter was tempted by the devil that he wanted to be sifted he asks permission from Jesus Christ yes the same angel fallen devil angel evicted from heaven being the god of this world still today tempted in various ways even Christ. What did Christ tell him when he wanted to sift Peter to get behind him he savorist not the things that be of God but the things that be of men just like we have people doing the exact same thing but claim to know Christ/God. God is not religion God is relationship and so many have no understanding. But think about free speech. Think about belief and faith. Think about the whole duty of man to know God and obey God. The soul that sins shall surely die.
Why did God create the earth a physical environment? God has a purpose of course despite all the evil. He tells us in scripture being the holy scriptures what will happen in the end. For the unsaved they will lose their soul and end up in outer darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth but for those who love God and know God and are saved they will have eternal life in paradise.
You're going to give an account for every Idle word you ever spoken that's swearing, taking God's name in vain because you're made in God's image and you're to keep your temple holy. You were bought with a price. The manners today is unmannered society evil. There are laws in cities around the world for example concerning noise, assault, or riding a bike on a highway things that you can't do. So either you follow them or you risk getting serious injury. There are crosswalks with cross guards to keep you safe including police that police different cities. But after what happened in heaven which caused a war and Satan, a bunch of angels that he convinced to follow him were all cast out. They weren't immediately destroyed. They were reserved for judgment. They've been cast down to the Earth along with the Devil. They're your enemies as Satan is your enemy. He is the enemy of your soul. But you see you need freedom of choice like God has given us freedom of choice to choose between Heaven or Hell, between righteousness or unrighteousness. We can choose to accept the gospel or we can reject it and accept the consequences. Many people have no understanding and they don't believe in they are deceived and headed for Hellfire. Some people have been so manipulated it's hard to save their soul. They fight tooth and nail for their deception which in the end is going to take their soul anyways. But you have to make the choice. Christ has given us the instructions what to do to believe in him and believe in God. He told us we must be born again. This is a true process. You know your life is a vapor here today and gone tomorrow. A lot of people are reaping the world. Man wants to set his own course and deny his maker even saying he doesn't exist. But he does exist. Now they could make freedom of speech illegal even insulting somebody such as a politician as they are doing in Germany but this isn't going to help in the long run but stifle society. People will still be abundantly wicked in the heart unless they are born again. People have to be able to converse and debate, make decisions its part of life. There is the cookie cutter I love you shallow songs. But what is love in God's view? The problem is sin and abominations against the holy God of Israel. God is the author of life and in Noah's day the continual thoughts we're evil on/in people's minds just as you have them today and the end of all flesh had come before God and so God brought the big flood. We are all told/should be aware the last generation will be the worst offenders since the creation of the world and that's what we see. We also know what's going to happen because prophecy reveals that and Christ told us. Time to know the God of the Bible. It's time to repent of your sins. It's time to accept the gospel. You choose your eternal destination. Heaven or Hell choose wisely.
I recommend you get yourself a 1611 King James Bible and start reading it and praying. Cry out to Jesus. Call out to Jesus to save you and to change you.
The devil is in the details
As true biblical believing Christians we study many things including the scriptures and we preach the gospel and the love of Christ because he made it possible to know the truth, to be set free by the truth and to have eternal life instead of eternal damnation. When we say the wages of sin is death that is very true but people don't comprehend what that really means. For example an atheist dies and thinks nothing exists and finds him/her self in eternal damnation with a heat that is beyond anything they could have phantomed on Earth and they can't die and can't understand how they can exist without the earthly mortal body. If God exists and God does exist why would God do this because the wages of sin is death and man is without excuse. So the reason I say this is I've been monitoring what's going on in the world with Germany even Australia recently as its has been talked about what's going on over there with freedoms of speech being minimized but the UK United Kingdom Beatle country is far gone and it's worrisome. But what's going on in Germany can be a big topic. Adolf Hitler reminds me what happened to that nation. I could understand that there are those in Germany and in its government structure that don't want to return to that mind frame and Arnold Schwarzenegger tried to touch upon this when he was being interviewed how his father might have been a Nazi. He said it needs to be talked about. You think about the Holocaust and what was going on in that time why didn't the world catch on that millions of people had to die going to war. He Adolf Hitler and his party were spreading this evil radical ideology and its evil hatred deep rooted hatred wanting to wipe off earth certain people off the map just as we have them today this is not fantasy this is real. The heart is abundantly wicked. SICK!!! God told us you must be born again John 3:3. I wrote a song a couple of them actually that talk about reaping the world and losing your soul. Even today you've always had people involved in extreme evil and they have evil corporations/crime and yet these people have no idea that they're going to pay for all of eternity if they die in their sins. Their reaping now evil fruits but a good man brings forth good fruits not evil fruits he can't.
The world is deceived according to the Book of Revelation and people that don't have understanding and follow religious manipulating cults are completely lost and have no understanding when it comes to deception. Proverbs 26:11 The Holy scriptures are true and the devil is the god of this world. Many people are part of his kingdom deceived unbeknowns to themselves having no understanding and so their destroyed in the end.
The world is far from being good it is abundantly evil and it's deeds are evil. We have a lot of nations that are run on radical ideologies or totalitarian regimes their not all democracies. And then if there are democracies in the world their varying types. But the instructions in the great Commission was to preach the gospel throughout all nations. In fact making disciples. 15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
We have to go back to have a little bit of understanding before the great fall to understand it. We know the story of Adam and Eve or we should know. How Eve was tempted by the serpent. Eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil you'll become like God. We have a lot of this today too. Later when Christ was on Earth before his crucification and Apostle Peter was tempted by the devil that he wanted to be sifted he asks permission from Jesus Christ yes the same angel fallen devil angel evicted from heaven being the god of this world still today tempted in various ways even Christ. What did Christ tell him when he wanted to sift Peter to get behind him he savorist not the things that be of God but the things that be of men just like we have people doing the exact same thing but claim to know Christ/God. God is not religion God is relationship and so many have no understanding. But think about free speech. Think about belief and faith. Think about the whole duty of man to know God and obey God. The soul that sins shall surely die.
Why did God create the earth a physical environment? God has a purpose of course despite all the evil. He tells us in scripture being the holy scriptures what will happen in the end. For the unsaved they will lose their soul and end up in outer darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth but for those who love God and know God and are saved they will have eternal life in paradise.
You're going to give an account for every Idle word you ever spoken that's swearing, taking God's name in vain because you're made in God's image and you're to keep your temple holy. You were bought with a price. The manners today is unmannered society evil. There are laws in cities around the world for example concerning noise, assault, or riding a bike on a highway things that you can't do. So either you follow them or you risk getting serious injury. There are crosswalks with cross guards to keep you safe including police that police different cities. But after what happened in heaven which caused a war and Satan, a bunch of angels that he convinced to follow him were all cast out. They weren't immediately destroyed. They were reserved for judgment. They've been cast down to the Earth along with the Devil. They're your enemies as Satan is your enemy. He is the enemy of your soul. But you see you need freedom of choice like God has given us freedom of choice to choose between Heaven or Hell, between righteousness or unrighteousness. We can choose to accept the gospel or we can reject it and accept the consequences. Many people have no understanding and they don't believe in they are deceived and headed for Hellfire. Some people have been so manipulated it's hard to save their soul. They fight tooth and nail for their deception which in the end is going to take their soul anyways. But you have to make the choice. Christ has given us the instructions what to do to believe in him and believe in God. He told us we must be born again. This is a true process. You know your life is a vapor here today and gone tomorrow. A lot of people are reaping the world. Man wants to set his own course and deny his maker even saying he doesn't exist. But he does exist. Now they could make freedom of speech illegal even insulting somebody such as a politician as they are doing in Germany but this isn't going to help in the long run but stifle society. People will still be abundantly wicked in the heart unless they are born again. People have to be able to converse and debate, make decisions its part of life. There is the cookie cutter I love you shallow songs. But what is love in God's view? The problem is sin and abominations against the holy God of Israel. God is the author of life and in Noah's day the continual thoughts we're evil on/in people's minds just as you have them today and the end of all flesh had come before God and so God brought the big flood. We are all told/should be aware the last generation will be the worst offenders since the creation of the world and that's what we see. We also know what's going to happen because prophecy reveals that and Christ told us. Time to know the God of the Bible. It's time to repent of your sins. It's time to accept the gospel. You choose your eternal destination. Heaven or Hell choose wisely.
I recommend you get yourself a 1611 King James Bible and start reading it and praying. Cry out to Jesus. Call out to Jesus to save you and to change you.