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Christian Artist Spotlight: Katelyn McCarter
Todays interview is with the very talented and kind, Katelyn McCarter the franchise of the Dreamin Out Loud Entertainment record label. I recently reviewed her single, Free From Me available on Amazon!
Katelyn has an album coming out soon, shes currently in the song selection stage, at the time of this writing, I believe. As you can see from my review, I really believe in this artist. Shes too talented for words and has the backing of some great people especially the owner of Dreamin Out Loud Entertainment, Arthur Payne. I will have an interview with him coming up soon as well: hell talk about how to start a record label, strategies for your label and a lot more! So, dont forget to subscribe to get that and lots more Christian music news, interviews, and reviews by e-mail!
Tyde Moore: "Hi Katelyn, thanks for doing this interview. It's a pleasure to meet you, I loved your single 'Free From Me.' The first question is, how did you find Dreamin' Out Loud Entertainment, the record label your with? Someone of your talent must've had tons of offers, a lot of which were scams... how did you know Dreamin' Out Loud Entertainment was the right choice? Also, you recently got a deal to record with Creative Soul/Word Records... how did this come about and what does this mean for your career? Congratulations, by the way!"
Katelyn: "Thanks for allowing me to do this interview with you David, I am happy you liked my single! The label, Dreamin' Out Loud Entertainment found me through the music website REVERBNATION. Through that website, I had my personal website( www.katelynmccarter.com ) , my facebook fan page, some YouTube videos and my single on there. They were interested with me so they sent me an e-mail. I responded back and the rest is history! How I knew they were the right choice is that I prayed about a Christian record label for the longest time and when I finally got an e-mail from them saying they were interested, I knew God answered my prayers. My biggest dream has come true and I work with amazing, Christian people.The label owner, Arthur Payne, has worked so hard and I know that working with Creative Soul/Word Records is going to be the most amazing experience not only for me but for everyone. I know that God has huge plans for all of us and I have EXTREME faith that he will take me anywhere I go, it is only in his time!"
Tyde Moore: "No, thank you Katelyn... I'm honored to be interviewing you, I believe you'll do great things! That's amazing, you just trusted God that this record label was the right one? Awesome, so glad it worked out! You've been doing this since you were 8, so obviously you're very talented... but your first single was produced by Jim Cooper of the legendary Petra. How does that happen? How cool was that experience? Also, tell us a little about this single 'Free From Me'... who wrote it, why did you choose this song, what is it's meaning to you? I can certainly relate to it myself."
Katelyn: Yes! Trusting God with everything especially this record label decision was huge for me. As humans, we want full control of everything but when we let go, amazing things start to happen! Meeting and recording with Jim was such a privilege and blessing. The song was also produced with Jim's partner, Tommy Collier who wrote and produced pop star Katy Perry when she was a Christian artist. It was an amazing experience to work with such talent! I was hooked up with Jim through a company I was under in New York City. They helped me with finding the best photographers, web designers, write ups, advertisement etc. Jim showed me this song and I immediately wanted to do it. It was very touching and I knew I could really bring this song to life!
Tyde Moore: Wow, and you certainly did bring that song to life! It sounds like God has really blessed you. I read your biography and youve been blessed to win many competitions, you were even Prom Queen. Im jealous; I want to be Prom Queen I mean King! I meant Prom King, but lets move on. Dont take this the wrong way; Im going to ask you a question that many might ask after reading the bio. Theres a lot of success in your story, and thats great, Im happy for you... but have you ever been through any heartache? Is there anything in your past that people could relate to? Like challenges, heartache, struggle, etc?
Katelyn: As servants of God, we all go through heartaches, struggles and challenges. The most challenging part of my life was getting through the music department at Virginia Commonwealth University. At this school, the core for vocal students was classically driven and the singing style was operatic. Clearly this was NOT how I wanted to sing or ever intended to sing but I knew in my heart it was for a good training purpose. I studied piano and voice since I was eight so I was thinking I would be okay in this music program, well, I thought WRONG!! I had to study German, Italian and French diction for singing purposes and I wasn't able to sing how I wanted to. I wanted to sing like I did in church or when I did music gigs. At this school, I had to train myself daily to make my voice do something different. I would spend hours in practice rooms trying to perfect the opera style. I remember praying to God daily, " Why am I going through all this hard time? I don't even like this style of singing!" I remember practicing late in tears trying to make it and He would answer me with saying, " Keep on this track, just keep going Katelyn." So I did. It was the most rewarding day of my life when I graduated from VCU! It was definitely the most challenging hard thing I ever went through, but I made it and I never gave up.
Tyde Moore: Thats amazing and Im sure youll have many more accomplishments to come, but itll all be due in part, to that accomplishment and the hard work you put into that. Youve put a lot into your music career, more than a lot of people, since youve been doing it since you were eight. Have you ever felt like youve missed out on other things in life? Like when you were a teenager, did you have to give up your social life with friends to practice and compete?
Katelyn: Thank you so much David! Well, to be honest, yes I have missed out on some things in life but I wouldn't trade those times for anything else. I think being committed to practicing and becoming better made me a stronger person. When I was a child, I remember having to be forced to practice piano and singing because I really wanted to play with friends instead! I learned how to manage my time wisely and still getting all the things I needed to get done along with having a social life.
Tyde Moore: I just want to say, I really love your attitude! You have no complaints, and that says a lot about you a lot of good things! I think that other Christian artists can look you and know why youre going places: You have the faith in God, the hard work and dedication, and youre very positive. Im finding out more and more that those three things can get you far in this industry. I always ask this, because you can never get too many answers to this next question: Do you have any advice for other Christian artists just starting out?
Katelyn: Thank you David! I enjoyed doing this interview with you and I just want to thank you for taking the time to interview me!
My advice for artists in general and Christian artist just starting out would be just keep going! This is a very competitive industry and if you want it and it is God's will for your life, you will get it!! He is a faithful God and we must rely and trust him completely. If this is the life you are destined for, it is definitely worth the wait! It is all God's timing, and we just have to be patient because his timing is ALWAYS PERFECT!
Psalm 84:12- O LORD Almighty, blessed is the man who trusts in you.
Tyde Moore: Thank you for that advice Tell us a little about your upcoming album. Last I heard you were looking for some songs to put on it, have you found any that you can tell us about?
Katelyn: Well I am still going through songs and picking out the ones that are right for me! It is an exciting but kind of hard process! I still have a lot to do until we start recording but I am looking forward to my album!
Tyde Moore: Well, God bless that endeavor I hope you find the perfect songs. I read that you werent just trained musically, but in dance as well. You were even a dance instructor for a few years. Do you still do any dance instructing? Also, there are some faiths that are against dancing it makes no sense to me, but explain to these people, how can you praise God through dancing? Also, why is dance important to you? Since were on the subject, I might as well ask this too: do you see yourself in the future, doing any music videos with you dancing in them? Any dancing at live concerts, etc?
Katelyn: Well, I have danced since I was two years old and it is a huge part of my life! I have always loved to dance and just be around music in any sort of way. My mom said that while she was pregnant with me, she would play music and I would actually start moving really fast and dance around! She would have to turn the music off to get me to stop moving so much! Dance is definitely a way to show God praise. There are many verses in the bible proclaiming that dancing is a way to show God our praise. Psalm 149:3 - Let them praise his name with dancing, making melody to him with tambourine and lyre!
I have done dancing in live praise and worship concerts and I will always have dancing! I think that praising God is so much more than just singing. It is from our "whole" being and we should not be trapped in a mindset that it is not allowed. Dancing is just another form of how I can give praise to the Lord.
As for music videos, I am absolutely going to be dancing and have dancers!
Tyde Moore: I was hoping youd say something like that. Great answer! I think we have a lot of great information here about you; keep us updated about whats happening with you. Also, before we wrap this up Is there anything youd like to share with our readers that you havent had a chance to share yet? Also, please give us your website address and any social media profiles you want to share. Thank you for taking the time to do this interview, it was an honor and a privilege, I look forward to hearing a lot of great things from you! May God bless you and may you shine His love brightly throughout your career and life!
Katelyn: Thank you David and thank you for allowing me to do this interview with you! I will definitely keep you updated on my cd release and of any shows coming up in the future!
One last thing I could say would be to follow your dreams and always rely on God for the right answers. He is always faithful!
Here is my website http://www.katelynmccarter.com
Facebook fan page - http://www.facebook.com/KatelynMcCarter.Fanpage?ref=tn_tnmn
Twitter - https://twitter.com/KatelynMcCarter
My Blog - http://katelynmccartermusic.wordpress.com/
God Bless!