

Hello, I am Donna Hise, MBA; owner of 'donnasmusicqk' and Gospel Artist  deejaniccaG. I studied Classical Voice and Piano at Indiana University. I received the Bachelor of Arts Organizational Management with Concentration in Music in March of 2008 and the Master of Arts Organizational Management with Concentration in Music from Ashford University January 2010 and my second Masters, the Master of Business Administration (MBA) focused on Strategy and Innovation from from Capella University January 2015, Doctorate of Philosophy (PhD.) studies NorthCentral University Online (NCU) 2015-2017. I My inspiration is God. My favorite scripture is John 8:58 KJV "Jesus said unto them, Verily Verily I say unto you, Before Abraham was I am." God blessed me to have my video "I Surrender all" featured at BET Sunday Best Seasons 2 and 3 (2008-2009) and to audition live at the Chicago Regency. My company started around 2006 and was still beginning its developement.  It was humbling. I sang "For Every Mountain", however my Ashford University Baccalaureate of Organizational Management with Concentration in Music studies  prevented further travel with Sunday Best. How can I express the joy and the amazing experience? I say Thank you to my Savior Lord Jesus. I praise you. I began donnasmusicqk unofficially as a personal website around 2001for family and friends at home while I studied for the Bachelor of Arts Music on the campus of Indiana University South Bend. My parents have since passed away (2003 and 2006) though I wish they could have been with me to see how much the Lord has blessed me. I know my Heavenly Father holds them close in his divine power even as I write this message. Thank you. My Gospel inspiration comes from Gospel Vocalist CeCe Winans whose voice is like the voice of an angel straight from heaven. She saved my soul with the sound of her voice in times of dire trouble. Her personal interviews depicted her gentle grace and beauty which exuded the grace of God. If I can do even half as much to inspire belief in God, I will have reflected the greatest of gifts. For anyone who has ever wanted to hear a kind word, for those who are lost, for those who know salvation and those who desire to be saved, to be closer to God, God is the reason for donnasmusicqk. I know he's real and he's always there. The Spirit of the Lord is Here. - deejaniccaG.(djG)


 donnasmusicqk  sites, click me !! - djG  


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Mandela Day 2013 Scripture Revival Event Video sponsored by donnasmusicqk

Category: Music
Duration: 00:07:36
The theme of The Mandela Day 2013 Scripture Revival is Ubuntu philosophy as Mr. Mandela promoted. The Revival begins at 12:00 a.m. July 23, 2013 - and continues 48 hours. The event occurs at Facebook/ donnasmusicqk and at the Mandela Day website ( We at donnasmusicqk are most pleased and honored to contribute to peace and the betterment of the world in the Ubuntu tradition of Nelson Mandela whom we do so love and admire. We most graciously implore you to be a part of the celebration of this wonderful day to honor Mr. Mandela.
Post a scripture you feel reflects the Ubuntu philosophy of collaborating communities for shared prosperity of individuals in South Africa and worldwide.
Thank you,
Donna Hise Event Sponsor


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