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A lesson in prayer!

user image 2011-03-29
By: Cary
Posted in:

Souls For Christ Ministries

March 29, 2011  


              "Yet because this widow troubleth me, I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me." Luke 18:5  


  That old squeeky wheel, the constant drip from the kitchen faucet, or the commercials that increase in volume during your favorite movies. Do you have things that really irritate or annoy you and compel you to take action? It is vital sometimes to our own sanity to take action when we are so annoyed! Here is a lesson in prayer. The Judge in this story was irritated. This woman was like that leaky faucet or that squeeky wheel. He was losing his ability to remain quiet about the request that she came to him with asking for his attention, because she would not stop bothering or irritating him. When we have a request that truly requires attention we must be serious and press for action to be taken. In prayer we can utilize this example and know that God looks into our heart and at the urgency within. James 5:16b tells us, "The effectual fervent prayer of the righteous man availeth much." How urgent?  How vehement? How passionate? How annoying can we be? This is how our prayers should be!

Come to God with your requests showing to Him what they really mean to you and How important it is that action is taken. Fervent, passionate, and continual pleadings to God does get His attention!


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