Should I say I'm sorry especially to post the bottom image above picture which could lead men into fornication that's true. Wicked vile ungodly sometimes religious deceived lost reprobate men will cleave to the flesh like there's no tomorrow. Their deceived because the scriptures tell us to flee fornication. 1 Corinthians 6:18 People are destroyed for lack of understanding as the scriptures reveal. On the other hand Tom Hanks was on Saturday night live and isn't it odd now he's getting divorced. 400 million!!! What will a man give in exchange for HIS SOUL? Matthew 22:21 KJV Matthew 26:15 KJV Mark 8:36 KJV I did hear on Lefty's losing it/CNN one of the hosts telling Megyn Kelly to go "F" herself. The heart is abundantly wicked evil and the mouth is an OPEN GRAVE . How will you escape the damnation of hell is what Christ told the Pharisees and Hell is real and most of the world is going there. Are you going to be there one day too? Now I did hear about the new song about broken love from Jessica Simpson and I am aware of her and Nick and I saw them on Oprah years ago. If in fact her husband committed such as she is accusing him of being unfaithful he needs to repent and get to know the God of the Bible. HE HAS CHILDREN!!! When that steamy third photo came out a short while time ago there was some writing in caption or in print in the article about what her ex-husband is missing. It's not about the flesh it's about the heart. It's about your soul is it right with God? Are you a born again believer in Christ? Are you saved? John 3: 3 The scriptures make it known by one of the teachings being a parable that the faithful will be given more responsibilities. You know the story about the talents. Matthew 25:15--21 KJV Or we can look at the one about having enough oil in the lamps you know. Hollywood is known to be demonic but it's not the only place. Demonic activity exists around the world. When was the last time you read the Bible and prayed? When was the last time you took up your cross daily and rebuked people for taking Christ's name in vain for example or saying something unholy like H shit/cow. Yesterday sitting in a public place there were three children near me taking God's name in vain looking at some images and saying they were sexy one of them actually. I don't think their parents know Jesus Christ and the Bible makes it clear there are children of the devil. Maybe one day they'll become children of God. Are your children of the devil or are they truly children of God? Are they full of religion or are they known to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Are they known to the true Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth?
You know when people become famous they gain the world and they slowly start to forsake their soul agreeing with the world and claiming Christ or God even writing about him or singing about him in some famous songs but their hearts are far from him. I remember Mr. Sir Paul McCartney talking about the Beatles sitting in a room sort of in a circle jacking off and he revealed this what sometimes young wicked men do. This is called fornication. This is sins of the flesh and this is ungodly. Sex was created to bear children. The bible says don't you know you are the temple of the Holy ghost you are not to defile it, put cigarettes in it nor drugs or alcohol. Even use your mouth to swear or insult people your tongue has the power of life and death that means eternal damnation. Either love the truth or perish. Sure we're not saved if we truly claim to believe in Christ by our own good works but that doesn't give us the right to trample the blood of Christ. He said his sheep hear his voice and they listen and he gave many examples of warnings. He said in essence if anybody doesn't enter in the sheepfold the correct way they are nothing but a thief and a robber. God keeps putting John 2:16 and John 10:10 repeatedly on my heart and showing me how wicked/deceived this world is. Open the Bible King James recommended 1611 to you start reading what does it say? Who is God? Who is Jesus Christ? Is he religious? What did he really teach? How can you love the truth if you don't know it? How can it set you free if you don't know it/nor GOD? The grass is greener on the other side. Make sure the other side is not Satan's kingdom. What was it like in Noah's day? What is it like today? Well with Jessica Simpson 666 it's of the devil has been revealed to me. Time to repent and believe the gospel of our lord and savior. Jesus Christ of Nazareth .
Matthew 16:4, Matthew 12:39, Mark 8:12, Luke 11:29
Should I say I'm sorry especially to post the bottom image above picture which could lead men into fornication that's true. Wicked vile ungodly sometimes religious deceived lost reprobate men will cleave to the flesh like there's no tomorrow. Their deceived because the scriptures tell us to flee fornication. 1 Corinthians 6:18 People are destroyed for lack of understanding as the scriptures reveal. On the other hand Tom Hanks was on Saturday night live and isn't it odd now he's getting divorced. 400 million!!! What will a man give in exchange for HIS SOUL? Matthew 22:21 KJV Matthew 26:15 KJV Mark 8:36 KJV I did hear on Lefty's losing it/CNN one of the hosts telling Megyn Kelly to go "F" herself. The heart is abundantly wicked evil and the mouth is an OPEN GRAVE . How will you escape the damnation of hell is what Christ told the Pharisees and Hell is real and most of the world is going there. Are you going to be there one day too? Now I did hear about the new song about broken love from Jessica Simpson and I am aware of her and Nick and I saw them on Oprah years ago. If in fact her husband committed such as she is accusing him of being unfaithful he needs to repent and get to know the God of the Bible. HE HAS CHILDREN!!! When that steamy third photo came out a short while time ago there was some writing in caption or in print in the article about what her ex-husband is missing. It's not about the flesh it's about the heart. It's about your soul is it right with God? Are you a born again believer in Christ? Are you saved? John 3: 3 The scriptures make it known by one of the teachings being a parable that the faithful will be given more responsibilities. You know the story about the talents. Matthew 25:15--21 KJV Or we can look at the one about having enough oil in the lamps you know. Hollywood is known to be demonic but it's not the only place. Demonic activity exists around the world. When was the last time you read the Bible and prayed? When was the last time you took up your cross daily and rebuked people for taking Christ's name in vain for example or saying something unholy like H shit/cow. Yesterday sitting in a public place there were three children near me taking God's name in vain looking at some images and saying they were sexy one of them actually. I don't think their parents know Jesus Christ and the Bible makes it clear there are children of the devil. Maybe one day they'll become children of God. Are your children of the devil or are they truly children of God? Are they full of religion or are they known to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Are they known to the true Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth?
You know when people become famous they gain the world and they slowly start to forsake their soul agreeing with the world and claiming Christ or God even writing about him or singing about him in some famous songs but their hearts are far from him. I remember Mr. Sir Paul McCartney talking about the Beatles sitting in a room sort of in a circle jacking off and he revealed this what sometimes young wicked men do. This is called fornication. This is sins of the flesh and this is ungodly. Sex was created to bear children. The bible says don't you know you are the temple of the Holy ghost you are not to defile it, put cigarettes in it nor drugs or alcohol. Even use your mouth to swear or insult people your tongue has the power of life and death that means eternal damnation. Either love the truth or perish. Sure we're not saved if we truly claim to believe in Christ by our own good works but that doesn't give us the right to trample the blood of Christ. He said his sheep hear his voice and they listen and he gave many examples of warnings. He said in essence if anybody doesn't enter in the sheepfold the correct way they are nothing but a thief and a robber. God keeps putting John 2:16 and John 10:10 repeatedly on my heart and showing me how wicked/deceived this world is. Open the Bible King James recommended 1611 to you start reading what does it say? Who is God? Who is Jesus Christ? Is he religious? What did he really teach? How can you love the truth if you don't know it? How can it set you free if you don't know it/nor GOD? The grass is greener on the other side. Make sure the other side is not Satan's kingdom. What was it like in Noah's day? What is it like today? Well with Jessica Simpson 666 it's of the devil has been revealed to me. Time to repent and believe the gospel of our lord and savior. Jesus Christ of Nazareth .
Matthew 16:4, Matthew 12:39, Mark 8:12, Luke 11:29