The lost forsaken Doctrine re generation of the heart. Repent or perish! God is relationship not religion get it right or perish. Christ said enter in at the straight gate.
Jesse Morrell the street preacher preaching about sin and that God sees it all when you're going to the washroom open up for example a dirty magazine God sees it all. When you insult somebody and call them all sorts of names especially in front of other people even children God sees it all. When you are religious and you are on the wrong path you're ignorant to so many things. Your god your false god which is probably the devil sees it all too and he just loves you when you do everything wicked. Are you a child of the devil or a child of God? So the students are telling Jesse it's better to glorify God with your good works and by being a good person. Christ said there's not even one good and our good works are nothing but filthy rags. On top of that on the day of judgment Christ is going to tell probably the multitudes maybe in the millions or billions of people he never knew them they are workers of iniquity. They are lawless. Their hearts have not been born again. Their seeking their own self-righteousness not the righteousness of what Christ did for them. Watch out for those serving another Jesus and another gospel. You see the scripture tells us you are saved by grace through faith and not by your own works your own efforts in essence:
8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
9 Not of works, lest an
Ephesians 2:8-9 KJV
Now Jesse asks the students where they learned about God and one of them said in the Bible. Could be they opened a Bible once or twice not even knowing what version it was or about that. They could have learned it in religion which a great majority of the world did and does. God is relationship not religion and you must be born again as written in John 3:3. On the day of judgment Christ is going to tell the multitudes he never knew them and they're going to claim their good works but he's going to send them away into outer darkness. Their cursed into the everlasting fire. He's not saying I love you he finds them to be workers of iniquity that means they're lawless. Their hearts are far from Christ and he doesn't recognize them as his sheep his true followers. So many are full of religion and on the wrong road and have no relationship nor understanding they've been so manipulated that their stumbling blocks and their own worst enemies to try to save their soul. They're on the wrong road and that road is the road to destruction and they think their religion and their religious practices are going to save their soul even find favor with God no it's not going to happen they're going to lose their soul and find out the true Christ doesn't know them no recognize them. Scripture tells us the devil deceives the world and how does he do this? He will sell you another Jesus and another gospel and a completely bogus method of salvation. Nobody will be justified by their good works. These students some of them have selective hearing.
Some of these students have selective hearing and Christ did say there are those who don't see nor do they hear but he said his sheep in essence they hear and they see. When he gave that blind man his eyesight back, when the Pharisees came to question him he not only gave him his physical sight back but he was able to now understand some things that he previously did not understand while the Pharisees their sin remained because they say they see but they don't see. Humble yourself before God. Pride comes before a fall. They loved the chief seats in the synagogues and the marketplaces, they love to be called by all sorts of religious names. Call no man on Earth Rabbi or father for you have one. This is an example and we have this and even in Evangelical Christianity but people in counterfeit Christianity are completely made blind and death. They will fight tooth and nail for their deception which in the end will take their soul. Blessed are your eyes for they see and blessed are your ears for the hear but they neither see nor hear. Wake up. Relationship not religion. How could you be set free if you don't love the truth. Who is God what does the Bible say when was the last time you opened it and read it physically a paper copy?
The dangers of deception. If you young people were to get in a car accident and lose your life not being saved or following counterfeit Christianity you most likely will be told Christ never knew you doesn't recognize you and you will lose your soul. You'll also wonder why nobody told you. The world is deceived and we have many religious entities that are not of God but claim to be but they serve another god another gospel even another spirit and the people in them have been so manipulated that they're going to lose their soul. They are of their father the devil. That's their true father. It's all about sin and going to a church service does not wipe out your sin. They are under false pretense. First of all you have to repent of your sin because God sees it whatever it is. Then you pray directly to God you confess it and you ask for forgiveness. If you're struggling with a particular type of sin you ask for help to overcome it. It is possible to overcome it whatever it is. There are some sins that are so devastating. Every scenario you could imagine is put in the Holy scriptures. For example we have truly who some might be under the assumption is that all of our sins past present and future have been paid for which is true. But scripture makes it known in the book of Hebrews and in other places trampling the blood of Christ is wrong and has a consequence. There's an end of the line where there's no more sin offering for you. Then we can get into can you lose your salvation. God knows who are his and who are truly saved or who truly will be saved right until the end but he also knows there are those that fight tooth and nail and in the end they're going to lose their soul. There's one street preacher called operation Stephen and then one of his teachings he talked about if God let them all into heaven it would be hell there are guidelines for salvation and for abiding in the Vine.
If you are full of religion have no relationship with the true Christ you most likely will be losing your soul.
This is extremely important .
Jesse Morrell the street preacher preaching about sin and that God sees it all when you're going to the washroom open up for example a dirty magazine God sees it all. When you insult somebody and call them all sorts of names especially in front of other people even children God sees it all. When you are religious and you are on the wrong path you're ignorant to so many things. Your god your false god which is probably the devil sees it all too and he just loves you when you do everything wicked. Are you a child of the devil or a child of God? So the students are telling Jesse it's better to glorify God with your good works and by being a good person. Christ said there's not even one good and our good works are nothing but filthy rags. On top of that on the day of judgment Christ is going to tell probably the multitudes maybe in the millions or billions of people he never knew them they are workers of iniquity. They are lawless. Their hearts have not been born again. Their seeking their own self-righteousness not the righteousness of what Christ did for them. Watch out for those serving another Jesus and another gospel. You see the scripture tells us you are saved by grace through faith and not by your own works your own efforts in essence:
8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
9 Not of works, lest an
Ephesians 2:8-9 KJV
Now Jesse asks the students where they learned about God and one of them said in the Bible. Could be they opened a Bible once or twice not even knowing what version it was or about that. They could have learned it in religion which a great majority of the world did and does. God is relationship not religion and you must be born again as written in John 3:3. On the day of judgment Christ is going to tell the multitudes he never knew them and they're going to claim their good works but he's going to send them away into outer darkness. Their cursed into the everlasting fire. He's not saying I love you he finds them to be workers of iniquity that means they're lawless. Their hearts are far from Christ and he doesn't recognize them as his sheep his true followers. So many are full of religion and on the wrong road and have no relationship nor understanding they've been so manipulated that their stumbling blocks and their own worst enemies to try to save their soul. They're on the wrong road and that road is the road to destruction and they think their religion and their religious practices are going to save their soul even find favor with God no it's not going to happen they're going to lose their soul and find out the true Christ doesn't know them no recognize them. Scripture tells us the devil deceives the world and how does he do this? He will sell you another Jesus and another gospel and a completely bogus method of salvation. Nobody will be justified by their good works. These students some of them have selective hearing.
Some of these students have selective hearing and Christ did say there are those who don't see nor do they hear but he said his sheep in essence they hear and they see. When he gave that blind man his eyesight back, when the Pharisees came to question him he not only gave him his physical sight back but he was able to now understand some things that he previously did not understand while the Pharisees their sin remained because they say they see but they don't see. Humble yourself before God. Pride comes before a fall. They loved the chief seats in the synagogues and the marketplaces, they love to be called by all sorts of religious names. Call no man on Earth Rabbi or father for you have one. This is an example and we have this and even in Evangelical Christianity but people in counterfeit Christianity are completely made blind and death. They will fight tooth and nail for their deception which in the end will take their soul. Blessed are your eyes for they see and blessed are your ears for the hear but they neither see nor hear. Wake up. Relationship not religion. How could you be set free if you don't love the truth. Who is God what does the Bible say when was the last time you opened it and read it physically a paper copy?
The dangers of deception. If you young people were to get in a car accident and lose your life not being saved or following counterfeit Christianity you most likely will be told Christ never knew you doesn't recognize you and you will lose your soul. You'll also wonder why nobody told you. The world is deceived and we have many religious entities that are not of God but claim to be but they serve another god another gospel even another spirit and the people in them have been so manipulated that they're going to lose their soul. They are of their father the devil. That's their true father. It's all about sin and going to a church service does not wipe out your sin. They are under false pretense. First of all you have to repent of your sin because God sees it whatever it is. Then you pray directly to God you confess it and you ask for forgiveness. If you're struggling with a particular type of sin you ask for help to overcome it. It is possible to overcome it whatever it is. There are some sins that are so devastating. Every scenario you could imagine is put in the Holy scriptures. For example we have truly who some might be under the assumption is that all of our sins past present and future have been paid for which is true. But scripture makes it known in the book of Hebrews and in other places trampling the blood of Christ is wrong and has a consequence. There's an end of the line where there's no more sin offering for you. Then we can get into can you lose your salvation. God knows who are his and who are truly saved or who truly will be saved right until the end but he also knows there are those that fight tooth and nail and in the end they're going to lose their soul. There's one street preacher called operation Stephen and then one of his teachings he talked about if God let them all into heaven it would be hell there are guidelines for salvation and for abiding in the Vine.