Idolatry, Suicidal Ideation, New Age To Jesus| My Testimony

Category: People & Blogs
Duration: 00:39:44
Duration: 00:39:44
“Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved.” Mark 16:15-16. I am here to share my testimony, even though the video doesn’t even go into depth about my life and what else God has done for my life because if not this video would be over 3 hours lol. I needed to get this out here for people to see who relate to my situation and who I can help! I am not here to judge, Condemn, or act as if I am better than anyone because that is not the case. I am here to share how the greatness of God has changed my life for the better. I have been saved by grace through faith! “I walk in love and am sure to be kind to one another, tender hearted, and forgiving one another, just as how God in Christ forgave me.” Ephesians 4:32. God bless everyone! My Instagram is @naaomii.g for more post about my walk with God ! ✨🤍
Idolatry, Suicidal Ideation, New Age To Jesus| My Testimony
Here is another testimony. She had a bad attitude towards her parents and into the world. Got saved! She liked to argue and play victim. She is/was very prideful jumping from groups of friends. She learned be careful who you surround yourself with. She became suicidal and started to cut her self. She was so negative, insecure and she seek attention and made her body a god. She wanted to be like a celebrity. She was addicted to social media. She went through a lot. Money became her god. She just cared about making money. Now her boyfriend also seemed to get saved and appears to have done so. She was addicted to shopping. She used to get mad when she did not find anything at the mall. She was into her appearance. She made God the centre of her relationship and the depression and anxiety is gone. She is saved by grace through God. Her words! She quit her job because it was a bad impression. At 21.54/21.55 she talks about God being the supplier. She said she realized Gods word is true. God supplies all your needs. Her boyfriend was very stuck in the world. He would have a habit of cheating on people. She testifies God can change anybody. Now she talks about her boyfriends anger problem. She would cry. Cry out to GOD. Now at 26.37 she talks about her boyfriend having a daughter and she is friends with his ex. His ex did her “lashes”. 8 hours to do lashes. She talks about co-parenting. The ex has a testimony how she got saved. They all got saved as she says through the grace of God. She said God answers her prayers but if they do fight in the moment they go to the word and seek. She talks about hor-scopes (spiritual fornication) and she says “devil” including meditation. Of course Gods word warns about such things. Manifestations too according to her testimony. Now she is a joyful happy person. (Amen)
She is still young and people should pray for her, her boyfriend and boyfriends ex. She does realize God has a purpose for her. She talks about faith and trust in GOD. She is overjoyed to share her testimony. She and boyfriend is surrounding themselves with men of God. She talks about people praying for you. She wants to be a good sister. She talks about church. Interesting. She does talk about sinful music. She realizes going back to the world is wrong. Yes it is!!!! Naomi has been saved and credits GOD.
Naomi has been saved and credits GOD. (Amen) She talks about her being raised catholic.
She is a changed person. (Amen)
She is a changed person. She serves her church but what denomination she does not mention or seems unclear but gives some clues in her testimony. She does realize the broad way is not the way. Pray for her people.
May the lord watch over her and keep her, her boyfriend and boyfriend ex.
This particular teaching here below is so well put together that it’s teachable. We have to head the call. The way is extremely narrow.
Above the teacher goes into I believe revolution 18 and Revelation 17 just before it’s sort of a set up for Revelation 18. All the music stops. No more weddings in her and no more musicians in her. Although the teacher likens this to the entertainment of the world in the end days which is demonic and evil this is mostly attributed to the harlot of the abominations of the earth. She has become a cage for every foul and dirty bird just as the gospel for proclaims. She is guilty as a part of the martyrs of Jesus and her sins have reached on-to the heavens.
Now after that testimony above why did I include this teaching on idolatry in this testimony. Do you know why because she said her life became an idol. As so many are doing the exact same thing these days. This doesn’t serve God but serves as a defiled and wicked world.