I love Jesus Christ and his children!!!
Location: Naples, Florida
Country: US
Country: US
Blogs: 115
images: 4
Songs: 12
HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, who mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee! Isaiah 26:3
Through the Holidays it is easy to get caught up in activity and often because of the stress of it all, we lose our peace and begin to suffer strife, that's because we need to just slow down a...nd stop to take time to remember God and set our mind of him, even though it may seem that we don't have time, if we don't take time we will lose our peace. Today, when we give thanks to God, take a little time to slow down and set your mind on the love that is from above, his kingdom, and others around you. Forget for a momenet about black Friday, shopping for Christmas, and work. Give thanks to God and to someone right next to you. Thank them for their life and for being in yours!!! God bless you all
Through the Holidays it is easy to get caught up in activity and often because of the stress of it all, we lose our peace and begin to suffer strife, that's because we need to just slow down a...nd stop to take time to remember God and set our mind of him, even though it may seem that we don't have time, if we don't take time we will lose our peace. Today, when we give thanks to God, take a little time to slow down and set your mind on the love that is from above, his kingdom, and others around you. Forget for a momenet about black Friday, shopping for Christmas, and work. Give thanks to God and to someone right next to you. Thank them for their life and for being in yours!!! God bless you all