George Wells


Just had my 52 anniversary of songwriting. It has been quite a journey. Met a lot of people, made a lot of friends. Been in the studio with a lot of folks. Had songs recorded by, Charlie Walker, Aaron Wilburn, The Regents, The Kingsmen and Randy Duck.



Location: Huntsville, AL
Zipcode: 35803
Country: US


Playlists: 1
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youtubes: 3
Songs: 13

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album: Little League In Heaven
genre: Southern Gospel
streams: 45
audio file: mp3, 3.6MB, 00:03:55
George Wells
12/10/14 09:19:36AM @george-wells:

In my long career in songwriting (52 years) most of my good phone calls have come from out of the blue.  That phone call from Wayne Lawlor in 1984 was no different.  Wayne, owner of  Mission Records, in Nashville, Tennessee asked for a copy of  Little League in Heaven.  My long time friend and co-writer, Billy Stone and I had written the song in 1973.  Wayne said that back in 1981, while driving around in the northern part of our country, he had heard the song, Little League in Heaven.  Wayne thought the song had a good story and that if he ever had the opportunity to use the song he would.

In April of 1984 Charlie came to Huntsville, AL to promote his newest recordings at our release luncheonheld at the Ramada Inn songs.  About twenty five media people attended the luncheon.  including newspaper writers, tv personnel and radio disc jockeys.   Charlie promised, my co-writer, Billy Stone and I that when he sang the songs on the Grand Ole Opery he would invite both of us to Nashville.  For some reason this never happened with Charlie.  I never learned what came up, but I surmised that some difficulties arose and very little promotion efforts were done.  I am now learning that most people are unaware that Charlie had ever recorded these songs.  That is why  I refer to these records as both the "last" and the "lost" recordings of the late and great Charlie Walker

Charlie died, September 12, 2008, of colon cancer.  He was 81 years of age.  Charlie was survived by his wife, Connie, 10 children and 15 grandchildren.  When I hear Charlie sing the last line in Little League In Heaven, "Lead me on Lord, lead me on to my seat in Heavens grandstand."  I know that  God lead Charlie to his seat in Heaven's Grandstand

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