When you're on your deathbed and you're still searching for God will you find him in your reprobate mind. If You don't seek and you don't know what deception is how will you find GOD?
Please take your time read the image descriptions placed in this blog. You have a choice between Heaven and Hell . You have a choice between Eternal Damnation or eternal salvation. Can God wait and can you afford to seek forever or will you eventually lose your soul? What is the truth and how can the truth set you free if you don't know it?
Can the search for God wait?
"Harrison died at a friend's Los Angeles home following a battle with cancer , longtime friend Gavin De Becker told The Associated Press."
According to an AI overview this is what comes up.
"Yes, George Harrison died from multiple cancers in 2001 at the age of 58. He had been treated for throat cancer, lung cancer, and a brain tumor. "
George Harrison was a young man searching for God. "The search for God cannot wait." His last words were in sync to that effect. Will you find God in hell?
My Sweet Lord a song that appears to be Christian but it indulges in to another religions specifically one comes to mind Krishna. I remember John Lennon once saying George Harrison got away with it concerning "My Sweet Lord" the song. Did he really or did he really know Jesus Christ of Nazareth or was he deceived like the world? Was he walking with Christ or was he walking with the world of fame and fortune sacrificing his own soul? Do you suppose without truly believing in the real Jesus Christ of Nazareth he is in heaven today? I'm not singling out George Harrison but I'm trying to wake you up out of your slumber so you don't lose your soul. God's holy word tells us the soul that sins shall surely die . What is your life a vapor here today and gone tomorrow . We know as true bible believers what deception is and how deep rooted it is. They say George Harrison had about 400 million when he died. Probably more than that with his assets and future earnings as dead celebrities make a lot of money as even Elvis did. Money is the root of all evils that is what Judith used and sold out Jesus Christ and probably lost his soul being the man of perdition. What is life all about? What is unconditional love that people want? They want to be loved for being gay, transgender, homosexuals, perhaps criminals, dressing as they want, swearing and whatever their characteristics would be they want to be loved unconditionally. What is holy love? What is the love of God that surpasses all understanding and his peace for that matter? It's to live according to the scriptures and to know God and to obey him to the best of your abilities. It's to know the real Christ who said people honor him in vain but their hearts are far from him. If you don't take an interest in your own soul and truly know what deception is let alone living the way the master Messiah taught us to how could you ever understand the meaning of life. How could a man gain the world and forfeit his own soul and how's that possible? How will you ever know these answers if you don't seek after the real God but you're deceived. If you die in your sins you will lose your soul does that matter to you? What does it mean to lose your soul? It means you will spend eternity suffering in hell outer darkness when you could have had eternal life with God the real God forever.
Please take your time read the image descriptions placed in this blog. You have a choice between Heaven and Hell . You have a choice between Eternal Damnation or eternal salvation. Can God wait and can you afford to seek forever or will you eventually lose your soul? What is the truth and how can the truth set you free if you don't know it?
Can the search for God wait?
"Harrison died at a friend's Los Angeles home following a battle with cancer , longtime friend Gavin De Becker told The Associated Press."
According to an AI overview this is what comes up.
"Yes, George Harrison died from multiple cancers in 2001 at the age of 58. He had been treated for throat cancer, lung cancer, and a brain tumor. "
George Harrison was a young man searching for God. "The search for God cannot wait." His last words were in sync to that effect. Will you find God in hell?
My Sweet Lord a song that appears to be Christian but it indulges in to another religions specifically one comes to mind Krishna. I remember John Lennon once saying George Harrison got away with it concerning "My Sweet Lord" the song. Did he really or did he really know Jesus Christ of Nazareth or was he deceived like the world? Was he walking with Christ or was he walking with the world of fame and fortune sacrificing his own soul? Do you suppose without truly believing in the real Jesus Christ of Nazareth he is in heaven today? I'm not singling out George Harrison but I'm trying to wake you up out of your slumber so you don't lose your soul. God's holy word tells us the soul that sins shall surely die . What is your life a vapor here today and gone tomorrow . We know as true bible believers what deception is and how deep rooted it is. They say George Harrison had about 400 million when he died. Probably more than that with his assets and future earnings as dead celebrities make a lot of money as even Elvis did. Money is the root of all evils that is what Judith used and sold out Jesus Christ and probably lost his soul being the man of perdition. What is life all about? What is unconditional love that people want? They want to be loved for being gay, transgender, homosexuals, perhaps criminals, dressing as they want, swearing and whatever their characteristics would be they want to be loved unconditionally. What is holy love? What is the love of God that surpasses all understanding and his peace for that matter? It's to live according to the scriptures and to know God and to obey him to the best of your abilities. It's to know the real Christ who said people honor him in vain but their hearts are far from him. If you don't take an interest in your own soul and truly know what deception is let alone living the way the master Messiah taught us to how could you ever understand the meaning of life. How could a man gain the world and forfeit his own soul and how's that possible? How will you ever know these answers if you don't seek after the real God but you're deceived. If you die in your sins you will lose your soul does that matter to you? What does it mean to lose your soul? It means you will spend eternity suffering in hell outer darkness when you could have had eternal life with God the real God forever.
You don't care so you reap what you sow.