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Dear Father, I am thankful for all you have done for me. I do appreciate the peace, love and joy that you have given me. Lord, money cannot buy these things. They come as virtues when we are "born again." Help me to walk in the Spirit Lord, so that these fruits may grow daily. I want to be more like you in all of my ways. I do seek Your wisdom as I need your guidance and understanding in the affairs of my life. Strengthen me as I daily face challenges and circumstances that only You can give me the grace to bear and overcome. Thank you that the scripture says, when I am weak, You are strong. I claim your strength today. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
Dear Father, Thank for the book of Proverbs. There is so much good advice in this book Help me to take it to heart and apply it to my life. I see there is much is this book about relationships. Lord, I know if I am to be in a right relationship with You, I must be in a right relationship with my family, friends and neighbors. Help me to be a good neighbor. Help me also be sensitive to the needs of others. Help me guard my mouth and forgive me, as I have at times, spoken unkindly about others. Lord, help me to be a generous giver and to have your discernment in my giving. I ask you to empower me with Your Holy Spirit so that I might be loving in all my ways and truly love my neighbor as myself. In Jesus name, Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for all your wonderful gifts. I am especially thankful for the gift of discernment. Thank you, for the many times You have saved me from bad situations that I would have engaged in, if it were not for You warning me. I do thank you for spiritual eyesight. Lord, I pray today that I will always walk in Your way and will seek to avoid strife and be a peace maker. You said, "Blessed are the peace makers". I need Your blessings today so I seek to be at peace with those around me. Help me to solve my differences in a peaceful way, according to Your will. I ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Dear Father, Thank you for Your many blessings. When I really stop to count them all, there is no end to every blessing that you have given me. Every breath I take is a blessing. It is a blessing to be able to see, hear, walk and talk. You have granted me blessings in the many friends and family that I have. Thank you also, for all the physical and material blessings I have. I do appreciate them, but they are overshadowed by Your blessings of peace, love and joy that I have in my heart. Thank you, that You have redeemed me from the curse of sin and death and have given me eternal life. I am very grateful for what Jesus did for me on the cross. Lord, help me to live the Christian life before others, so that they might receive Your blessings too. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for giving us instructions in the Bible on how to have a long and good life. Lord, I know that when I pray and ask you to watch over me and my loved ones, that You hear, and You answer my prayers. You are such a wonderful Father! I am grateful for Your love and watch care. I desire to walk in the pathway of life, so Lord, I would ask that You keep me on that path. Please warn me when I am straying, so that I do not get off the straight and narrow way. I realize that I can be blinded by my own desires and ideas, that at times, look good to me, but might not be good later on. Help me to today, not to be discouraged by what seems like a delay in the answer to my prayers. I know as I continue to look to You in faith, You will prevail in my behalf. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.
Dear Father in Heaven, I am thankful for the light you have given me. Strengthen me to remain on the right path. I do pray for grace, not only to resist temptation, but to flee from it. Lord, I also pray for those that I know who are struggling right now to get free from addiction or other sins. Deliver them from evil and help them to get back on track with you. Lord, help me not to criticize them, but to be compassionate and lift them in prayer until they are free. I do forgive them for the troubles that some of them have brought to my life. I know that if I did not have your grace and mercy in my life, I could also be taken captive by the devil. Should I fall, Lord, I would want someone praying for me, so I ask that You be merciful to them, so that I might also obtain mercy when I need it. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.
Dear Father in Heaven, Thank you for giving me the power to overcome the tricks of the devil so that I will not fall into his traps. Lord, I pray for all the young men that I know, that they might be kept from the ways of harlots. Lord, I also pray for those who are trapped in the bondage of prostitution. Lord, l know that You love them and want to free them from their life of sin. Help these women today, to cry unto You for deliverance. They can be made clean by Your blood. Keep us all in Your hand and protect our children and grandchildren from the ways of the enemy. I ask in Jesus' name. Amen