Wayne Sanelli

Pick up your cross follow ME

album: Timeline
streams: 17
video file: 6.6MB, 00:05:04

Wayne Sanelli
07/30/23 06:10:45AM @wayne-sanelli:


Pick Up Your Cross Follow Me
Revelation 13:1 KJV they Marvel after the Beast
Henry Matthew commentary on this subject


Interesting links ( what is Babylon ) ( who is the Harlot )

(The Bible on religion)

In my afterthoughts : He the young man was ordered to give to the poor and then he would have treasures in Heaven because it's important to think of those less fortunate than you and not to live in pride or arrogance and for yourself. You know he said it's evil when somebody sends people away and they're asking you for some sort of physical help in terms of food and even shelter. This is not about salvation specifically but about abiding in him and bearing good fruit.

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