

Ken is a hard knocks trained street musician who has preformed all over the world. He has a secret he tries to hide, but when he opens his mouth and that anointed sound comes out, it's all over. Cindy is school trained with a degree in music performance. Preparing for the opera, Cindy competed and won many times throughout high school and college. She tried out for and sang the National Anthem for the Atlanta Braves game in 1983. Still, the emptiness she felt inside wasn't satisfied unless she was singing for God. When Cindy sings, it is apparent that she has a gift. Her passion is ministering to the brokenhearted and God uses that passion and her gift to bring healing....



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Ken Rondell Meet My Friend Lord I Stand Before You

Ken Rondell Meet My Friend...

7 years ago - Comments: 0
Ken & Cindy Winkles Lord I Stand Before You Meet my Friend

Ken & Cindy Winkles Lord I...

7 years ago - Comments: 0
The Battle Starts... But There can be only, ONE Jesus

The Battle Starts... But...

8 years ago - Comments: 1

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06/23/17 06:38:45PM @wink1026:

Ken is a hard knocks trained street musician who has preformed all over the world. He has a secret he tries to hide, but when he opens his mouth and that anointed sound comes out, it's all over. Cindy is school trained with a degree in music performance. Preparing for the opera, Cindy competed and won many times throughout high school and college. She tried out for and sang the National Anthem for the Atlanta Braves game in 1983. Still, the emptiness she felt inside wasn't satisfied unless she was singing for God. When Cindy sings, it is apparent that she has a gift. Her passion is ministering to the brokenhearted and God uses that passion and her gift to bring healing. 

07/01/16 11:24:45PM @wink1026:

Meet my Friend is what happen to me when the Holy Spirit filled the studio in Mo. 1995

The other songs is the songs God said record and I did. God so loved the world He gave us His only Son 



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