Country: US
April 4, 2011
"A bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking flax shall he not quench: he shall bring forth judgement unto truth. He shall not fail nor be discouraged, till he he have set judgment in the earth: and the isles shall wait for his law." Isaiah 42:3,4
Here we see leadership perfection in the two characteristics that Jesus entered into our world with. He came as the Soft Man full of meekness. humble, gentle, mild, and submissive. He never raised his voice announcing that he was in charge and he was full of compassion towards all those that were hurting and in need, never crushing the fallen, but always lifting them back to their feet. Jesus embraces with kindness and understanding those that are hurt. Next we see that he came as a Lead Man able to do according to all that God commissioned him to do, not making excuses, and taking authority with confidence in his ability to perform his mission, to seek and to save the lost. Jesus didn't push himself onto the scene and demand that all listen to him and follow, he didn't announce his calling and market his position as God's only begotten son and begin lording over people, instead God announced him, "Behold this is my servant in whom I have chosen:" Mathew 12:18 Jesus took charge without forcing people to follow. He simply came and shared God's word and allowed God to do the rest. And God's word did the work. Jesus our perfect example of leadership is meek and powerful!
Are you a leader? Lead with humility, compassion, and power!