Country: PK
Dear Heavenly Father, I do appreciate Your counsel and guidance every day. Thank you for Your love and watchcare over me and my family. Lord, I desire Your true riches above all other things in this world. I ask that You strengthen me so that I might obey You in all things. I do want Your righteousness first and foremost in my life. Cleanse me of the things that would prevent me from receiving all that You desire to do in my life. Lord, help me to be as bold and courageous as David was when I am up against the enemy's attacks. I know that through the power of the Holy Spirit, I can do all things by the strength that Christ supplies. Lord, I declare I will not be robbed of anything that You have entrusted to my care. Give me the grace to prevail over the enemy when he attempts to rob me. I ask this in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, I do thank You for the encouragement that You bring, when at times, I am tempted to become discouraged in certain situations. I am greatly encouraged when You do answer my prayers. You truly are a faithful God that hears and answers our prayers. I am amazed at times, when I have totally forgotten a prayer that I prayed years ago and suddenly it comes to pass. Lord, encourage my brothers and sisters in the Lord, and answer their prayers that have been prayed according to Your will. Send hope to those who need it and give them faith to believe You for their answers. Help me to respond to those who disagree with me in the manner that You would have me to respond. Fill me with Your love, and empower me with Your Holy Spirit to do Your will in every situation. I ask this in the name of the Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, I do thank You that You have given us Your Word and wisdom. Help us to walk in Your ways so that we will avoid the traps of the enemy. Lord, I am thankful that by following Your commandments You have prevented the devil from harming me. I do ask for Your protection over all of Your children. Lord, help me today to walk in love and be a good witness to all that I come in contact with. Help me to be sensitive to Your Spirit and respond to the things You ask me to do. Give me the courage and strength to do all that You ask of me. I ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, I am thankful for Your love and the opportunity to serve You. I truly want to leave my children and grandchildren a godly inheritance. I pray that they each will be guided by You and that they remain in the will of God. May they all serve and follow You. Protect them each, and keep them from evil. Lord, filter out the humanism of this world so it does not enter into their thinking patterns; may they be influenced by godly thinking instead. Lord, may Your Words be spread to the poor around the world so they might be set free from all bondage and come into the knowledge of the Lord. Lord, use all of us who are Christians to reach out to the impoverished and hurting and share with them the ways of God. I ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You for the joy that You have given me. I do not want to take the fruit of the Holy Spirit for granted. I am blessed to experience Your love, joy and peace, especially in the middle of my trials. Truly You give us peace that passes all understanding. Father, give me a continued love for Your Word and a desire to study it faithfully. I also need the grace to apply it in my daily life. Help all of Your people to esteem Your Word and honor You by keeping it. May we all declare as David did in Psalm 119:11, "Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee." I ask in the name of the Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for Your wisdom and guidance each day. It is so exciting to walk in Your ways. I do appreciate the unexpected blessings You bring my way each day. Thank You for the wonderful people You have brought in my life. Lord, give me the discernment to recognize those things that are not of you. Give me spiritual eyesight to see things that are of the enemy so that I might not be fooled by him. Keep me from anger and help me to know Your will so that I can follow You closely in all of my ways. Bless my family and friends and keep them from the wicked one also. I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for Your promise of protection from the enemy. Thank You for the many times that I have been spared from the evil plans of the devil. I do appreciate Your angels watching over me and my loved ones. I am grateful that no weapon formed against me prospers. Lord, I submit to You, knowing that when I resist the enemy, he must flee from me. Thank You for answering me when I am in trouble and showing me the way out and how to overcome every problem that I face. Lord, help all of Your people to know the promise of Your power to keep us from harm. Strengthen our faith to trust You in all of our ways. Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for Your many promises of blessings. I am thankful that You are my refuge and I can run to You when I am in trouble. I am also grateful that You keep me from the traps of the devil. Lord, I do love You, and I ask that You cleanse my heart from any thing that is not like You. Strengthen me to walk worthy before You and my fellow men. Lord, restore the "fear of the Lord" to Your people today. Lord, forgive us when, in certain areas, we have become too casual about the things of God. Instill in us, Your people, a reverential fear of Your Holy Name and Word. I ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.