George Wells


Just had my 52 anniversary of songwriting. It has been quite a journey. Met a lot of people, made a lot of friends. Been in the studio with a lot of folks. Had songs recorded by, Charlie Walker, Aaron Wilburn, The Regents, The Kingsmen and Randy Duck.



Location: Huntsville, AL
Zipcode: 35803
Country: US


Playlists: 1
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Songs: 13

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genre: Boogie Woogie
streams: 31
audio file: mp3, 7.7MB, 00:04:11
George Wells
12/10/14 09:22:50AM @george-wells:

When I learned in 2009 that I had two cancers, my mind went back to a song I had written almost 25 years ago, The Higher The Mountain.  The message that God does test our faith, seemed to fit my situation very well.  And when our mountain is about as high as we want to go, God gives us a mountain of love that is even higher.  And what a wonderful view from His mountain of love.  In early 2013, both cancers were no longer a threat to me.  In September of 2014, the stomach cancer had returned.  I am currently undergoing treatments. 

I decided that I needed to have the song recorded and let everyone hear the message of faith, hope and strength.  Most of us are on a mountain with problems of some kind. 

The climb can be lonely and frightening.  But as long as we remember that God is with us step by step as we climb that mountain, we can face that mountain without fear.  God will give us the strength to keep climbing.

I wanted someone to sing our song who had a wonderful voice, and that person must be a man of unquestionable faith.    And who better than my long time friend Randy Duck, a real prayer warrior, to sing lead on the song.  Randy has been singing and writing for more than 40 years.  To me he is Randy The Rock, because of his strong commitment to his lord and savior Jesus Christ.  An unbelievable amount of Randy’s time is given to his church and his Christian friends. 

I then contracted with The Singing Ambassadors to provide the back up for us. The Singing Ambassadors, of Fayetteville, TN have been singing for more than 23 years and have long been recognized as one of the premier quartets in gospel music.  Shannon Burns, Eric Sinclair, Keith Hood and Sid Presley are real professions when it comes to music.  What a wonderful blend they have.

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