Forum Activity for @lewis-paul-tavenor

Lewis Paul Tavenor
08/10/09 06:08:11PM
11 posts

The Power of Prayer

Christian Teachings

Ken, I read your article on the power of prayer, its good to hear that you still have a strong personal relationship with the lord. I have been through most all of your sight and found it to be inspiring and up lifting. I have great respect for your interpretation of the scriptures. I now feel better about Christmas as long as I keep it as a Christian should. I now follow two commandments, love the Lord with all heart and soul and do unto others as you would have them do unto you. As you know, I was a seventh day Sabbath keeper as were you and followed the Old Testament dictates of clean and unclean foods. Clean and unclean foods were a burden to me as was keeping the Sabbath. I will never forget the strong stand and huge sacrifice that you made all those years ago when you became convicted that we were still under the letter of the law and you took your stand for the Sabbath. I have always marveled when thinking back to you then.My good friend and neighbor, here in Port Elgin is a hard core Jehovahs Witness and he is the only Christian that I know in town, Not that there isnt enough churches, I just havent gone out looking to member up with any congregation. Ive lived in Port Elgin for seven years and Mark, my Jehovahs Witness friend is bending over back words to get my wife and I to start attending their Kingdom hall regularly. We attended a couple of times and nether one of us got anything out of it. Still mark wants us to come more often, I would like to be involved with some bible believing spirit lead church that has a good Bible study group. Some pot luck dinners would be nice to.I guess I am going to have to start to go to a few church services and see if one of them feels right. Back to the topic at hand, I prayed that the Lord would lead me to some one that would invite me to a service but the only one so far is mark and there is just too much that I personally dont agree with.There door to door ministry for one and there complete avoidance of Christmas, Easter and birthdays. I cant imagine not buying my grand children a birthday or Christmas gift; I believe you said that it is only considered customary, not religious. I am comfortable with that. As for their door to door ministry, Well, I consider myself to be a student not a teacher. That in my opinion is a high calling and one must be well versed in his beliefs and convections. I cant think of one Christian denomination that I agree entirelyWith all their teachings and all of them have truth of some degree because they are Christians. I suppose then, it really doesnt matter as long as I enjoy the service and fellowship. So! Maybe Ill pick the one that is within walking distance to my home. Thank you for letting me speak my mind on this open Christian forum.May the Lord bless you and keep you my friend.