

i am imran christian from pakistan and also servant of God


Location: Faisalabad, Punjab
Country: PK


Blogs: 323

Prayer for the day

user image 2011-10-03
By: imran_arshad
Posted in:
Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for Your wonderful promise of peace and comfort when I need it. You have lifted sorrow from me many times in my life. I am truly grateful, as I would not have been able to bear it without the strength and comfort of the Holy Spirit. May I be sensitive to those who are hurting, and reach out and bring that same comfort to them. I am thankful that we shall see all of our loved ones in Christ once again, when we all get to heaven. How wonderful it is to have the hope that is ours as Your children. Blessed be Your name! I pray in Jesus' name. Amen.


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