Re: What inspired this blog was started with a woman that attended the Rogers Center in Toronto had a miscarriage at a Taylor Swift concert and the Rogers Center officials don't seem to care as reported.
A little while back David Menzies from Rebel news reported of/on woman that attended a Taylor Swift concert in Toronto and that unfortunately had a miscarriage. That's not an easy thing to deal with. You know there are those that will say she was pregnant and perhaps attending a concert with so many people and loud music is dangerous for the child that she's bearing. Our actions and our choices have consequences. And so it's one of those things that you have to look at all of the facts of what happened and what causes a miscarriage in this case. I'm sorry to hear about this and I also heard that the officials were not too kind to her the way they should have been. And so that made me at the same time on the day I heard about this thing and I put on a headset and I heard a little sermon by the preacher Paul Washer. And there's one particular sermon that he gave that wasn't immediately anointed for me specifically although I've talked about this time in memorial. But now it has been anointed and he has two different sermons. While I was in a public forum and I put on the headphones I heard another one of his sermons as I needed something to drown out any noise around me. And so Paul was saying how he doesn't want to die as a dog and that true Christians will be persecuted being anybody that truly lives for true righteousness according to the biblical standards and principles. He was emotionally trying to get through to some people that were born again Christians the message that it's not hard to live righteous everyday it's not a hard thing to do. And we know that not only do we have false converts but backsliders too. We have people that go back to the world but claim to be Christians. We have people that claim to be Christians but they're not in Evangelical Christianity but they're actually in Counterfeit Christianity and they don't even know what authentic Christianity really is because they have been deceived by the god of this world. So I was thinking why is it so hard for people to truly understand that life in Christ is not the life in the world. I know counterfeit Christians who put on all the demonic TV shows and I also know that true biblical authentic Christian women do not do these things. We know it grieves the Holy Ghost and when you are a true born again believer you know many things can grieve the Holy Ghost and other Christians thank you for them sometimes pointing out these things and not to be mister or Mrs clickbait. So with that in this current posted linked video that I heard way back of Paul Washer I'd like to get into why people are so stubborn as Christ said there are those that give him lip service. There are those that have him on their lips but their hearts are far from him. Why don't people understand.
I will say this much you have people that will never touch alcohol or cigarettes or drugs that are firm. You do have people that are highly educated and that treat their families good and bring up their families well and are good providers and I know that doesn't necessarily make a saint in the eyes of God but why then do we have human beings that are weak and always go back to the flesh and can't obey Jesus Christ of Nazareth? God said there's not even one good he was grieved that he created man. And the devil was a cherubim angel who became so prideful and arrogant and Isaiah the prophet said he weakens the nations. There are other fallen angels that left their natural state and followed Satan and they were evicted out of heaven. Jesus Christ said there's not even one good only God is good didn't even name his apostles. God said all have gone astray and all have become unprofitable. We know on the day of judgment multitudes of people are going to plead for their soul by claiming their good works but they're going to be cast into outer darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth why can't people get it. Why are people so stubborn and this is why this is very important people are going to lose their soul this is not a joke. John 3:16 God is only merciful to a certain point. Once you are a new creature in Christ the old man has passed away. So right there you have newness. But you have to continue to grow and not to look back as you/we put our hands on the plow and go forward. What will it profit a man to gain the world and forfeit his own soul. What is your life but a vapor here today and gone tomorrow. Are you invited to the wedding? These we have to discuss in depth.
Re: What inspired this blog was started with a woman that attended the Rogers Center in Toronto had a miscarriage at a Taylor Swift concert and the Rogers Center officials don't seem to care as reported.
A little while back David Menzies from Rebel news reported of/on woman that attended a Taylor Swift concert in Toronto and that unfortunately had a miscarriage. That's not an easy thing to deal with. You know there are those that will say she was pregnant and perhaps attending a concert with so many people and loud music is dangerous for the child that she's bearing. Our actions and our choices have consequences. And so it's one of those things that you have to look at all of the facts of what happened and what causes a miscarriage in this case. I'm sorry to hear about this and I also heard that the officials were not too kind to her the way they should have been. And so that made me at the same time on the day I heard about this thing and I put on a headset and I heard a little sermon by the preacher Paul Washer. And there's one particular sermon that he gave that wasn't immediately anointed for me specifically although I've talked about this time in memorial. But now it has been anointed and he has two different sermons. While I was in a public forum and I put on the headphones I heard another one of his sermons as I needed something to drown out any noise around me. And so Paul was saying how he doesn't want to die as a dog and that true Christians will be persecuted being anybody that truly lives for true righteousness according to the biblical standards and principles. He was emotionally trying to get through to some people that were born again Christians the message that it's not hard to live righteous everyday it's not a hard thing to do. And we know that not only do we have false converts but backsliders too. We have people that go back to the world but claim to be Christians. We have people that claim to be Christians but they're not in Evangelical Christianity but they're actually in Counterfeit Christianity and they don't even know what authentic Christianity really is because they have been deceived by the god of this world. So I was thinking why is it so hard for people to truly understand that life in Christ is not the life in the world. I know counterfeit Christians who put on all the demonic TV shows and I also know that true biblical authentic Christian women do not do these things. We know it grieves the Holy Ghost and when you are a true born again believer you know many things can grieve the Holy Ghost and other Christians thank you for them sometimes pointing out these things and not to be mister or Mrs clickbait. So with that in this current posted linked video that I heard way back of Paul Washer I'd like to get into why people are so stubborn as Christ said there are those that give him lip service. There are those that have him on their lips but their hearts are far from him. Why don't people understand.
I will say this much you have people that will never touch alcohol or cigarettes or drugs that are firm. You do have people that are highly educated and that treat their families good and bring up their families well and are good providers and I know that doesn't necessarily make a saint in the eyes of God but why then do we have human beings that are weak and always go back to the flesh and can't obey Jesus Christ of Nazareth? God said there's not even one good he was grieved that he created man. And the devil was a cherubim angel who became so prideful and arrogant and Isaiah the prophet said he weakens the nations. There are other fallen angels that left their natural state and followed Satan and they were evicted out of heaven. Jesus Christ said there's not even one good only God is good didn't even name his apostles. God said all have gone astray and all have become unprofitable. We know on the day of judgment multitudes of people are going to plead for their soul by claiming their good works but they're going to be cast into outer darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth why can't people get it. Why are people so stubborn and this is why this is very important people are going to lose their soul this is not a joke. John 3:16 God is only merciful to a certain point. Once you are a new creature in Christ the old man has passed away. So right there you have newness. But you have to continue to grow and not to look back as you/we put our hands on the plow and go forward. What will it profit a man to gain the world and forfeit his own soul. What is your life but a vapor here today and gone tomorrow. Are you invited to the wedding? These we have to discuss in depth.
Paul washer sermon