Country: PK
Dear Father in Heaven, I come to you in the name of Jesus.' Thank you Lord, for so many wonderful promises in Your Word.' I come to you humbly, and ask that you remove any prideful attitudes in my heart and life. I truly want to follow in Your ways and serve You. Help me to trust you when things are going wrong, as much as when things are going right.' I realize to walk in faith, that I must believe that You will help me with my current problems even though I do not see a way at this time.' You will make a way, as You have never failed anyone who comes to You in faith. Thank you for good health, mentally and physically.' I am so glad my name is written in the Book of Life. Use me to help others find the way to heaven. Thank you, Jesus.' Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father,' Thank you for taking care of my needs today. Help me to always be faithful to give to Your work monetarily. ' Lord, help me also to be faithful to pray for those who are laboring in the work of getting the gospel out. Show me the places you want me to give. I know we are to support our local churches, but help me also to give to missions and Christian projects that are laboring to help people know you.' Lord, I know as I reach out and give,' your promise is to bless me back. Thank You for monetary blessings, so that not only will my needs be met, but I will have an abundance to helps others in need. Help me to be generous in every good work, even as it was spoken of You, that You went about doing good. Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father,' I do thank You for all the times that You have corrected me. Please do not quit even if I cry about my situation at times.' I thank You that You love me enough to correct me and not allow me to continue in the wrong way.' I am sorry that I sometimes complain of my trials. ' I want to rise above complaining and learn to trust You more.' Help to overcome the fears and doubts that I feel when I am facing trouble. Lord, I want to come to the place when I am facing a test, that I will see the BIGNESS OF GOD and not the bigness of my problem.' I know that you love me and care for me, so give me patience, grace, strength and Your wisdom to overcome all things that the enemy brings against me. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
Dear Father, I am thankful for all you have done for me.' I do appreciate the peace, love and joy that you have given me.' Lord, money cannot buy these things.' They come as virtues when we are "born again." Help me to walk in the Spirit Lord, so that these fruits may grow daily. ' I want to be more like you in all of my ways.' I do seek Your wisdom as I need your guidance and understanding in the affairs of my life.' Strengthen me as I daily face challenges and circumstances that only You can give me the grace to bear and overcome.' Thank you that the scripture says, when I am weak, You are strong.' I claim your strength today.' In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
Dearest Father, I am grateful that you are a God of order and of wisdom. Show me Your order in my every day affairs.' I need my life and my ways ordered of You.' Lord, I live in a time where there is so much busyness and hurry-hurry, let me not get caught up in the rush of our society.' Slow me down, and show me my priorities.' Let me do the things that are important to You.' Let me not leave the important things of prayer and the study of Your Word undone. Forgive me when I neglect these things, because I have run out of time and strength that was given to less important things. I know if I put the things of God first, then I will have time for all the really important things in my life. Help me work on "being" like You, instead of just busy "doing" things for you. I do ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Dear Father in Heaven, I am so grateful to be Your child and I thank you for your wonderful promises to me. Thank you for the encouraging Words found in the Bible.' I do want to walk in Your wisdom.' Open my understanding to Your Words and then give me the grace to obey them.' Help me to be able to cast all my cares upon you, when I am tempted to worry or fret over my problems. I do appreciate being able to lie down and have a restful night's sleep. Thank you also for soundness of mind and body.' Help me to share with others this day about Your goodness. I ask in Jesus' name. Amen.
Dear Lord, I come to you in the name of Jesus. ' You know that at times I do experience fear.' I am so glad I can come to you and when I pray, You remove that fear and give me the faith and confidence that I need to trust You.' Help me to trust You more.' Thank you that Your angels are watching over me and my loved ones.' I am sure when I get to heaven I will be amazed at the many things that You protected me from in this life. Lord, have mercy on the lost and give them opportunity to come to You and be spared from the awful judgments in this world. Use me to share Your love with those around me that do not know You. Thank you, Lord, for the opportunities to witness to the lost. Give me the right words to speak to them and prepare their hearts to receive them.' Amen.
Dear Father, Thank for the book of Proverbs. ' There is so much good advice in this book'' Help me to take it to heart and apply it to my life.' I see there is much is this book about relationships. ' Lord, I know if I am to be in a right relationship with You, I must be in a right relationship with my family, friends and neighbors.' Help me to be a good neighbor. Help me also be sensitive to the needs of others. Help me guard my mouth and forgive me, as I have at times, spoken unkindly about others. Lord, help me to be a generous giver and to have your discernment in my giving.' I ask you to empower me with Your Holy Spirit so that I might be loving in all my ways and truly love my neighbor as myself. In Jesus name, Amen.