Country: PK
Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you that You called me to be Your servant. Lord, give me the grace to serve You well. I do thank You for Your wisdom also. Guide me daily in the things that I must do and show me my priorities. Help me to be sensitive to the needs of those around me. Lord, I am looking to You to meet all of my needs. Give me peace and confidence when I must deal with situations that are difficult for me. May I speak the truth in love and be open myself for correction when You see something in my life that needs changing. I ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for being patient with me in my trials. I have failed many of my tests the first time around, but because of Your love and mercy, I have been given another chance to overcome. Each time You have strengthened me until I have been able to overcome the devil with his temptations. Lord, I do want to be conformed into Your image. It seems so impossible, but You said that with You there is nothing impossible, so I am believing You to do the work in my life that is necessary so that I might overcome and please You. Lord, be merciful and help all of us, Your children. I ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for Your love toward me. Lord, I ask You to place in me the same kind of love you have for the lost and the poor. I pray for the lost and ask You to work in the hearts of those who are seeking for You, yet are looking in the wrong places. Father, I need a tender and understanding heart toward the poor. May I be sensitive to Your leading so that I know where I should give, so that the poor are helped in the right way. Lord, thank You for blessing me so that I can bless others. I ask this in the precious name of Jesus. Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, I am thankful for all that You have given me. Lord, forgive this generation of families that have failed one another. Restore the breaches in families and homes. Give the children a submissive spirit toward their parents and speak to them to honor their mothers and fathers. Give the fathers and mothers the love and wisdom that they need to minister to their children. Heal those relationships and restore the broken homes . Heal our land O Lord. I ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for teaching me Your Word. Help me to always obey it as I know that You bless all who adhere to Your commandments. Forgive me when I fail You, and give me the grace to forgive those who have offended and sinned against me. Lord, help me guard my mouth, and not to repeat things that are not edifying to others. Help me to be a peacemaker. Lord, may I never be guilty of taking a bribe. Lord, may all the gifts I give to others be totally given in love, with no strings attached to them. I do not want to be guilty of expecting someone to return a favor to me because I gave to them. Help us all to live as godly examples before our friends and family. I ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you so much for your mercy on me when I have made wrong choices in my life, out of my own rebellion. Thank you for giving me the eyes to see my folly and repent of it and turn back to You. Lord, I ask for the grace to continue to walk in wisdom. Help me to be humble when I am corrected, and not to think of myself more highly than I ought to. Let me hear Your words when you speak to me, through whatever means you may use. Bless all of those who are struggling right now in their lives with things that are difficult. Strengthen those who are weak today, and give them a song in their heart which will be their strength. Thank you for your forgiveness and mercy! In Jesus' mighty Name, Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, I am thankful for the wonderful ways in which You take care of me. I do appreciate Your watchcare over my family and friends. Lord, I do desire to remain humble in my dealings with others who oppose me. Give me Your grace and wisdom when I must handle controversy. May I be humble when I am tested in this way and trust You to defend me instead of getting into contention with others. Lord, bless those who are reading this today and strengthen them to do Your will. I ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for the many gifts You have given me. I do appreciate the gift of wisdom and discernment. I am grateful that You have spared me from many a heartache. Thank You also for the sound advice in the Word of God. Give me the grace and strength to always obey Your Word, as I know You know what is best for me. Bless my family and friends today and keep them from the wicked one. Thank You for Your provision for this day. Help me not to stress about tomorrow. I trust that You have all things under Your control and I believe You will take care of me and my problems. Give this same faith to others who are needing to hear from You. I ask this in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen