When you're on your deathbed and you're still searching for God will you find him in your reprobate mind. If You don't seek and you don't know what deception is how will you find GOD?
The headline get down here image above in this blog has the words in quotes you can't come in.
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you : depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
Matthew 24:44 KJV instructs us as true Bible believing Christians to always be ready for you don't know the hour but when you think not the son of man cometh.
The headline image above in this blog is entitled: Trudeau is resigning.
Well there's a lot of news that Trudeau is resigning and there's a liberal race to choose a new leader. There's a lot of stress going on. There's a lot of press going on. With the tariffs coming in Canada is not doing too good. As believers we need to pray for the leaders. There's a lot of crime going on and we would hope young men would read the Bible and come to Christ instead of risking losing their lives and even their soul.
The headline image above in this blog is entitled: crime tourists are withering in Canada and ransacking homes.
You know they had what's called the WOKE agenda and now they have CRIME tourists. Very few people in their lifetime get saved and come to the true Christ and find that very narrow straight gate door into his kingdom many will be told to go away because he never knew them that means you end up going to hell. Hell is eternal and it exists. How are you going to find the true God in jail by reading the Bible in your cell? Not that I specifically discourage this but why let it get to this? Young men are getting involved in all sorts of crimes some of them ending up dead or showing up at the hospital with wounds of their endeavors. Young men Bible Bible. Seek and you will find knock and the door will be open on to you.
The headline image above in this blog is entitled: police arrest 20 crime tourists who came to Canada to burgle homes.
John 10:10
The headline image above in this blog is entitled: 82-year-old loses 750 thousand dollars in online banking scam.
This is not the first as you know even big banks and other companies have been broken into. I think it put the library in Canada out of sync for a long time a while back. The technology although it's getting advanced is still not without security risks and positive and negatives. It's a known fact that in the end times there would be a great increase in knowledge. We wrestle not against flesh and blood people that doesn't change. You have to be careful with such. It is advisable for you being an old person to go to the branch why bother online and risk it not understanding technology, nor having security that can be compromised. Many people will reap this world and reap right into the lake of fire that's where they're headed that's the truth. Now God would have none that perish but we can preach Jesus loves you till the cows come home but these people don't know Jesus nor do they love/obey Jesus they are of their father the devil.
The headline image above in this blog is entitled: God only created two sexes male and female that's what is written in the Holy scriptures. That's what president Trump identified too. There are nations where this is illegal in the world.
The headline image above in this blog is entitled: Trump blocks 16, 000 migrants entering New York city from Canada
Ever since the tariff threat it appears they're now taking these issues more serious in Canada.
May God's will be done
There's a threat of becoming the 51st state of the USA America and people shrug it off like it's not true. Steve Bannon talked about the arctic and how that's going to become very important as well as serious and he doesn't diminish president Donald Trump's endeavors/agenda. If these truly are the end times as prophesied then what you might deem to be rubbish foolishness even nonsense may become a reality one day but why? As believers we don't want to get into the affairs of the world but we know what matters most in this life is to know the true God and to be on that very straight narrow pathway to eternal life otherwise you can end up in outer darkness one day and it's eternal. The true God's way is the way. With the abominable sins rebellion of the LGBT community what did that grow into? There's some protests going on against the rainbow parade in certain parts of the world and the police were policing that and there's a video on it. In the book of James it tells us if you befriend the world you'll become God's enemy. If you are a friend of the world you have not the love of the father nor the son. Wait a minute didn't Jesus Christ say to love your enemies as yourself? Yes but it has a proper meaning put into context depending on the circumstances at hand. JESUS showed respect for people that were not Jews yet he never became one of them and he stood for the truth which Pontius Pilate could not have known nor accepted he was so far gone it was not funny. He tried to wash his hands but his hands were filthy dirty. Are you an accomplice to evil? Have you ever stolen anything? Have you ever lied to cover up for a friend? Not even one is good only God is good. Transgender children and these operations are very dangerous as there are children suffering wanting their body parts back. When you are deceived in this world and you don't know the true God you'll levitate towards the evil in ignorance thinking you're doing good but when you breathe your last breath and the true Christ tells you go away it's too late for you. It's time to repent and know that God of the Bible.
The headline image above in this blog has written in the inscription: Jesus is a fairy tale
Not sure Elon Monk they say the richest man on earth is saved or even a true born again Bible believing Christian. I don't think so. He might actually believe Jesus existed but as written in the book of revelation the devil deceives the entire world. Will the real Jesus Christ stand up? Who is the real Jesus Christ of Nazareth?
Horus Jesus, religious pagan Jesus, Italian pagan Jesus, Egyptian Jesus, Indian Jesus, European Jesus, hippies 60s peace Jesus, blue-eyed good looking long haired Jesus, roman Jesus, black hebrew Jesus, these are all fairy tales this is not the real guy but the real guy is real, risen and he was a Jewish RABBI MESSIAH that went to a synagogue and taught in big fields, was despised, rejected a man well acquainted with sorrow just like Isaiah the prophet wrote about. Isaiah 53 There's no other name under heaven in which man can find salvation but Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Yeshua in Hebrew or Emmanuel God with us. In a sense it's true they stripped him of his Jewish heritage/identity some world religions. Have you ever been to a synagogue and seen what Judaism is or was in the first century. You need to understand who God is and who the true Jesus Christ is and you can't do that without reading the Bible and praying. You can't be in Christ and in the sinful world at the same time. You can't serve two masters. You have to put your faith and trust in the God of the Bible. The true Christ is coming back but as a roaring lion. Without Christ and without his shed blood on the cross you will end up in hell. We are deserving of wrath. Cry out to Christ to save a wretch like yourselves. God is real and Christ is God. He humbled himself to being a man on earth. Despite everything he overcame. He is the life and denying him is to deny your own soul. The Bible says the soul that sins shall surely die.
After thoughts and Notes:
The headline image above in this blog is entitled: Lefty's losing it, has an image of Tom Hanks and Rita from Lefty's losing it and it has the words pathetic performance on Saturday night live written.
She Rita Panahi shows you lefty's losing it and how they cry about it and what they think when there's law in order which is ordained by God and that's in the Bible. Now Megyn Kelly on her show explained what that SNL skip was/is about and why it was done and and I will provide the URL as you can see that here
If you'll notice there are comedians that run talk shows that claim to believe in Christ but he's just not the real guy because they are for the evil world and they seem to lean to the far left most of them. They are against president Donald Trump and against law and order. You know in biblical Christianity there are street preachers that preach very boldly mainly in america saying all people want to hear is Jesus loves you but they got the wrong guy these reprobate currupt mind people. You see if there's people in hell right now and most likely there is why weren't they forgiven? It is true that God would have none that perish but we know that people do perish. Jesus Christ, Immanuel said people that don't believe are condemned already. What about people that believe wrongly and that have a false Christ. What about people that don't study the Bible and have no understanding whatsoever? God is angry at the wicked every single day. God is not religion. God is relationship. God is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Nations have to have laws. Why would they open the borders and let all those people in america? They're probably not the only nation that did it. But the skit is showing you what they really think of people on the so called far right or on the right that stands for law and order. God isn't the author of confusion. Some say it's the devil. You cannot serve two masters you will love one and despise the other. Now henceforth what these people don't know that the unbelievers are condemned already that means they're not going to be in heaven they're going to be in hell because they're going to pay for their own sins. But some claim to believe in Jesus Christ but are they sure they got the right guy. He said people honor him in vain but their hearts are far from him. He also said he's going to tell people in essence to go away and that he never knew them on the day of judgment. They thought they knew him but a lot of people are deceived as the devil deceives the world. A lot of people don't understand the life in Christ is not the life in essence in the world. You're still in the world but it's a very straight narrow gateway path and it's truly true Christianity that the world despises, not even knows as the world is deceived. If you don't serve the true God nor the true Christ you most likely are deceived of the devil. You have a chance at eternal salvation but many people don't even read the Bible, don't even pray and if they do pray who are they praying to? How do you know who you're praying to if you follow the crowd many following another Jesus and another gospel. Galatians 1:8-9 There are people that have understanding how did they get that understanding and they are truly saved and on that straight narrow path way to eternal life but the majority of the world is on the broad road to Hell. What is your life a vapor here today and gone tomorrow and what will a man give in exchange for his soul?
Entitled: lefties losing their soul
The headline get down here image above in this blog has the words in quotes you can't come in.
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you : depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
Matthew 24:44 KJV instructs us as true Bible believing Christians to always be ready for you don't know the hour but when you think not the son of man cometh.
The headline image above in this blog is entitled: Trudeau is resigning.
Well there's a lot of news that Trudeau is resigning and there's a liberal race to choose a new leader. There's a lot of stress going on. There's a lot of press going on. With the tariffs coming in Canada is not doing too good. As believers we need to pray for the leaders. There's a lot of crime going on and we would hope young men would read the Bible and come to Christ instead of risking losing their lives and even their soul.
The headline image above in this blog is entitled: crime tourists are withering in Canada and ransacking homes.
You know they had what's called the WOKE agenda and now they have CRIME tourists. Very few people in their lifetime get saved and come to the true Christ and find that very narrow straight gate door into his kingdom many will be told to go away because he never knew them that means you end up going to hell. Hell is eternal and it exists. How are you going to find the true God in jail by reading the Bible in your cell? Not that I specifically discourage this but why let it get to this? Young men are getting involved in all sorts of crimes some of them ending up dead or showing up at the hospital with wounds of their endeavors. Young men Bible Bible. Seek and you will find knock and the door will be open on to you.
The headline image above in this blog is entitled: police arrest 20 crime tourists who came to Canada to burgle homes.
John 10:10
The headline image above in this blog is entitled: 82-year-old loses 750 thousand dollars in online banking scam.
This is not the first as you know even big banks and other companies have been broken into. I think it put the library in Canada out of sync for a long time a while back. The technology although it's getting advanced is still not without security risks and positive and negatives. It's a known fact that in the end times there would be a great increase in knowledge. We wrestle not against flesh and blood people that doesn't change. You have to be careful with such. It is advisable for you being an old person to go to the branch why bother online and risk it not understanding technology, nor having security that can be compromised. Many people will reap this world and reap right into the lake of fire that's where they're headed that's the truth. Now God would have none that perish but we can preach Jesus loves you till the cows come home but these people don't know Jesus nor do they love/obey Jesus they are of their father the devil.
The headline image above in this blog is entitled: God only created two sexes male and female that's what is written in the Holy scriptures. That's what president Trump identified too. There are nations where this is illegal in the world.
The headline image above in this blog is entitled: Trump blocks 16, 000 migrants entering New York city from Canada
Ever since the tariff threat it appears they're now taking these issues more serious in Canada.
May God's will be done
There's a threat of becoming the 51st state of the USA America and people shrug it off like it's not true. Steve Bannon talked about the arctic and how that's going to become very important as well as serious and he doesn't diminish president Donald Trump's endeavors/agenda. If these truly are the end times as prophesied then what you might deem to be rubbish foolishness even nonsense may become a reality one day but why? As believers we don't want to get into the affairs of the world but we know what matters most in this life is to know the true God and to be on that very straight narrow pathway to eternal life otherwise you can end up in outer darkness one day and it's eternal. The true God's way is the way. With the abominable sins rebellion of the LGBT community what did that grow into? There's some protests going on against the rainbow parade in certain parts of the world and the police were policing that and there's a video on it. In the book of James it tells us if you befriend the world you'll become God's enemy. If you are a friend of the world you have not the love of the father nor the son. Wait a minute didn't Jesus Christ say to love your enemies as yourself? Yes but it has a proper meaning put into context depending on the circumstances at hand. JESUS showed respect for people that were not Jews yet he never became one of them and he stood for the truth which Pontius Pilate could not have known nor accepted he was so far gone it was not funny. He tried to wash his hands but his hands were filthy dirty. Are you an accomplice to evil? Have you ever stolen anything? Have you ever lied to cover up for a friend? Not even one is good only God is good. Transgender children and these operations are very dangerous as there are children suffering wanting their body parts back. When you are deceived in this world and you don't know the true God you'll levitate towards the evil in ignorance thinking you're doing good but when you breathe your last breath and the true Christ tells you go away it's too late for you. It's time to repent and know that God of the Bible.
The headline image above in this blog has written in the inscription: Jesus is a fairy tale
Not sure Elon Monk they say the richest man on earth is saved or even a true born again Bible believing Christian. I don't think so. He might actually believe Jesus existed but as written in the book of revelation the devil deceives the entire world. Will the real Jesus Christ stand up? Who is the real Jesus Christ of Nazareth?
Horus Jesus, religious pagan Jesus, Italian pagan Jesus, Egyptian Jesus, Indian Jesus, European Jesus, hippies 60s peace Jesus, blue-eyed good looking long haired Jesus, roman Jesus, black hebrew Jesus, these are all fairy tales this is not the real guy but the real guy is real, risen and he was a Jewish RABBI MESSIAH that went to a synagogue and taught in big fields, was despised, rejected a man well acquainted with sorrow just like Isaiah the prophet wrote about. Isaiah 53 There's no other name under heaven in which man can find salvation but Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Yeshua in Hebrew or Emmanuel God with us. In a sense it's true they stripped him of his Jewish heritage/identity some world religions. Have you ever been to a synagogue and seen what Judaism is or was in the first century. You need to understand who God is and who the true Jesus Christ is and you can't do that without reading the Bible and praying. You can't be in Christ and in the sinful world at the same time. You can't serve two masters. You have to put your faith and trust in the God of the Bible. The true Christ is coming back but as a roaring lion. Without Christ and without his shed blood on the cross you will end up in hell. We are deserving of wrath. Cry out to Christ to save a wretch like yourselves. God is real and Christ is God. He humbled himself to being a man on earth. Despite everything he overcame. He is the life and denying him is to deny your own soul. The Bible says the soul that sins shall surely die.
After thoughts and Notes:
The headline image above in this blog is entitled: Lefty's losing it, has an image of Tom Hanks and Rita from Lefty's losing it and it has the words pathetic performance on Saturday night live written.
She Rita Panahi shows you lefty's losing it and how they cry about it and what they think when there's law in order which is ordained by God and that's in the Bible. Now Megyn Kelly on her show explained what that SNL skip was/is about and why it was done and and I will provide the URL as you can see that here
If you'll notice there are comedians that run talk shows that claim to believe in Christ but he's just not the real guy because they are for the evil world and they seem to lean to the far left most of them. They are against president Donald Trump and against law and order. You know in biblical Christianity there are street preachers that preach very boldly mainly in america saying all people want to hear is Jesus loves you but they got the wrong guy these reprobate currupt mind people. You see if there's people in hell right now and most likely there is why weren't they forgiven? It is true that God would have none that perish but we know that people do perish. Jesus Christ, Immanuel said people that don't believe are condemned already. What about people that believe wrongly and that have a false Christ. What about people that don't study the Bible and have no understanding whatsoever? God is angry at the wicked every single day. God is not religion. God is relationship. God is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Nations have to have laws. Why would they open the borders and let all those people in america? They're probably not the only nation that did it. But the skit is showing you what they really think of people on the so called far right or on the right that stands for law and order. God isn't the author of confusion. Some say it's the devil. You cannot serve two masters you will love one and despise the other. Now henceforth what these people don't know that the unbelievers are condemned already that means they're not going to be in heaven they're going to be in hell because they're going to pay for their own sins. But some claim to believe in Jesus Christ but are they sure they got the right guy. He said people honor him in vain but their hearts are far from him. He also said he's going to tell people in essence to go away and that he never knew them on the day of judgment. They thought they knew him but a lot of people are deceived as the devil deceives the world. A lot of people don't understand the life in Christ is not the life in essence in the world. You're still in the world but it's a very straight narrow gateway path and it's truly true Christianity that the world despises, not even knows as the world is deceived. If you don't serve the true God nor the true Christ you most likely are deceived of the devil. You have a chance at eternal salvation but many people don't even read the Bible, don't even pray and if they do pray who are they praying to? How do you know who you're praying to if you follow the crowd many following another Jesus and another gospel. Galatians 1:8-9 There are people that have understanding how did they get that understanding and they are truly saved and on that straight narrow path way to eternal life but the majority of the world is on the broad road to Hell. What is your life a vapor here today and gone tomorrow and what will a man give in exchange for his soul?
February 24th 2025 updated 2.21 pm
He paid the debt | Wayne Sanelli