Wayne Sanelli

Ray Comfort Was Almost Killed Preaching in Jerusalem.

Category: People & Blogs
Duration: 00:14:44
Ray Comfort recalls the time where the crowd literally wanted to kill him for preaching about Christ, since they were religious Jews. It was easily the most scary open-air witnessing encounter Ray has been in. Ray then gives advice on how to reach Jews with the gospel, and then shows a few evangelism conversation that he's had with Jews.

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Wayne Sanelli
08/06/22 06:50:16PM @wayne-sanelli:

You know when I was going to watch this they had a commercial with a child so skinny crying and screaming and the mother I guess being perhaps somewhere in Israel could not feed the child and the child appeared to have need of medical attention. Then you have Ray talking which is interesting but it's just appears some people are swimming in their money like celebrities and Christ is going to tell them he doesn't know them. What a sad State of affairs in this fallen world.


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