Gary W Weldon Sr


I am just a humble servant of my Lord. He alone has chosen to gift me with many talents, So I might give Honor & Glory to him . With the guidance of the Holy Spirit I pour my heart out in song. I have completed 3 albums to date and am currently working on apx 40 more songs. I produce the last album " I am here but not alone" apx 95% by myself, I played all instruments, vocals, songwriting, recording, editing, mastering ect I just pray that my songs inspire, uplift,and encourge others in their walk , seeking their fullfillment of God


Location: Millville, NJ
Zipcode: 08332
Country: US


Playlists: 1
Blogs: 1
images: 1
Songs: 25

Profile Tag Cloud:



album: Its all about you
genre: CCM
streams: 105

T. Roy Taylor
09/03/21 03:30:08AM @t-roy-taylor:

     "Everytime" by Gary W. Weldon Sr. hit #1 on our Top 20 chart for August 2021! Gary is on

      "T. Roy Taylor's Artist of the Month" for August 2021 where he can download his award

by going to my Pages tab and clicking on it.

T. Roy Taylor
04/11/21 04:38:54AM @t-roy-taylor:

"Everytime" by Gary W Weldon Sr. climbs to #5 for April 2021 and is a laid-back country rock song that praises our Lord and this is the type song you never get tired of listening to! Great job brother!

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