This is here to get you thinking and wake you up especially those who are deceived.
Think about it!! astronauts go to outer space and they say there's 60 miles of sky before they get into outer space. They have to break the Earth's atmosphere to get to the space station and the Earth spins and traveling through space at a high rate of speed yet you don't feel anything. It spins and it travels. Gravity keeps it in its track as the earth travels it doesn't drift out into outer space it's not just coincidental unless you're really stupid. The amount of water on the Earth did not just appear over billions of years don't believe what they tell you God created everything. There's no life on Mars and there's no life on the Moon these planets are there for a reason. You die once and then the judgment. Jesus Christ said looking at a woman with lust you've already committed adultery with her in your heart. When you become truly married and you have a covenant with the God of Israel you become one flesh and to defile the marriage bed is evil which people do of course. Everybody wants to go to heaven and everybody does not want hell but nobody wants the truth or they can't accept the truth as the world can't receive it as is written. John 14:17-19 It is written a man will be as he thinks and there are men who just want to bed and sleep with woman their whores. The Bible even warns about whoredom. Psalm 73:27 Can we take Christ and join him to a whore?. No we can't accept that so what happens when you get sexual thoughts about other people that you shouldn't get you rebuke them. You pray and you realize these are offensive wrong thoughts and against the Holy Ghost they're against God. They're sin against your own body and the Bible warns don't you know you are the Temple of the Holy Ghost. 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 What will it profit a man to gain the world and forfeit his own soul. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Do you have to fear the lord to listen maybe in a sense. It's a red flag that something is severely wrong. Also to covet what is not yours is also sin and people do this. People become rich with money and now they forget about God or if they ever were going to come close to knowing or understanding God they just drift further apart as a lot of rich people do and celebrities are a master at this following this sinful world full of idolatry and wickedness. They're more concerned with materialism as what's been reported with that letter sent to the White House from a bunch of famous celebrity people recently. God is not involved in that and it is not the work of God. These people are more concerned about carnal pleasures then their own soul. That is the truth and it's hard to digest that. Now if you're building a ministry and it's truly a God ministry that's different you're going to need to protect that ministry. God is Holy and man is sinful and rebellious. Are we just harboring some sexual feeling that is sinful and do we truly understand the consequences of following the flesh and not crucifying it. Astonishing I came across Jeff from apologia studios preaching on video at some school and how these two women thought they were smart but when the questioning about God became serious they just wanted to have the last word and run away which they did. They were trying to justify abortion. You can tell they did not know God and they were not God fearing women but they were the type of women that were instructed to run for your lives. I was young and foolish once as many people are. That doesn't mean there aren't or there haven't been throughout history very grounded men and women because there have been. We wrestle not against flesh and blood and if people could only understand that there is a demon world a demonic world. And human beings that harbor this evil and then propagate it and spread it through their corrupt minds and other people pick up on it just like clicking junk mail are foolish. Then I noticed Adam team Jesus street preacher preaching and an LGBT community supporter with the colored hair attacked him and bit his hand and she rudely and forcefully grabbed the mic and screamed obscenities in it said yes F this and F that and we can abort children and God said it's okay and all this evil these are the devil's children made to be taken and destroyed and they're on the Highway to Hell. 2 Peter 2:1 2 If this is your daughter time to rebuke them. Time to preach Hellfire not just Jesus loves you which religion does but never preaches the truth very rarely. If you don't love the truth you may just spend eternity in hell. It is enmity to befriend the world and it's not so for just no reason at all. James 4:4 There's a way right way and a wrong way and God says here is the way as Christ preached and the world goes the opposite way then when they hear I never knew you and are condemned to hell because they were seeking their own self-righteousness which is a bag of dirt they deserve eternal damnation and that's exactly what they're going to get they will plead for their soul. You reap what you sow and man is WITHOUR EXCUSE!
The dog has returned to his own vomit. Catch and release is something that police officers get annoyed at. Liberal cities full of crime in America has been reported in the past. When they evict/deport violent criminals they fight the White House and challenge them. You know you want to go to heaven and you claim to know Jesus Christ but you repeat like the dog that has returned to his own vomit sins over and over thinking it's acceptable. What does it mean to repent does it mean I'm sorry but you just keep repeating them? I never knew you if you're seeking your own self righteousness beware and be warned. It's his way not our way. His sheep hear his voice and they listen. They get it and who was justified the man who beat his breast and said have mercy on me a sinner. How could you overcome your sins if you cant acknowledge them. When was the last time you prayed and read the Bible. It's about listening and doing, abiding in the vine not just reading. Discipline discipline discipline. John 10:10
Modern Day Sodom & Gomorrah
A man will be as he thinks
The fool has said in his heart there is no God
To be carnally minded is enmity with God
Think about it!! astronauts go to outer space and they say there's 60 miles of sky before they get into outer space. They have to break the Earth's atmosphere to get to the space station and the Earth spins and traveling through space at a high rate of speed yet you don't feel anything. It spins and it travels. Gravity keeps it in its track as the earth travels it doesn't drift out into outer space it's not just coincidental unless you're really stupid. The amount of water on the Earth did not just appear over billions of years don't believe what they tell you God created everything. There's no life on Mars and there's no life on the Moon these planets are there for a reason. You die once and then the judgment. Jesus Christ said looking at a woman with lust you've already committed adultery with her in your heart. When you become truly married and you have a covenant with the God of Israel you become one flesh and to defile the marriage bed is evil which people do of course. Everybody wants to go to heaven and everybody does not want hell but nobody wants the truth or they can't accept the truth as the world can't receive it as is written. John 14:17-19 It is written a man will be as he thinks and there are men who just want to bed and sleep with woman their whores. The Bible even warns about whoredom. Psalm 73:27 Can we take Christ and join him to a whore?. No we can't accept that so what happens when you get sexual thoughts about other people that you shouldn't get you rebuke them. You pray and you realize these are offensive wrong thoughts and against the Holy Ghost they're against God. They're sin against your own body and the Bible warns don't you know you are the Temple of the Holy Ghost. 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 What will it profit a man to gain the world and forfeit his own soul. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Do you have to fear the lord to listen maybe in a sense. It's a red flag that something is severely wrong. Also to covet what is not yours is also sin and people do this. People become rich with money and now they forget about God or if they ever were going to come close to knowing or understanding God they just drift further apart as a lot of rich people do and celebrities are a master at this following this sinful world full of idolatry and wickedness. They're more concerned with materialism as what's been reported with that letter sent to the White House from a bunch of famous celebrity people recently. God is not involved in that and it is not the work of God. These people are more concerned about carnal pleasures then their own soul. That is the truth and it's hard to digest that. Now if you're building a ministry and it's truly a God ministry that's different you're going to need to protect that ministry. God is Holy and man is sinful and rebellious. Are we just harboring some sexual feeling that is sinful and do we truly understand the consequences of following the flesh and not crucifying it. Astonishing I came across Jeff from apologia studios preaching on video at some school and how these two women thought they were smart but when the questioning about God became serious they just wanted to have the last word and run away which they did. They were trying to justify abortion. You can tell they did not know God and they were not God fearing women but they were the type of women that were instructed to run for your lives. I was young and foolish once as many people are. That doesn't mean there aren't or there haven't been throughout history very grounded men and women because there have been. We wrestle not against flesh and blood and if people could only understand that there is a demon world a demonic world. And human beings that harbor this evil and then propagate it and spread it through their corrupt minds and other people pick up on it just like clicking junk mail are foolish. Then I noticed Adam team Jesus street preacher preaching and an LGBT community supporter with the colored hair attacked him and bit his hand and she rudely and forcefully grabbed the mic and screamed obscenities in it said yes F this and F that and we can abort children and God said it's okay and all this evil these are the devil's children made to be taken and destroyed and they're on the Highway to Hell. 2 Peter 2:1 2 If this is your daughter time to rebuke them. Time to preach Hellfire not just Jesus loves you which religion does but never preaches the truth very rarely. If you don't love the truth you may just spend eternity in hell. It is enmity to befriend the world and it's not so for just no reason at all. James 4:4 There's a way right way and a wrong way and God says here is the way as Christ preached and the world goes the opposite way then when they hear I never knew you and are condemned to hell because they were seeking their own self-righteousness which is a bag of dirt they deserve eternal damnation and that's exactly what they're going to get they will plead for their soul. You reap what you sow and man is WITHOUR EXCUSE!
The dog has returned to his own vomit. Catch and release is something that police officers get annoyed at. Liberal cities full of crime in America has been reported in the past. When they evict/deport violent criminals they fight the White House and challenge them. You know you want to go to heaven and you claim to know Jesus Christ but you repeat like the dog that has returned to his own vomit sins over and over thinking it's acceptable. What does it mean to repent does it mean I'm sorry but you just keep repeating them? I never knew you if you're seeking your own self righteousness beware and be warned. It's his way not our way. His sheep hear his voice and they listen. They get it and who was justified the man who beat his breast and said have mercy on me a sinner. How could you overcome your sins if you cant acknowledge them. When was the last time you prayed and read the Bible. It's about listening and doing, abiding in the vine not just reading. Discipline discipline discipline. John 10:10