Country: US
April 13, 2011
"My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting knothing."James 1:2-4
Joseph was made a slave, Moses was chased in the desert, Sampson was captured by the Philistines, David was pursued by Saul, Eli's sons were put to death, Solomon turned from God, Elijah was chased by Jezebel, Daniel was thrown into the lion's den, Shadrack, Mishak, and Abednego was thrown into the fiery furnace, Jesus was hunted by Herod, Steven was stoned to death, John the Baptist was beheaded, and John the Revelator was sent to the Isle of Patmos. This list could go on and on, but the message today is about pressing forward despite adversity. One of the best examples that we have of this is the Gospel itself! The word of God has endured and continue on, pressing forward regardless of circumstances, historical afflictions, and outright bold-faced wars against it! With all that has attacked the Christian faith, the Christian has prevailed and will continue to do so for eternity! What is the Christian's power you ask? Simply put, their power is the JOY of Jesus! Joy through it all. O how it destroys our enemy! Joy through it all. O how it keeps you and me!
Be filled with joy when it seems that you can't anymore! Joy will even the score! Victory is at your door! So smile like never before!