

I love Jesus Christ and his children!!!


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Let's all work together!

user image 2011-03-17
By: Cary
Posted in:

Souls For Christ Ministries

March 17, 2011

              "Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one: and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labour. For we are laborours together with God:" 1Corinthians 3:8,9a  


Are we not one working together? "All together now, heave, ho! How many times have you had a project that you just couldn't do  alone and that  it took everyone in the house or on the job working together to accomplish the goal? It seems here that the people were not working together and Paul had to have a little counceling session with them. Some were saying they followed Paul while others said they followed Apollas and together they started to forget that they were all following God and were supposed to be working together as one. What if your children began to do this? One would follow your instructions and decide that they didn't have to listen to your spouse and vise versa? Or what if on the job your fellow workers would do this, one would follow the Manager and the other the Assistant manager. Can anyone say chaos? It doesn't work like that! We are supposed to work together, in concert with each other, not divided lest anyone should think that they are the only one!


If there is ever a time in which we need to come together it is now. We all have little differences, but we are all created by God and he wants togetherness and not chaos. Come together to accomplish God's purpose. Lay aside your differences and become one in achieving this goal.


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