Something's I heard 1st about John MacArthur kidney failure or whatever other problems he may have that he's on his last lap. I saw his little talk about that and I'm sorry to hear that. I've noticed some other Christians talking about that too. Didn't Ruben Israel die of such things kidney failure? Then on the other hand I saw the updates on preacher Justin Peters which was very interesting the last two postings. Then after because of Justin last two postings I came upon this talking about regarding the claim to be a prophets which is here
You know Mormonism they talked about Joseph Smith and how he expected people to believe some new revelation remind you of anybody that nobody can prove and that there needed to be an added verse of Isaiah to prove it but it's not in the Bible. Very interesting there are Christians discussing this over here . Sounds like doctrines of devils to me. Interesting that Ruben Israel talked about when they preached outside the Mormon Church how they bought this piece of property so the street preachers couldn't preach there and they spent a ton of money to do so. He also had an interview with a Mormon exposing their out there strange doctrines and interpretations. God is God and no one's going to replace the real God . But he Joseph Smith wants you to just believe it. Long time ago when I was deceived I didn't realize that Donny Osmond was a Mormon or did I know and his sister Marie too . There was some advertisement where Donny claimed written in the media to be prideful because he stole his brother's girl. That is sin Donny and you're not to be proud of that. Exodus 20:17 KJV No wonder they can do rock & roll on TV and follow the world. James 4:4 Warning!!! Now I know I had some association in that but I realized all of this is of the world and music is very intriguing but are we going to be lovers of entertainment not lovers of God and lovers of false doctrine but not lovers of truth. Mormons I believe are very deceived. I don't think they follow the same Jesus. I believe Joseph Smith is a false prophet just as Ellen G. White's prophecies appeared to have failed. You will know them by their fruits as written. I also know that Randy Bachman left the faith all together and went back to his rock life that is rock & roll is not a true Christian nor is Burton Cummings. I don't even think Bono let alone Taylor Swift are true Christians. They probably have religion but they have no relationship. Evangelical Christianity that is Bible believing Christianity is the correct vehicle. God is not religion . The wages of sin is death and if you follow the world and you gain the world agreeing with it's sinful practices you most likely will spend eternity in damnation apart from God. Is that what you want?. James 4:4 John 3:16 Sanctified in the truth only! What are you teaching your children are they also going to end up there as well. You can feed your children, be a good provider and still all of you can go to hell together on the merry-go-round. We have to love the truth. What is the truth and how can it set you free if you don't love it. Who is God and is not associated with terrorism? Is God evil and what does God think of evil? He is angry at the wicked every single day. He tells us nations that forget him are turned into hell. Don't we have nations that are turned into hell on Earth right now? Yes we do. And even nations that are founded on Christianity as America claims to be can also have their falling away and it happens. God judges us as individuals and as nations and probably much more than that we don't understand because we're only given so much but we have enough to understand.
Why is it so hard to crucify the flesh? I mean you see images online vanity vanity all is vanity said the preacher. A woman advertising her body. Men posting women with the rear end sticking out beautiful hips and to get other men excited. What if that's your daughter. Now we have men that are just wanting to bed these women or have babies and abort them and these are wicked men according to Apostle Peter. Brute beasts Apostle Peter said they are made to be taken and destroyed that means sent to hell for all of eternity. Everybody wants the new furniture and the new car to compete with the next door neighbors but mostly nobody cares about the truth. The Bible!! do you know anything about the version issue? Do you know what's really written in there?? Can you recite scripture or do you think you're not allowed to interpret it because some cult told you that you can't and how can they when they're not true believers either. Are you a fool? No! How can a Jewish Messiah in the Jewish faith that is against paganism or other false religions turn into pagan religion with a pagan deity? What is the truth and how can the truth set you free if you come to accept doctrines of devils as true. You're not a Christian if that's what you believe you're a deceived reprobate dog returning to his own vomit that's all you are and you don't know the meaning of true love. You know some people that are atheists or non-believers will tell you love is having everything you want being able to afford anything you want and that's going to bring you happiness yet we have some of the most richest people on Earth that have committed suicide. I wonder why!!! I don't think they were too happy. You find joy in the Lord and in his word. In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God.
The Bible is true and what is revealed in prophecy is true. If you look at the evening news and I'm not trying to encourage you to do so or in the media you may read a story or a positive one but the majority of them if they are not fake news are going to be very evil and wicked. You're going to hear about people dying of sickness or celebrities dying or natural disasters that have killed people as recently have happened in America. You might read something about a lady having a bunch of children at one time. You might read about a celebrity and their breakup like Tom Hanks. Their multi-million dollar settlement. Meanwhile back at the ranch what is the end game and why are you here on Earth? What was the great commission? To go make disciples to turn people from Satan on to God. You need a relationship with the true God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Jesus Christ of Nazareth and God is not evil nor is God a member of terrorism. God is Holy. Everything depends in a sense not only on you being a true Bible believing Christian and living a life in Christ being a born-again Christian, but on Israel as well but there's more to the story of course. The devil exists just like the true Christ exists and many false Christs also exist including false religions. If you get it wrong you most likely will end up in hell and you have a chance to get it right but do you care about the truth?. You have a chance all you have to do is believe the grace gospel regarding Christ death, burial and resurrection, accept the gospel and know the gospel that is preached on to you and you can have eternal life. John 3:16 Henceforth, there are probably some conditions that go along with it but they're not hard to obey if you love the truth and you are born again. John 3:3 If you don't love the truth nor do you know the truth you probably will perish. You have to lean on God's understanding and on Christ's righteousness. He is our teacher. He is our Messiah. What will it profit you to gain the world and forfeit your own soul so I'm pleading with you to put priorities into place.
Something's I heard 1st about John MacArthur kidney failure or whatever other problems he may have that he's on his last lap. I saw his little talk about that and I'm sorry to hear that. I've noticed some other Christians talking about that too. Didn't Ruben Israel die of such things kidney failure? Then on the other hand I saw the updates on preacher Justin Peters which was very interesting the last two postings. Then after because of Justin last two postings I came upon this talking about regarding the claim to be a prophets which is here
You know Mormonism they talked about Joseph Smith and how he expected people to believe some new revelation remind you of anybody that nobody can prove and that there needed to be an added verse of Isaiah to prove it but it's not in the Bible. Very interesting there are Christians discussing this over here . Sounds like doctrines of devils to me. Interesting that Ruben Israel talked about when they preached outside the Mormon Church how they bought this piece of property so the street preachers couldn't preach there and they spent a ton of money to do so. He also had an interview with a Mormon exposing their out there strange doctrines and interpretations. God is God and no one's going to replace the real God . But he Joseph Smith wants you to just believe it. Long time ago when I was deceived I didn't realize that Donny Osmond was a Mormon or did I know and his sister Marie too . There was some advertisement where Donny claimed written in the media to be prideful because he stole his brother's girl. That is sin Donny and you're not to be proud of that. Exodus 20:17 KJV No wonder they can do rock & roll on TV and follow the world. James 4:4 Warning!!! Now I know I had some association in that but I realized all of this is of the world and music is very intriguing but are we going to be lovers of entertainment not lovers of God and lovers of false doctrine but not lovers of truth. Mormons I believe are very deceived. I don't think they follow the same Jesus. I believe Joseph Smith is a false prophet just as Ellen G. White's prophecies appeared to have failed. You will know them by their fruits as written. I also know that Randy Bachman left the faith all together and went back to his rock life that is rock & roll is not a true Christian nor is Burton Cummings. I don't even think Bono let alone Taylor Swift are true Christians. They probably have religion but they have no relationship. Evangelical Christianity that is Bible believing Christianity is the correct vehicle. God is not religion . The wages of sin is death and if you follow the world and you gain the world agreeing with it's sinful practices you most likely will spend eternity in damnation apart from God. Is that what you want?. James 4:4 John 3:16 Sanctified in the truth only! What are you teaching your children are they also going to end up there as well. You can feed your children, be a good provider and still all of you can go to hell together on the merry-go-round. We have to love the truth. What is the truth and how can it set you free if you don't love it. Who is God and is not associated with terrorism? Is God evil and what does God think of evil? He is angry at the wicked every single day. He tells us nations that forget him are turned into hell. Don't we have nations that are turned into hell on Earth right now? Yes we do. And even nations that are founded on Christianity as America claims to be can also have their falling away and it happens. God judges us as individuals and as nations and probably much more than that we don't understand because we're only given so much but we have enough to understand.
Why is it so hard to crucify the flesh? I mean you see images online vanity vanity all is vanity said the preacher. A woman advertising her body. Men posting women with the rear end sticking out beautiful hips and to get other men excited. What if that's your daughter. Now we have men that are just wanting to bed these women or have babies and abort them and these are wicked men according to Apostle Peter. Brute beasts Apostle Peter said they are made to be taken and destroyed that means sent to hell for all of eternity. Everybody wants the new furniture and the new car to compete with the next door neighbors but mostly nobody cares about the truth. The Bible!! do you know anything about the version issue? Do you know what's really written in there?? Can you recite scripture or do you think you're not allowed to interpret it because some cult told you that you can't and how can they when they're not true believers either. Are you a fool? No! How can a Jewish Messiah in the Jewish faith that is against paganism or other false religions turn into pagan religion with a pagan deity? What is the truth and how can the truth set you free if you come to accept doctrines of devils as true. You're not a Christian if that's what you believe you're a deceived reprobate dog returning to his own vomit that's all you are and you don't know the meaning of true love. You know some people that are atheists or non-believers will tell you love is having everything you want being able to afford anything you want and that's going to bring you happiness yet we have some of the most richest people on Earth that have committed suicide. I wonder why!!! I don't think they were too happy. You find joy in the Lord and in his word. In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God.
Interesting interview Sarah
March 17th 2025 11:44 a.m.
The Bible is true and what is revealed in prophecy is true. If you look at the evening news and I'm not trying to encourage you to do so or in the media you may read a story or a positive one but the majority of them if they are not fake news are going to be very evil and wicked. You're going to hear about people dying of sickness or celebrities dying or natural disasters that have killed people as recently have happened in America. You might read something about a lady having a bunch of children at one time. You might read about a celebrity and their breakup like Tom Hanks. Their multi-million dollar settlement. Meanwhile back at the ranch what is the end game and why are you here on Earth? What was the great commission? To go make disciples to turn people from Satan on to God. You need a relationship with the true God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Jesus Christ of Nazareth and God is not evil nor is God a member of terrorism. God is Holy. Everything depends in a sense not only on you being a true Bible believing Christian and living a life in Christ being a born-again Christian, but on Israel as well but there's more to the story of course. The devil exists just like the true Christ exists and many false Christs also exist including false religions. If you get it wrong you most likely will end up in hell and you have a chance to get it right but do you care about the truth?. You have a chance all you have to do is believe the grace gospel regarding Christ death, burial and resurrection, accept the gospel and know the gospel that is preached on to you and you can have eternal life. John 3:16 Henceforth, there are probably some conditions that go along with it but they're not hard to obey if you love the truth and you are born again. John 3:3 If you don't love the truth nor do you know the truth you probably will perish. You have to lean on God's understanding and on Christ's righteousness. He is our teacher. He is our Messiah. What will it profit you to gain the world and forfeit your own soul so I'm pleading with you to put priorities into place.