I love Jesus Christ and his children!!!
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Souls For Christ Ministries Daily Devotion
May 31
"No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon." Mathew 6:24
Our challenge today!
Many people find it difficult to commit to God because of the things they will have to give up. They may have to quit doing certain things that they like if they are to be true followers of Christ. The bad thing about this is not that they will have to deny themselves something that they might like, but instead, if they do not deny themselves these things then they are guilty of serving God's enemy. You cannot have it both ways. Jesus is the way, straight is his way, and narrow is his path and few there be that find it.
Are you straddling the fence today? Deny yourself those pleasures that oppose God.
"No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon." Mathew 6:24
Our challenge today!
Many people find it difficult to commit to God because of the things they will have to give up. They may have to quit doing certain things that they like if they are to be true followers of Christ. The bad thing about this is not that they will have to deny themselves something that they might like, but instead, if they do not deny themselves these things then they are guilty of serving God's enemy. You cannot have it both ways. Jesus is the way, straight is his way, and narrow is his path and few there be that find it.
Are you straddling the fence today? Deny yourself those pleasures that oppose God.
This is something many Christians, especially prosperity preachers (and those who follow them), really need to take to heart.
I think this is something that everyone needs to take to heart, to help us fight against the demands of our flesh and the temptations from Satan, seeking God always to help us do this.